Magic Love Ring

Chapter 675

Chapter 675

Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate to abandon the work route built by the first three pictures in his body, and began to run the work route of the combined twelve pictures.

The route of exercise is very obscure, and, in the exercise room, it consumes a lot of mental energy.

Now Song Yan understood why the person who wrote this body method would divide one picture into twelve, because without separation, ordinary people could not practice at all.

You should know that song Yan's spiritual power has been extremely strong, more than 20 times stronger than ordinary people. Even so, he feels a little hard. If he changes to ordinary people, the mental power of this skill will be consumed too much and faint once it is transferred.

With the movement of the skill, song Yan found that there was a special but familiar force in the air pouring into his body.

As we all know, the attributes of heaven and earth energy can be roughly divided into gold wood, water fire wood, wind, thunder, electricity and ice.

However, in fact, there are many yuan Qi with special attributes between heaven and earth. josei

For example, space attribute, time attribute, light attribute and dark attribute.

Among them, the vitality of spatial attributes is integrated with the whole world, which can be said to be everywhere, but can not be absorbed.

If we compare the vitality of public attribute to the water in the pond, then the vitality of spatial attribute is the water seeping into the soil at the bottom of the pond.

People can easily get water from the pond, but they can't get the muddy water at the bottom of the pond.

But now, song Yan found that the special force that poured into his body was the vitality of space attribute.

Why can he be sure that this is the essence of space attribute.

Don't forget that he has a magic called space stagnation. He has used this magic many times. In the state of space stagnation, he can clearly feel the space power in that small space.

The energy of spatial attribute can be absorbed a little by every means, and the time attribute is more difficult to absorb, because it is "groundwater".

As for the light energy and dark energy, they can only be absorbed by people with special physique.

Back to the point.

With the movement of the skill, song Yan felt that a trace of space attribute vitality was entering his body at a very slow speed, which made him dissatisfied.

Because of maintaining the state of exercise, it also consumes a lot of mental power.

In such a moment, his mental power has been consumed by 34%. He is sure that his mental power will be exhausted before he has finished running this picture.

All of a sudden, his heart moved.

Since in the state of space stagnation, the vitality of space will be extremely active, it's better for me to practice in space stagnation.

Think of here, song inkstone urged the God to stop space.

All of a sudden, he was shrouded in a stagnant space, but this space would not affect him.

Time is only three seconds. Song Yan dare not even have more ideas. He tries his best to promote the route of Yun Gong.


a large number of energy of spatial attributes hit his body, which made his power transportation route move forward.


continues to absorb.

More spatial attributes and energy hit his body.

Because it came too hard, which made his body a little uncomfortable, but song didn't care. She continued to suck.

But space stagnation is over.

The rich space attribute energy around has disappeared.

But what makes song Yan happy is that in just three seconds, his route of transportation has actually advanced by two-thirds.

With the rest of his mental strength, he can support the rest of the third.

Song Yan has an impulse to look up and laugh.

However, he restrained the impulse and worked wholeheartedly to cultivate the picture successfully.

An hour passed.

Two hours passed.

Three hours passed.

Four hours passed.

The East is a little white, but song Yan, who is sitting on the ground, is exhausted. He underestimates the cultivation difficulty of this picture. The later he goes, the more spiritual force he consumes. In his body, the route of exercise has been pushed to the last point, and his spiritual force is only one tenth.

Half an hour passed in a flash.

The sky was already bright.

Finally, when the spiritual power of song Yan was only 3%, the whole route of exercise was connected and formed a complete cycle in his body.


as soon as the skill is completed, song Yan feels that the space attribute energy flowing into his body from heaven and earth has increased several times.

At the same time, he has a feeling that all the places within a hundred miles are in his mind. He can reach any place within a hundred miles with only one thought.

Heart read a move, song Yan disappeared in place, but appeared in the college outside the city of a remote area of the pool.

His mind moved again and he went back to his yard.

"Ha ha"Song Yan can no longer restrain his inner joy and laugh.

After laughing, he decided to name the picture.

"What's the name"

"it's not right to be close"

"it's a bit exaggerated."

"A hundred Li in a flash seems to be a little straightforward."

"It's better to call it blink, it seems that it's not enough to pull the wind"

"it doesn't seem that it's very close to you if you don't call it to shrink."

Even after thinking about several names, song Yan didn't think it was appropriate.

Suddenly, a word popped into song Yan's mind, but he thought it was very suitable. He murmured: "later this body method is called the skill of big move"

after he took the name, song Yan felt tired, which made him want to fall to sleep.

He knew that was the cause of the mental exhaustion.

So, enter the room, lie on the bed and fall asleep.

I don't know how long it took, but song Yan was awakened by a knock on the door.

After sleeping for a while, he just recovered one tenth of his mental strength, so he was too lazy to pay attention and went on sleeping in a hooded way.

Outside the courtyard, Zhou Xiaoxian stood gloomily. She had knocked for two minutes. Song Yan still didn't open the door, which made her very angry and had the impulse to turn around and leave.

But in the future, song Yan is likely to become the leader of qingweimen, so he shouts inside: "I am Zhou Xiaoxian, younger martial brother Huang."


Song Yan, who is about to fall into a deep sleep, gets up in a hurry, opens the gate, looks at Zhou Xiaoxian standing outside, and says angrily: "what do you call a ghost outside my door in the early morning, Do you know that it will disturb others' rest? "

"Younger martial brother Huang, I"

"what are you? Hurry up and call outside. Don't blame me for being rude"


Song yanmeng closes the gate, turns around and leaves.

However, Zhou Xiaoxian's face was heavy outside the door. Two rows of silver teeth were biting together and growled, "Huang Liang, one day I will let you pay for what you have done today"

back to the room, song Yan was afraid of being disturbed again and sealed erdo with real yuan. In this way, he could not hear how outsiders knock on the door.

It was not until evening that song Yan woke up, and his mental strength had completely recovered.

: the fifth watch is coming

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