Magic Love Ring

Chapter 684

Chapter 684

Li Feng has set up a large courtyard for song Yan and others. There are many rooms, even if there are hundreds of people, there is still room.

After accepting these soldiers, song Yan didn't plan to leave the city immediately. It was just the so-called "sharpening knives and cutting firewood". For these soldiers, it is necessary to train them to cooperate in the battlefield.

In another courtyard.

After two years in another battlefield, Xuanyuan Lingtian easily controlled 95 soldiers sent by Li Feng.

Knowing that song Yan is a rookie who doesn't know military, he plans to come to see his jokes.

It happened to be a scene of song Yan's admonition. Later, seeing song Yan using two methods in a row, he accepted these soldiers. In the meantime, he was disappointed.

So, simply do not show face quietly retreat.

Next, song Yan made an investigation of nine master soldiers including Liang Yunkun and adjusted the whole team.

A good general is no better than fighting in groups. It's not difficult for him to make the strength of his soldiers more than doubled. It's not difficult for him to win with the weak and win with the few.

More than 90 people sent by Li Feng are all selected from the patrol.

It's not the top batch, but it's not bad.

Every patrol will be at war.

At the suggestion of song Yan, nine soldiers put out their battle lines.

After reading it, song Yan was a little disappointed. The battle formation formed by nine soldiers was really simple.

Song Yan studied the art of war array in the Qin Dynasty, and then went back to the real world and collected books to watch. At the same time, after coming to this world, he deliberately read many books about the array in the collection of scriptures and holy Martial Arts College of qingweimen.

In this world, people value personal force, but they don't pay much attention to array.

This made song Yansheng create a set of war.

When he had an idea, he let the soldiers train first, and he went back to the room to ponder the battle.

He has a lot of mental strength, plus he has the skill of mastery.

Therefore, it took him only half an hour to integrate the knowledge of the art of war and array in his mind, and then spent another hour to deduce.

Finally, three battle formations were created.

A battle formation is called the three combined sword formation, which can be composed of only three soldiers.

One is called return to the first battle, which needs nine soldiers.

One is called the Beidou battle formation, which needs 81 people.

In the afternoon, Xuanyuan Lingtian set out with a special patrol team.

Song Yan began to teach the soldiers under his hands to learn from the three battle formations he created.

Because of the small number of people in Sanhe sword formation and Guiyi battle formation, we had previous experience, and it took only three days to master the skill.

But the battle formation of Beidou is quite complicated. It took us a week to master it.

The contest between Song Yan and Xuanyuan Lingtian is only in March. Now in the past ten days, song Yan hasn't sent any soldiers and is still training soldiers, which makes Xuanyuan Lingtian's feeling strange.

Because in the past ten days, he has led his team to kill hundreds of demon soldiers, including dozens of ten and five hundred.

He has scored thousands of points.

Finally, on the 11th day of the contest, song Yanfa soldiers.

And at the gate of the city, I met Xuanyuan Lingtian, who came back with his soldiers.

"Huang Xuedi, you need to cheer on. It's too easy to win. I don't have a sense of achievement"

Xuanyuan Lingtian said with a smile.

"I won't let you down"

Song Yan smiles disapprovingly and takes the team on.

As you can see, Xuanyuan Lingtian's eyebrows are wrinkled. Isn't there any plot of this boy? One hour later, song Yan came to the blood river with his team.

The blood river is called the blood river because the water of the whole river is like blood.

Looking at the rolling river, song Yan picked up a piece of wood and threw it into the water.

When the water splashed, the wood sank directly to the bottom of the water.

Later, song Yan pulled a weed from the ground and threw it into it, still sinking into the water.

"Why does the bull demon race not sink after entering the water?" Song Yan asked.

One of the captains replied, "this subordinate doesn't know either."

"Don't we have to torture people alive?" continued song Yan.

The team leader said in a deep voice: "they have been tortured, and they don't know. In addition to the powerful demons, nine other races will sink into the river of blood. Strangely, if the dead powerful demons are thrown into the river of blood, they will sink."

"Is it related to the soul of the great bull devil?"

Song Yan could not help thinking about it. Then, he turned on the insight and explored into the blood river.

The captain continued: "what's more bizarre is that if the water in the blood river is scooped out, it will soon become like ordinary water.""Yes"

in response, song Yan's vision has been to the bottom of the water.

Through perspective analysis, there was no problem with the river, so he suspected that the secret of the blood river might be under the water.


soon, song Yan's sight went through the river, through the mud hundreds of meters under the water, and saw the bottom of the blood river.

At the bottom of the blood river is a crystal smooth blood jade, on which there is a flicker of mysterious runes.

At the same time, these runes constantly send out a mysterious power of law, which makes the whole blood River have a magical ability.

What shocked song Yan even more was that the bottom of the river he saw was covered with this kind of blood jade.

No one can say how long the whole blood river is, but the discovered flow section is not less than thousands of kilometers. If the thousands of kilometers of Blood River are covered with such blood jade, what kind of project is it? Even the God of martial arts can't build such a huge blood river.

Suddenly, song Yan eyebrows a pick, because, he found that in the broad river there are more than 300 Tauren.

After careful identification, there are about three hundred ordinary strong ox and demon soldiers, including thirty ten captains and three hundred captains.

"Ha ha, I can't stop my luck when it comes. I didn't expect that just when I went to the battlefield, there would be a powerful ox demon to deliver the kung fu." Song Yan couldn't help laughing. josei

"Captain, we are not necessarily rivals."

Liang Yunkun glanced over the three hundred heads of cattle floating in the water, worried.

In general, the three chiefs of the powerful bull demons can draw with the patriarchs of the human race at the beginning of the war. In Liang Yunkun's view, the ten chiefs of the powerful bull demons alone can drag down the ten patriarchs.

Then three hundred ordinary magic soldiers can kill the remaining soldiers by three times more.

Song Yan said excitedly, "it's not just the number of people who fight. Next, you have a good look. I've got more than 300 powerful demons to eat."

Liang Yunkun and other people all laughed bitterly when they heard that. The new leader was a little overconfident, but the military command was as strong as a mountain. Song Yan had to fight with these demons, and they couldn't help it.

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