Magic Love Ring

Chapter 631

Chapter 631

Recommended reading: "on the way back, Yin Zhengyang hesitated and said:" younger martial brother Huang, it's unwise for you to find out about it from aoren. If the poisonous emperor comes to assassinate you this time, it's really arranged by them. After you find out, they will quickly eliminate the evidence. "

Song Yan smiled: "elder martial brother Yin, do you think I want to investigate this matter with the emperor of the sea"

"isn't it" Yin Zhengyang has some doubts.

Song Yan shakes his head: "of course, it's not for you to think about it. This is the territory of the Haihuang sect. Even if the poisonous emperor is really ordered by them, we can't help them. What's more, after tomorrow, we will leave for Shengwu college. I'll find out that it's just to knock the mountain out and shake the tiger, so that they don't engage in any moths in private"

hearing song Yan's explanation, Yin Yan Zhengyang was greatly admired and said with a smile: "it seems that younger martial brother Huang is not only gifted in martial arts, but also outstanding in wisdom and planning."

"Elder martial brother Yin is flattered. Some of his cleverness is beyond the table."

Gu Xie Huayu, who was walking on one side, let song Yan and his wife talk, but she still didn't say a word. However, there were some unknown changes in her eyes.

After returning to the inn, song Yan and Yin Zhengyang reported the assassination to elder Hu and elder Wang.

The second old man was angry and frightened.

Angry that song Yan was assassinated, surprised that song Yan could kill the poison emperor.

This made them realize that Huang Liang is even more outstanding and evil than they thought. With him, qingweimen will rise up to be the top faction of the human race. Therefore, they report to the clan in the original through flying pigeons and go to aofu to find out.

It's just a matter of seeking opinions that is doomed to have no result.

However, they had to go. If they didn't show the attitude of the micro gate in Ming and Qing Dynasties, they would really think that the micro gate in Qing Dynasty was weak and deceptive.

On the other hand, song Yan's fight against the emperor of poison spread rapidly among the major gates in the city of Haihuang under the propaganda of Bai Songming, Murong Xi, Meng Tianyu, etc.

Even, many clans have passed this matter back to the clans through various special means.

Therefore, the name Huang Liang first appeared on the desks at the top of the major doors.

So, on the second day.

The inn where song Yan lived was almost broken by visitors.

In order to ensure the safety of song inkstone and prevent the Hai Huang sect from poisoning him again, elder Hu specially sent Sikong Mu to guard him closely.

Sikong Mu is one of the most outstanding core disciples. He has reached the later stage of the master's cultivation. He will definitely be able to step into the master's position, or even inherit the master's position.

When Sikong Mu came to protect song inkstone, we can see how much the clan attached importance to him.

The sword Pavilion is in the temporary residence of haihuangcheng.

Hearing that Huang Liang actually killed a master, Wu Lang was not good. After he was defeated by song Yan yesterday, he planned to study martial arts and find the arena. But after hearing this news, his confidence in finding the arena was shaken.

Huang Liang was able to kill the master at the beginning of the eight times of refining Qi. How powerful he would be when he reached the nine times of refining Qi or became the master.

Of course, Wu Lang is desperate, but Shen Tu Wan'er, who worships song yanxinsheng, is very happy. She dressed up seriously and hurriedly took the healing medicine to the inn where song Yan lived. In her opinion, although song Yan killed the poison emperor, she should also be hurt, so she would take the healing medicine.

Unexpectedly, when she arrived at the inn, she found that there were so many people who wanted to see song Yan. I'm afraid she had to wait for her turn.

Song Yan can't help rubbing the cheek of two disciples from the tiger king's gate. In fact, he doesn't want to take care of these people who follow the trend. However, his third task is to lead the people to defeat the demons.

If he behaves too inhumane, there will be a lot of troubles when integrating the forces of the human race in the future, so he will patiently receive these guys.

"Sister Shan, please invite the next guest to come in"

Song Yan is the only quiet way for Jing Li to act as "servant girl" in the room.

Elder Hu and elder Wang also agreed with the younger generation who made friends with other clans.

Therefore, Shan Jing, a disciple from the outside world, was sent to serve as the person carrying tea and water.

In the outer door, Shan Jing is the president of the daughter's Association, and also the top ones in the outer door.

But now she has been completely convinced by song Yan. She doesn't think it's cheap to bring tea and water. Instead, she's very happy. As long as she makes friends with Huang Liang and waits for him to be superior, her benefits are indispensable.

You should know that even the core disciples have served as his bodyguard, and it's nothing for her to serve as a servant girl as an external disciple.

"Senior brother Huang, we have a meeting."

At the sight of song Yan, Shen Tu Wan'er showed a very happy expression.

"It's sister Shentu. Please take a seat." Song Yan said with a smile.

"Thank you, senior brother Huang."

Shen Tu Wan'er answers shyly and sits down beside song Yan. Next, Shen Tu Wan'er mentions song Yan's injury and presents healing medicine to him.He got a lot of presents today, at least half a room.

"Thank you, younger martial sister Shentu, for your concern, but I'm not hurt, so take this medicine back."

"Ah, it's so nice that senior brother Huang didn't get hurt, but you'd better keep this medicine. You need it later.

”When he heard the other side's words, song Yan could not laugh or cry. However, he also saw that Shen Tu Wan'er was kind, so he took the healing medicine she brought, and gave him a five grade broken rank pill as a gift.

After seeing Shen Tu Wan'er off, Bai Songming, mu Rongxi, Meng Tianyu and others met last night.

Their attitudes were several times more enthusiastic than they were yesterday, and they all brought extremely valuable gifts.

But there are so many people to see today.

So song Yan didn't talk with them much.

From the morning to the evening, song inkstone finally had a chance to breathe. It was too hard to receive guests, which was more tiring than when she was trained by master.

Of course, the harvest is also huge. First of all, the gifts received can almost pile up in the next room. Second, he has a preliminary understanding with the young disciples of the seventy-eight or ten clans of the people.

Just then.

Elder Hu and elder Wang came together.

Song Yan quickly bent to salute.

After a few simple concerns about song Yan, elder Hu raised the matter: "Huang Liang, the headmaster has replied, and the headmaster is very satisfied with your performance, and let us tell you that when you reach the master, you will be directly promoted to be the core disciple of our qingweimen"

"thank you for your cultivation"

Song Yan's heart is happy, and he is in a hurry to thank you. josei

"Well, tomorrow you will set out for the holy martial arts college in front of you. You must be careful along the way. By the way, this is the ancient jade amulet sent by the headmaster."

Speaking, elder Hu took out a brocade box and handed it to song Yan.

Song inkstone opens, there are three green jade talismans the size of palm in it.

Elder Hu's voice rang again in his ear: "one of these three jade talismans is a defensive talisman. Once activated, it can resist the attack of the great master. The other two are all attack jade talismans. If activated, you can kill any martial arts below the great master. These three talismans are extremely precious. You must not use them until you have to."

hearing this, song Yan is awestruck and solemn He put away the jade talismans and said, "don't worry, elder Hu, I will not use these three jade talismans rashly"

"well, although the jade talismans are precious, don't be stingy when you are in danger of life. Now, the sect has decided to cultivate you vigorously. In terms of resources, you will never lose. Don't let down the expectations of the sect"

"please rest assured, elder Hu and the leader, Disciple must do his best "

: sanguine

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