Magic Love Ring

Chapter 698

Chapter 698

That night, Lei Jiuming sent someone to invite song Yan to the dinner

this is a family dinner, and song Yan was the only guest invited.

There are not many dishes, simple and delicate, and the wine is not valuable. The nectar is made by Mrs. Lei herself.

The blue dress is full of clothes.

Mrs. Lei's appearance can only be regarded as ordinary, but she has a unique charm, which makes people subconsciously ignore her appearance.

"Xiaohuang, you're welcome."

Mrs. Lei personally brought a dish for song Yan, with a very gentle attitude.

"Thank you, Mrs. ray."

Song Yan smiled at her, then put the green vegetables in the bowl into his mouth.


Song Yan's face was shocked and surprised.

"It's still to your taste," Mrs. Lei asked with a smile.

"It's delicious. It's a great blessing for the commander to marry you." Song Yan praised that he was a good cook himself, but the dishes made by Mrs. Lei didn't taste like him.

"Yes, I can marry her. It's the biggest blessing in my life." Lei Jiuming said with a smile, his brow full of pride.

"That's bullshit." Mrs. ray gave him a light smile.

As expected, it's the ability to tie a man's stomach that can tie a man's heart. For a strong man like Lei Jiuming, who wants a woman who can't get it, he married Mrs. Lei, who looks like a normal woman, which is a good illustration of the problem.

"Come to Xiaohuang and taste the nectar made by my wife."

Lei Jiuming picked up the jade wine bottle and poured it on Song Yan himself.

"I'll give you a toast, commander." Song Yan raises his glass.


the entrance of huami wine is slightly sweet and mellow, and it slides into the stomach with a cool breath.

For a while, song Yan once again praised: "good wine."

Leijiu chuckled: "ha ha, I like to take two bottles when I leave. Don't blame me for being stingy. I don't have much wine."

"thank you, commander in chief." Song Yan thanked him.

The dinner was a feast for the guests and the host.

After dinner, Mrs. Lei made a pot of tea for the two before cleaning up the dishes.

"I've arranged for you the assassin camp personnel. There are six people in total. The strongest one has reached the late stage of wusheng." Lei Jiuming goes straight to the theme: "however, except for Li Feng and Meng Li, there are some characters of those people. It takes a lot of effort for the battalion commander to accept them."

Song Yan immediately cries: "commander in chief, you didn't mean to embarrass me, how can I accept the martial saint as a grand master?"

Lei Jiuming's eyes flash a narrow color: "how can I accept your business, anyway, I am a man It's up to you. As for whether they obey your orders, it depends on you. "

" I don't know anything about them. How do you let me accept them? "Song Yan cried again.

Lei Jiuming smiled: "I have prepared their information for you. Please take it away when you will leave."

"thank you very much, commander in chief." Song Yanlian is busy.

Lei Jiuming said again: "I have given you six martial arts saints. There is only one requirement. Before you leave Xuehe City, you can assassinate five martial arts saints of the demon clan. If you can't finish the task, don't go back to Shengwu college and stay here to serve me."

hearing this, song Yan shouted: "commander, you really think that wusheng is cabbage, which is so good to assassinate"
"I believe you" Lei Jiuming said seriously.

"Well, I'll try"

Song Yan knows that he fell into the pit of Lei Jiuming, the old fox. Since he planned to set up an assassination camp, he was calculating to leave him on the bloody River battlefield to serve him. However, song Yan was not angry.

Back to the courtyard where he lived, song Yan took out four materials that Lei Jiuming gave him.

The first.

Song Jiuhe, aged 63, was a core disciple of Shenwu temple in the later period of cultivation. He was locked in the prison of zongmen for committing a major crime committed by his female younger martial sister. Later, he escaped and was chased up and down by Shenwu temple. However, he once again committed the major crime of killing the disciples of Shenwu temple.

The high-level of the Shenwu temple was furious, and more than ten sects sent experts to hunt him down.

In the past three years, song Jiuhe was hunted to the sky and nowhere, so he had to flee to the army for shelter.

The army of the people's ethnic group is jointly organized by thousands of different branches of the people's ethnic group, and a military aircraft battalion is set up, with nine military aircraft elders and prime minister in charge of all affairs of the army.

The military barracks once issued a rule, as long as it is a human race, no matter how big a crime you commit, as long as you join the army and fight against the demon race, and never leave the army, its enemies shall not pursue him, otherwise, it will be punished by the military barracks.

There are tens of millions of people's troops under the control of military barracks, which shows how powerful they are.

Therefore, after escaping into the battle field of the blood River and joining the blood River Army, the Shenwu temple did not continue to pursue song Jiuhe.

But he imprisoned song Jiuhe in the battlefield.

Now, song Jiuhe has been in the blood River battlefield for more than 20 years. He is also a top ranking expert in the blood River Army's sacrifice regiment. He is narrow-minded, greedy and lustful, and is very difficult to get along withPut down the materials of song Jiuhe, and song Yan picked up the second one.

Tu Shixiong, 54 years old, was cultivated in the middle period of wusheng. He was originally a son of Tu's family of a big nationality in a certain state. He grew up being bullied and humiliated by his peers since he was a child. Because of his talent in martial arts, he was envied by the son of the patriarch. He set up a plot to frame him up, dug him up and deafened him.

He was seriously injured and pushed into the river. josei

Unexpectedly, he survived and practised martial arts in secret. Finally, twenty years later, he returned to the Tu family with the cultivation of the great master and killed the Tu Shijie who had become the head of the Tu family.

The patriarch was killed, which made the eldest brother of Tu Jiayuan angry and sent experts to pursue him.

He wiped out all the experts sent by the Tu family, and then put them into the blood River Army at one stroke. Ten years later, he made a breakthrough in martial arts and became a member of the blood River Army.

This man is eccentric and irascible. He doesn't like to talk much. Anyone who provokes him will be beaten to death.

Song Yan continues to pick up information about the third person.

The third person was a woman, Han Gu, 48 years old. She was in the middle period of martial arts cultivation. She was very ugly and narrow-minded. At that time, she had a baby marriage, but because of her ugly appearance, the man withdrew.

Make him become a joke, and she will hate the man, and in the night of the man's marriage, sneak into each other's new house, cut off the man's lifeblood, cut the bride's cheek.

Then she went directly to the blood river city and joined the blood River Army.

Fourth person.

This is quite normal. His name is Xiong Tianba. He grew up in a bandit's nest. Later, his mountain stronghold was destroyed by the nearby clan. He escaped by chance and wandered between heaven and earth.

Finally, he was accepted as an apprentice by a tall man, and got a high and strong martial arts.

After the death of the high man, Xiong Tianba had nowhere to go, so he simply joined the blood River Army and became a member of the sacrificial group.

After reading the materials of the four, song Yan sighed to himself that they were not oil-damaging lamps. He thought about how to accept the four martial saints.

Today, the body is a little uncomfortable, and the renewal is a little slow. However, the mosquito said that adding more for three days in a row will not lose faith. Today, the fourth shift is still

the third shift should be before 12 o'clock, and the fourth shift is estimated to be after 12 o'clock

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