Magic Love Ring

Chapter 640

Chapter 640

Recommended reading:? It's quite a surprise to see song Yan kicking Yan Hongbo into the sea, but it's also a surprise. It's mainly that Yan Hongbo feels so good about himself that he wants to buy the eyes of Wang family flying squid. I really think he's a disciple of shenjianmen. Everyone will be used to him

such treasures. Don't open your mouth if he's less than 100000 Liang. >

What's more, who would be stupid to sell such treasures? That red wave rashly opened up a typical self humiliation.


a figure leaps from the sea, but his handsome face is ferocious.

"Asshole, you dare to fight me. I'll kill you"

chi Yin

the long sword comes out of its sheath and turns into a cold light straight to song Yan's chest.

"Ding Ding"

two short percussion sounds sounded. Song Yan's long sword was already in conflict with Yan Hongbo's throat. Just send it forward gently, and his life will be ended.

As for the ferocity on his face at the moment, it has disappeared and become fear. He can't imagine that he can't resist Huang Liang's two strikes with all his strength.

"If you dare to be rude to me again, I will kill you"

take back the sword. Song Yan orders Gu San to sail. He is too lazy to pay attention to Yan Hongbo and others.

Looking at Song Yan's distant figure, Yan Hongbo's face changed rapidly, and finally turned into a full of resentment: "Huang Liang, you wait for me, one day I want you to kneel on the ground and beg for mercy"

for his cruel words, the other nine people have done the same action, disdaining to curl their lips, others will be able to hang you. You What to fight with others is beyond one's ability.

"Ha ha, younger martial brother Huang, that foot you just had is so handsome, it's so relieved"

Yin Zhengyang said happily.

"Yeah, that inflamed red wave is so hateful, that kind of person is not clean up"

people all can't help laughing, because they are really happy to see inflamed red wave eating.

Five days passed in a flash.

It's nearly half the way. During this period, although we have been attacked by sea monsters several times, we are not as good as flying bayfish. In addition, song Yan, an expert on the ship, has solved the crisis in a very short time.

That evening, a group of people came to a small island to stay overnight.

After supper, several people who practiced swords all competed to ask song Yan for advice and guidance.

Because in these days, under the guidance of song Yan, their swordsmanship cultivation has made full progress, especially Yin Zhengyang, who has touched the gate of sword meaning, will surely step into the level of sword meaning in the next three years.

As for others, although they have gained, they are not as rich as Yin Zhengyang.

The next morning, everyone set out again.

Today's sea seems very calm, but by noon, the sky suddenly became overcast.

"I'm afraid there will be a big sea breeze."

The ancient three eyes show the color of worry.

After getting along with each other for several days, we all know that although Gu San was greedy for money, he was very experienced in navigation. Generally, he guessed that he would be involved in all kinds of storms.

Song Yan took out the route map and looked at it and said, "there is an island 200 nautical miles away. Let's go there for shelter. Let's row together and try to get there early."

Hearing this, everyone agreed, but Gu San's face was quite solemn: "Mr. Huang, this matter is quite inappropriate"

"why" Song Yan looked at him and found that Gu San's eyes were slightly frightened.

"That island can't go," Gushan said.

"Why can't you go?" asked Chang sunrou.

Gu San shakes his head: "in a word, it's dangerous not to go there."

"No matter how dangerous it is, it's safer than encountering a large sea breeze," snow jade cut in. josei

If we just went out to sea, these tianzhizi would not take the sea waves as one thing, but after several days of experience, they found that compared with the sea waves, they are really small.

"Please don't ask, the island is very dangerous anyway. Even if the martial artists of the patriarchal division go there, there will be no life or death." Gu San shook his head and still refused to explain the reason.

Everyone is very dissatisfied with this.

"Well, since the third elder brother Gu is unwilling to say, let's not force him. There is an island in the East. Although we have deviated from the route, we still have plenty of time left. There should be no problem."

Song Yan made a final decision. Everyone picked up their oars and rowed to the island in the East.

It's a pity that people are not as good as the sky. Only when they travel more than 50 nautical miles to the East, a huge sea breeze blows from the East.

The roaring sea wind and the rolling waves will not work if you want to sail against the wind. The best way is to follow the wind.

If it was a common boat, it would have capsized in such strong wind and waves, but the people on board were all self-cultivation, and they released real air pressure to live in the boat, and then stabilized the boat in the wind for more than one hour.The sea breeze and the huge waves finally subsided, and all the people relaxed. Their faces were tired, but their faces were full of happiness.

"Hey, look, there is an island"

suddenly, Chang sunrou points to an island in the fog in front and shouts.

The island is so large that its area can't be estimated at a glance.

And the whole island is shrouded in layers of fog, hazy and mysterious.

But Gu San's face suddenly turned white when he saw the island.

"Otherwise, let's go to the island to have a rest"

it is suggested that in the past more than one hour, everyone's real Qi has been consumed. It's really necessary to find a place to recover the real Qi, otherwise, I'm afraid that we can't resist the big sea breeze again.

"Can't go there is the island of death"

Gu San suddenly cried out in horror.

Wen Yan, song Yan takes out the route map and compares it. He finds that this island is the one they planned to avoid before. Unexpectedly, the sea wind rolled them to the island nearby under the circumstances of bad weather.

Hearing Gu San's cry of panic, everyone looked at him puzzled.

"Old three elder brothers, what is there on this island?" Song Yan asked in a deep voice.

"Don't ask, Mr. Huang. Let's go quickly. If we are late, we can't go if we want to." Gu San cried.

"Hum, you don't say anything. How can we believe you?" said Chang sunrou.

"Yes, you have to say a reason," she nodded.

In the face of the two women's Crusade, Gu San's eyes were full of hesitation and entanglement. Finally, he bit his teeth and said: "this island is called death Island, because I know that all the people who went to the island have not come out, and there are a large number of strong sea demons around the island, so we have to leave as soon as possible"

Song Yan's face suddenly changed slightly, sweeping around his eyes and saying: "Gu Yan Third brother, even if we want to leave now, I'm afraid we can't leave. You can have a look around "

people subconsciously look around, and their faces change greatly.

: one change.

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