Magic Love Ring

Chapter 694

Chapter 694

Song Yan got more complete information after he attacked several patrols of powerful bull demons one after another.

After taking over the position of commander Wan, Samo has no plans to send troops in the near future, because he is a newcomer and it will take him some time to fully control the camp.

However, Samo has some abilities. In just ten days, he has accepted two thousand captains and placed the confidants he brought into the vacant position of five thousand captains. In this way, he controls seven thousand captains. In a short time, he can control the whole 10000 person battalion.

Soon, song Yan lurks near the barracks.

This Samo was very careful. Maybe he was affected by the assassin's assassination. His camp was not placed in the center of the army. Moreover, the camp he lived in was the same as that of ordinary soldiers. Obviously, it was to prevent the assassin's assassination.

However, he never dreamed that in the eyes of song Yan, who has a clairvoyance, his trace still has nothing to hide.

In addition, Samo also placed the guards of the later period of the two great masters in his own camp, giving song Yan a chance to work in one pot.

Time goes by.

Song Yan, crouching outside the barracks, waited quietly.

An hour.

Two hours.

Finally, Samo fell asleep.

And two guards also stand on the edge of the bed, one on the left and one on the right.

"Here comes the opportunity"

Song Yan secretly called out and immediately urged the big move to appear in the camp.

"Space stagnation"


a stagnant small space appears in an instant, covering Samoa and two guards.


flashed, and three good heads flew up.

They put their heads into the storage ring, and left their bodies in place. Then song Yan flashed back to the other side of the blood river.

"Haha, the three great master level demons have 30000 points"

Song Yan is very happy.

The next day, the headless bodies of Samo and two bodyguards were found.

When the commanders saw their bodies, they all looked at each other, and there was a panic in their hearts. Three masters at the level of the Grand Master said that the assassin would be assassinated. If the assassin wanted to assassinate them, would they be able to escape?

the news that Samo and two guards were assassinated quickly spread to the ears of emperor jiuhuangdi Shayu.

Hearing the news, Emperor Shayu was really angry.

At the same time, he sent another guard to serve as the new commander of the army. In order to prevent the guard from being assassinated again, he directly sent ten masters of the great master to protect the guard.

After they set out.

Emperor Shayu has attracted his inner demons.

The evil star is not the man of the powerful Bull Demon family, but the movie demon family.

"Demon star, who do you think did the two assassinations?" emperor Shayu asked.

The devil shook his head. "That's not easy to say."

"If I let you surreptitiously investigate the murderer, are you sure?" the ninth Prince emperor said again.

"My subordinates must do their best"

murmured the evil star. The shadow demons are born assassins and are good at hiding and assassinating.

Moreover, the cultivation of devil star has reached the early stage of wusheng. If there is no defense, I'm afraid that wusheng cannot avoid his assassination in the later stage.

Three days later.

Liang Yunkun and others, who have been training in the city, can't sit down. Finally, they find song Yan: "Captain, when shall we go to the battlefield again"

in this period of time, everyone will go to the tavern to drink and the brothel to sleep with women in addition to training. The silver is like water.

Now, almost all of them are shy and naturally want to go to the battlefield to make money.

"Don't worry, another period of time," said Song Yanyao.

"But brothers all want to go to the battlefield." why Liang Yunkun.

"It's no use going to the battlefield. The demons won't come here at all." Song Yan's angry way.

"Why?" Liang asked.

"Because their two generals were assassinated," Song said.


Liang Yunkun was shocked. Someone assassinated the commander of the ox demon clan. Isn't the assassin a martial saint? How does the captain know about it? OK, you can tell us the news, but let them not spread it around "

after sending Liang Yunkun away, song Yan began to speculate about Kendo again.

Night came again. Song Yan estimated that the new commander of the ox demon family had been sent.

So, he went directly to the barracks.

Clairvoyance is on.

After finding out the situation in the barracks, song Yan was shocked.

"Good guy, there are eleven great masters and a martial Saint hidden in secret. It's too much to look up to me."

for a while, song Yan hesitated to assassinate. josei

After thinking about it, he decided to observe it for a while.After Song Yan's observation, he found that it was a complete trap.

In the grand camp account, it was not the new chief but dressed up by experts, while the new chief dressed up as a bodyguard with other bodyguard experts.

Although space stagnation is against the sky, its scope is limited. Moreover, the time of stagnation is only three seconds. What's more, it can only be used once a day.

Although the new commander was with the bodyguard, he was at a distance from other bodyguards.

Space stagnation can envelop him, but not other bodyguards.

Once he does, it will reveal the secret of space stagnation.

Space stagnation is his big killer. He doesn't want to expose it, so it's really difficult to complete the assassination without exposing space stagnation.

"What should I do?"

Song Yanfei quickly thought of ways.

If you think about it, song Yan's eyes will be bright.

A big move skill came out, came to a corner of the barracks, then took out the sword puppet, and handed duanmuchong's seven product spirit sword to the sword puppet.


Song Yan patted the sword puppet on the shoulder, and the other side turned into a shadow, and went straight to the barracks of commander Wan in the middle of the barracks.

Because the sword puppet is not life, there is no breath.

Therefore, it was not until he was close to the camp of commander Wan that he was found by the guards nearby.

"It's the assassin. Catch him"

two bodyguards rushed to attack the sword puppet.


the sword puppet started, and the long sword in his hand suddenly split. Two huge swords directly hit the two bodyguards who rushed up.

But other bodyguards rushed up at this time.


the sword puppet turns around and runs, as if knowing that he has fallen into a trap.

Those bodyguards can't let go of this opportunity. Naturally, they are desperately chasing each other.

However, the new chief has remained in place.

Soon, the sword puppet escaped from the barracks, but the ten bodyguards who ran after him were lost.

"It's a pity"

Song Yan's figure appeared on the other side of the blood river. Although ten bodyguards were tricked by this move, the wusheng did not.

He is not deceived, song Yan dare not risk assassination, only regret to leave.

In addition, Ma Dan is more and more arrogant in making false advertisements in book reviews

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