Magic Love Ring

Chapter 669

Chapter 669

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watching song Yan leave with the three vice presidents, most of the students are full of envy and jealousy.

Only a few people's faces were particularly gloomy.

Liang Chongning didn't know how to describe his mood at the moment, because at the last moment, he found that Huang Liang actually condensed the five elements field in the legend.

If we don't talk about the field of talent, we will definitely get more attention from the top of the college.

As long as Huang Liang doesn't do anything unforgivable to betray the human race, even if he has committed a crime of Tianda, the top of the college will protect him.

After all, the five elements field is only the legend of the characters can agglomerate.

With the five elements, Huang Liang can only look up to his future achievements.

But he sent people to assassinate him. If he didn't know who was behind the scenes, or if he knew that he was the one behind the scenes, then Huang Liang proposed to the top of the college again, then his fate would never be better.

If he is serious, he will be executed directly. If he is not serious, he will be expelled from the college. Even his clan will be involved.

Thinking of this, he felt a sense of trembling. He decided to go out to hide for a period of time in the name of experience. If he had nothing to come back, if he had something to do, he would run away immediately.

Ji Lingqi's mood is the opposite of Liang Chongning's, very excited.

She is thinking about how to win him over and gather the five elements. The top of the college will surely take care of him in every way. He should not be short of resources, skills and even money. Therefore, to win him over, he must be original.

How to make a man give up his mind to you is a very rich experience.

The other side.

Looking at Song Yan who was taken by three vice presidents, Sikong Mu's expression was complicated, happy and depressed.

He is happy that song Yan has condensed into the heaven level field, and the qingweimen has the hope of rising again. What he is depressed about is that song Yan has such a qualification, and it will be difficult for him to compete for the position of leader in the future.

Although his cultivation is two realms higher than song Yan's, his age is more than ten years older than song Yan's. with his qualification, he can completely surpass him in three or five years.

As for Liyang, at the moment, he was almost mad with jealousy, and his heart was roaring: "why is this because the master in the clan looked at him differently? Why do the senior leaders value him so much when they come to the holy martial arts college"

for a while, his fist tightly clenched, even his fingernail pierced his palm, he didn't notice.

This scene fell into the eyes of Guxie Huajian. There was a slight disdain in his eyes. Everyone knows that Liyang is jealous of song Yan, but it's just not clear. At the moment, when we see him jealous, we are crazy. Apart from disdain, we also have some pity.

And Zhou Xiaoxian, who has no envy or hatred.

Song Yan didn't break through to the master, she can still press him. Now, song Yan has become the master, and she is the same as the master in the early stage, and what he agglomerates is the heaven level field.

If she continues to be hostile to song Yan, it must be her who suffers.

Think of here, she feels especially regret, if do not offend that Huang Liang how good.

Don't mention the feelings of a group of students.

Song Yan walked slowly behind the three vice presidents for more than half an hour before he came to the bottom of a hill deep in the college.

A few acres of good land have been cultivated under the hill.

All kinds of vegetables are planted in the field. A middle-aged farmer in a hat, a short coarse cloth coat and bare arms and legs is weeding in the field.

At the edge of the field are two middle-aged men, one in black and one in red.

Song Yan knew them. At the entrance ceremony a few months ago, they once showed up. They were the other two vice presidents of the college. In the middle age of black robe, Zhuge Qingyang, the head of Tianxiang gate, and in the middle age of red robe, Huangpu Huoming of Tianhu gate.

The five vice presidents gathered together, so the president was sent. For a while, song Yan's eyes fell on the middle-aged farmer who worked in the field.

"That's the dean of our college and the leader of Haotian League."

HuangYin fairy felt song Yan's eyes and explained with a smile.

"Isn't it strange that a dean works like a farmer in the field?" Farewell to the fairy.

Song Yan shook his head: "it's not surprising that the cultivation of the Dean has reached the peak of wusheng. If you want to take a step closer, you need to understand the heaven and earth. Working like a farmer is also a way to understand the heaven and earth."

"Although it's very general, it's also true that it's not a fluke for you to have such an insight at a young age, and you can go out of the five elements field."

when the sound starts, you can see the middle-aged farmer hundreds of meters away take a step, but directly across hundreds of meters, appear in front of song Yan, and look at him with a smile.

"The trainee Huang Liang met the dean."

Song Yan quickly bent over to salute, but he was surprised. He stepped out hundreds of meters in one step, which was faster than that of the blink. The peak of wusheng was really powerful."You don't have to be polite, just follow your nature."

Xuanyuan without me waved his hand.


Song Yan straightens up.

Xuanyuan Wui said with a smile: "you come at the right time. Today, I caught two pheasants in three rooms and picked a few Jin of colorful mushrooms. I'd better try my craft."

"the dean's cooking skill is extraordinary, boy, you're lucky today," joked the Dragon Sword Zun with a smile.

Not far away, there are several thatched houses.

Here is Xuanyuan's residence without me.

"You sit here and have tea. I'll cook."

Lead song Yan and others into the room. Xuanyuan doesn't care about me. He runs to the kitchen and makes trouble.

"Is it different from the imagined Dean?" Nangong Tianbao asked song Yan with a smile. josei

Song Yan nodded: "it's true that there are some differences, but they are also expected."

"Oh, talk about it"

all five vice presidents are interested.

Song Yan reorganized his thoughts in his heart, and then slowly opened his mouth: "the skills and martial arts that we cultivate are all for attacking power. We cultivate our body and refine our body, and cultivate our Qi. But when we step into the grand master, we fight more with the power of heaven and earth.

But this borrowing is limited after all. It's hard to borrow more power from heaven and earth, even if it's in the state of wusheng. "

The five vice presidents nodded in deep thought.

"That's the truth."

Song Yan continued: "there is only one way to continue to improve our combat power. We can borrow more power from heaven and earth, but this process is not easy. Even if we can borrow it, our spirits and bodies can not bear it."

Hearing this, the five Vice Presidents were all excited. The higher their strength, the more difficult it is to improve their combat effectiveness.

"Go on," urged Nangong Tianbao.

Song Yan was silent and looked at the five courtyards and said, "five deans, why are the same level warriors of the demons and Demons much more powerful than us?"

"their bodies and physiques are far higher than ours." Dragon Sword venerable way.

Song Yan nodded: "yes, because they are stronger, so they can bear more power of heaven and earth. Our people want to improve their combat power. In fact, the best way is to improve their physical strength."

Hearing this, the five deans frowned and thought.

Although song Yan's cultivation is low, but song Yan has read a lot of cultivation notes in the library, so he has enough understanding of the world's cultivation system.

At the same time, he is also a man of cultivating immortals. Only by comparison can he easily see the disadvantages of the martial arts system.

This book is from. HTL

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