Magic Love Ring

Chapter 702

Chapter 702

Recommended reading:? Song Yan and Xiong Tianba are competing. Li fengmengli and others have been watching closely behind them. Song Yan will move no more than 10 kilometers each time. When Xiong Tianba approaches, he will move to a distance of 10 kilometers. It's not so much that he is chased by Xiong Tianba as that he is playing with Xiong Tianba.

After hearing the words of Li Feng and Meng Li, song Jiuhe, Tu Shixiong and Han Gu all seemed to be absent-minded.

No one wants to be a prisoner. They have been trapped in the battle field of blood river for decades, but they can't find a chance to escape. josei

Li Feng and Meng Li let them see the hope.

But whether it's true or not is worth considering.

The three exchanged glances and deliberately lagged behind.

Li Feng and Meng Li didn't care, but deliberately kept their distance.

"What do you think of those two guys' words, little Tu and Han Gu?" Song Jiuhe asked them directly.

Tu Shixiong thought for a moment and said: "I think the credibility is still relatively high. Li Feng and Meng Li are both Deputy generals. They have a lot more status than us. Why do they join the assassin camp?"

before they answer, he continued: "if there is no interest, how can Li Feng and Meng Li join the assassin camp You should be able to see the commander's contribution, and then you can join in and protect the commander like this. "

hearing Tu Shixiong's analysis, song Jiuhe nodded with deep thought:" then we will mix with this boy "

" whether you mix with him or not, I will mix with him anyway, after all, my eyes and ears are cured by him. "Tu Shixiong solemnly said.

Song Jiuhe said with a smile: "ha ha, that kid said he would buy the next brothel for me to enjoy for three months. It can be seen that he is not a pedantic person, and he can still make contributions with him, so I got mixed up with him"

then song Jiuhe and Tu Shixiong looked at Han Gu.

"I have to think about it again," said Aunt Han hesitantly.

Song Jiuhe said with a long heart: "Han Gu, don't blame me for not reminding you that it's early to rely on this kind of thing. The faster you rely on the past, the more benefits you will get. If you are hesitant and wait for others to make contributions and then lean on the past, the nature will be different."

Han Gu was stunned, then nodded: "OK, I'm the same as you"

"that's right" Tu Shi Xiong nodded with satisfaction, but immediately, his face was heavy, and he said in a cold voice: "Xiong Tianba, the son of a bitch, is simple on the surface, but in fact, he is very insidious and cunning. If he dares to act against the commander in the future, we have to teach him how to behave."

"yes, look at his performance, otherwise, I can't spare him." Song Jiuhe's Yin measuring way.

Xiong Tianba, who is chasing song Yan, is mad. He has pushed his speed to the extreme, but he can't catch up.

The middle period of a martial saint can't catch up with the early period of a master.

It's a shame.

When he thought about it, he could not help flashing a little sinister in his eyes.

As a result, he began to slow down a bit, as if he had given up.

"How can we plan to give up so soon? It's only a quarter of an hour later." when song Yan moved away from his original place, he did not forget to taunt Xiong Tianba.


Xiong Tianba's heart is cold hum. Secretly, boy, let you be proud for a while. When you are caught, see how I clean you up.

Xiong Tianba's speed is getting slower and slower. It seems that he has given up completely.

See, song inkstone mouth corners but flash a trace of disdainful sneer.

Finally, only a quarter of an hour is left.

They have come to the edge of the blood river.

"Good chance"

Xiong Tianba drinks it lightly. His Qi and blood suddenly boil up, and his breath soars, but he urges the secret technique.


his body with a whistling, in the blink of an eye rushed to song Yan.

"Boy, let's see where you are running"

when lifting his hand, Xiong Tianba's palm has photographed song Yan one meter in front of him.

But song Yan's face didn't panic a bit, but there was a strange smile. Xiong Tianba deliberately slowed down to paralyze him. He was not calculating each other.

Space stagnant


a stagnant small world is formed in an instant. Xiong Tianba's body shape is frozen in an instant, and the ferocity on his face is extremely clear.

In a flash, song Yan came behind him, holding the purple electric sword, and then split nearly 100 swords in two seconds.

Xiong Tianba recovers his freedom, but finds that song Yan's figure has been lost in front of him. He cannot help but feel sorry, but he is escaped by that boy. At this time, song Yankai's strength of a hundred swords breaks out on him.


nearly a hundred ferocious Qi rushed into his body and exploded in his body. Although he tried to suppress them, there was no sign of them. So, in a hurry, he only suppressed most of them, and the rest of them brought him a lot of damage.He stumbled forward for several steps, his chest heaved, his face suddenly changed, and he forced down the blood to be spewed out, but his face was pale for several minutes.

Thousands of meters away, song Yan's face flashed a trace of regret. In the case of Xiong Tianba's surprise, he could only slightly hurt each other.

"Haha, bear spits when he wants to spit blood. Why should he hold on"

several figures flash by, but song Jiuhe's the five people coming.

Smell words, Xiong Tianba's face is white again.

Tu Shixiong closely follows the mending knife: "Xiong Tianba, now you can see the ability of our commander. You can not only catch him, but also hurt him. If he is in the same state, it is not like playing to kill you. Now, you are not convinced."

hearing Tu Shixiong's mending knife, Xiong Tianba feels that his chest is surging again, and his mouth is full of blood Overflow.

He wiped out the blood on the corner of his mouth and laughed at himself: "although I bear Tianba was born as a bandit, I will not break my promise, commander. In the future, bear Tianba will only follow you"

"you are welcome, elder Xiong. Here is a bottle of healing medicine. Take it and take it"

Song Yan's body shape flashed to the front and threw a jade bottle to bear Tianba.

"Thank you commander"

Xiong Tianba took the jade bottle and bent over to salute song inkstone, but the dark color flashed in his eyes.

Different from Song Jiuhe, he did not come to the battlefield by committing crimes, but voluntarily. Therefore, what he pursued was totally different from them.

In the evening.

Commander's office.

Li Feng is reporting to commander Lei Jiuming the process of song Yan accepting the four bayonets today.

After listening, Lei Jiuming's eyes flashed with regret. Unexpectedly, the boy took those four spikes in so quickly. It's a talent. It seems that it's impossible to leave him in the blood River battlefield.

He deliberately arranged the four people of song Jiuhe to go there, but he didn't want song Yan to finish the task he set. Unexpectedly, only half a day later, song Yan accepted the four bayonets. While regretting, he also appreciated and admired them.

: second, before midnight, those who have seen Tao Yunshen ring still like it

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