Magic Love Ring

Chapter 637

Chapter 637

Time passed by gradually. Half an hour had passed since the time agreed with Gu San, but he still didn't appear by boat.

This makes everyone feel restless.

If Gu San doesn't show up, they are likely to lose the chance to join the holy martial arts college, or even to die on a desert island.

"I knew I shouldn't have let Gu San go first. He would be the best when he was eaten by the black beetle." Xueyu could not help complaining.

"Yes, this ancient three is so hateful. If I have a chance to see him, I must teach him a lesson." long sun Rou also bit the silver teeth.

"Here he is."

Song Yan suddenly stood up, knee crossed, breathing on the beach.

Hearing this, they subconsciously looked at the sea and saw a small boat coming slowly towards the beach.

Soon the boat came ashore.

Snow jade couldn't help but say to Gu Sanshu, "why did you come so late?"

Gu sanmuran didn't explain, but song Yan, who saw it, found that there was blood oozing from his right arm. Obviously, he was in danger at sea.

"Why, shouldn't you explain to us"


Xueyu abruptly pulled out his long sword, the point of which was between the three ancient throats, in a cold voice.

"OK, younger martial sister Xue, put away the sword. I don't think he did it on purpose." Song Yan said in a deep voice, and then said to Gu San: "Gu San Ge, you should be in danger at sea."

"Well, I met some flying fish." Ancient three light way.

Flying squid is one of the first level monsters in the sea demon. It is very aggressive. At the same time, it can jump to more than ten meters in the air from the sea. They are covered with spikes, and their attack means are also these spikes.

The strength of each spike is no less than that of a common arrow.

Gu San was able to escape from several flying fish and only suffered a little injury, which was also a skill.

"Well, I'll let you go this time. If I dare to have another time, I'll never let you go lightly."

Knowing that Gu San was in danger on the sea, Xueyu didn't care about him any more. She put away her long sword.

"Let's get on the boat. I don't want to stay on this island for a moment." Long sun Rou urged.

Ancient three's voice sounded: "the sea demon is more active at night. If we sail at night, we are likely to be attacked by a large number of sea demons."

Smell speech, everybody's face is one sink, subconsciously look at Song Yan, wait for him to make up his mind.

Song Yan thought for a moment and said, "in this way, we will rest here for one night and start again tomorrow morning."

"Well then"

although people are reluctant to stay here, they all agree with song Yan's decision.

No words for a night.

The next morning, after eating the food in the storage ring, we boarded the boat and set out for Holy Spirit Island.

The sky is blue and the sea is boundless.

A small boat carrying eleven people was sailing on the sea, which was extremely small.

After the first world war last night, ten young people have made great progress in their relationship with each other. It has been two hours since they talked and laughed.


suddenly, Chang sun Rou points to the front left and shouts.

The people subconsciously looked up and saw a boat like them. josei

However, at the moment, the human condition of the boat is not very good, because they are being besieged by a group of flying bayfish.

They were besieged by a huge number of flying fish, at least thousands of them. Each time, hundreds of flying fish jumped from the sea to the air, and then released their spines, attacking ten people on the ship.

Because of the limited size of the boat.

It's hard to move at all, so the ten people can only use weapons to fight against the spikes from the flying fish.

And it seems that they have been attacked by flying squid for a while. Each body is slightly injured more or less, and their faces are more tired.

"They should have met the group of flying bayonets. Even small flying bayonets have tens of thousands of them. And flying bayonets, a sea demon, are very vengeful. If they don't kill all the enemies, they won't stop"

the voice of ancient three rings.

Hearing Gu San's explanation, everyone's face turned white.

Tens of thousands of flying fish that's a horrible number.

When his mind moved, song Yan opened his perspective and looked under the sea several kilometers away. He found that there were at least 50000 flying fish under the sea around the boat.

If on the road, 20 of them work together, even if they can't beat this group of flying fish, they can still run. But in the sea, once they are entangled by them, there is a great chance that the ship will destroy people, and that group also killed many flying fish. The blood of flying fish will surely attract more sea monsters.

So song Yan told the people about the number of flying fish and the possible crisis, and then asked for their opinions and asked if they would go to save people.

Everyone is silent. If there is no danger to their lives, it's OK to save them. But if they do, they may be dragged down."Senior brother Huang, we all listen to you. If you decide to save, you will not save." Xueyu looks at Song Yandao.

"Yes, listen to younger martial brother Huang"

"take an idea, younger martial brother Huang"

all the people have said that they are willing to listen to song Yan's arrangement.

"I'm afraid we can't help them. They have found us and come to us," sighed song Yan.

Hearing this, they found that the boat was coming to them at full speed.

At the same time, the group of flying fish has found their existence, but also part of them, quickly to them.

"All the senior brothers and sisters on that ship, all the students of the holy martial arts college, please help"

a man on that ship shouted.

"These bastards"

"Damn it, isn't this forcing us to save them"

everyone is very dissatisfied with the performance of the ship.

"Don't complain, everyone. Get ready to fight," Song Yan said, adding two long swords in his hand. "Remember, it's better not to let flying bayonets have the chance to shoot spikes."

soon, thousands of flying bayonets will come around the ship.


the water keeps on ringing, and then hundreds of flying fish are seen jumping out of the sea.


with a cold hum, song Yan suddenly stabbed his sword.

"Puff puff"

the two swords burst out dozens of tiny red sword Qi at the same time. Before the flying fish released their spikes, they stabbed their heads.

"Poop poop"

the bodies of hundreds of flying sticklebacks fell into the sea. However, new flying sticklebacks flew up immediately.

"Come again"

Song Yan stabs his double swords again and kills more than 100 flying fish by the same means.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but admire him. Elder martial brother Huang's swordsmanship has reached such a delicate level.

Without the training of Oriental Tianya, song Yan's swordsmanship control could not be so brilliant. In the past, his attack means were often won by strength. Since his master's training, his swordsmanship cultivation has jumped into a new realm.

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