Magic Love Ring

Chapter 628

Chapter 628

"I don't know where you came from to challenge younger martial brother Huang. I don't know what to say."

seeing Wu Lang so unknowable, Yin Zhengyang can't help but sneer.

Other people's faces are not good-looking. Wu Lang is too arrogant. He is far superior to you in strength, but he doesn't care about you. He also deliberately gives you a step down. You are better. Instead of going down the step, he pushes his nose on his face.

For a while, everyone regretted inviting Wu Lang to the party.

"You dare not accept my challenge"

Wu Lang stares at Song Yan with a firm attitude.

Some speechless song Yan looked at Wu Lang, then shook his head: "elder martial brother Wu, why do you move your feet to affect your mood when you talk about how good it is to drink and drink together?"

"Yes, younger martial brother Wu, it's better to sit down and drink in the bar," Bo Songming also advised.

"Younger martial brother Wu, you have a chance to challenge younger martial brother Huang at any time. Why do you choose this time? How about a toast?" murongxi also began to persuade.


Wu Lang was determined to challenge song Yan. He didn't take Bai Songming's and murongxi's words to heart at all. Instead, he felt that they were all aiming at Huang Liang, so he hated them together.

"Don't you dare to accept my challenge? Are you a coward?" Wu Lang said again, his tone becoming extremely impolite.

"Elder martial brother Wu, you are enough. You are not the opponent of elder martial brother Huang, so why do you make a fool of yourself?"

SHEN Tu Wan'er said discontentedly.

Hearing this, Wu Lang felt that his heart was suddenly hurt. He had an impulse to spit blood. He roared at the bottom of his heart. What's good about that boy? Why do younger martial sisters talk for him everywhere?

"Huang Liang, if you're a man, you'll accept my challenge"

"well, since elder martial brother Wu insists, I have to give my life to accompany the gentleman"

Song Yan has no words He shook his head.

"It's not convenient here, let's go outside." seeing song Yan finally agreed, Wu Lang couldn't help showing his joy.

"No need, it's here. If you can destroy anything in this room, I will lose." Song Yan said quietly, but there was a huge confidence in his tone.


Wu Lang gave a cold hum and came to the empty box with his knife.

Song Yan also followed, standing several meters away from each other.

To tell you the truth, he didn't really care about Wu lang. he gave in again and again, but the other side stepped on his nose and face. This kind of person is really depressing.

"Elder martial brother Wu invites" Song Yan to make a request.

Wu Lang knows that song Yan is stronger than him, and he is not polite. He pulls out the long knife with a bang, holds the handle of the knife with both hands, and cuts it out. Suddenly, a hundred foot long light of Sen Han's knife bursts out and goes straight to song Yan.


Song inkstone is easy to handle.

With only a slight sound, the seemingly powerful Sabre Qi was broken by his one point. At the same time, he stepped out step by step, using his fingers like a sword.

"Puff puff"

in a flash, Wu Lang's whole body is sealed.

With the sound of air burst, Wu Lang's body faltered back and his face was red.

It's reasonable to say that Wu Lang should stop, but he once again agitated his whole body to attack song Yan.

When they saw it, they all shook their heads in secret.

They are not on the same level at all. Wu Lang is so obsessed with fighting. His character is really bad.

Shen Tu Wan'er blushed secretly, but she didn't expect that her senior brother would become like this, which was really disappointing to her.

Seeing Wu Lang again, song Yan is a little impatient.

All of a sudden, his body was floating, and in a blink he approached Wu Lang's side.

"Bang bang bang"

his palms are like electricity. Wu Lang is clapped by him for several palms in a moment. Suddenly, the real Qi just gathered is defeated instantly. Even Dantian is sealed and can't move any more.

"Elder martial brother Wu, please"

Song Yan said to Wu Lang lightly with his fist, and turned to his seat.

Looking at the back of song Yan, Wu Lang suddenly felt a deep sense of powerlessness, especially from the strange eyes around him, which made him want to find a hole to bury a face in.

"I'm sorry, everyone, I'll take a step first"

looking at Wu Lang who left in a mess, no one asked for him to stay. The main reason is that he's really not good enough. Staying here will only make you unhappy.

At this time, Shentu Wan'er stood up awkwardly and said to song Yan and all the people, "I'm sorry, elder martial brother Wu didn't mean to spoil everyone's interest today. Wan'er is here to apologize to elder martial brother Huang and elder martial brothers and sisters"

"elder martial sister Shentu, you don't have to worry about this." Song Yan said with a smile.

"Yes, sister Shentu, it doesn't matter"

seeing song Yan's magnanimity, Shen Tu Wan'er compares it with Wu Lang and sets up a judgment at a higher level. She has a stronger worship for song Yan. However, Wu Lang is also her senior brother, so she can't stay here, so she has to say goodbye.The party went on for two hours.

After that, it was late at night.

Meng Tianyu proposed to send song Yan three people by carriage, but he refused.

They are all martial arts practitioners. They are not so expensive.

Farewell to all, song Yan three people to live in the Inn and go.

"Younger martial brother Huang, you are now famous in World War I. you can envy elder martial brother"

on the way back, Yin Zhengyang said with a smile.

Song Yan smiles and shakes his head, subconsciously looks at Gu Xie Huayu, who is walking beside him silently. At the party tonight, she seldom talks. It seems that she is not suitable for such a party.

Because the time has passed, the streets have almost no pedestrians.

Suddenly, a gust of night wind came, with a little sweet smell.

Song Yan's face suddenly changed, and he snapped, "no, elder martial sister Gu Xie, elder martial brother Yin, close your pores with your breath"

they also smelled the sweet smell. They didn't care about it at first, and their faces changed when they heard song Yan's warning.

"Ha ha boy's vigilance is good, but it's too late. You've all been poisoned by my bone etching poison"

with laughter, a man in a green robe appeared in the street ahead.

"Who are you"

Song Yan stares at each other closely.

Playing taste of green robe man: "for the sake of your dying, my emperor sends a kind heart to tell you. Remember, when you arrive at the Yanluo hall, you must tell the king that it is the famous poison emperor"

"the poison emperor"

hearing this name, Yin Zhengyang and Gu Xie Huayu both face a sudden change.

"I have no enemies with you, why do you want to poison me?" Song Yan asked again.

"It's natural that someone will pay for your life," said the emperor.

At this time, a layer of black gas appeared on the face of song Yansan. Obviously, the poison called bone etching has begun to attack.

Song Yanyu pleads: "since you are here for me, they are both innocent. Can you remove the poison from them?"

Yin Zhengyang and Gu Xie Huayu are deeply moved by their words. josei

The poisonous emperor laughed: "ha ha, our emperor has never been able to poison, not detoxify. Although these two people are wronged, who told them to be with you"

"since they can't detoxify, you should die"


the sword suddenly came out of its sheath and cut off to the poisonous emperor.

: sanguine

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