Magic Love Ring

Chapter 704

Chapter 704

"Since the commander doesn't want to see his subordinates, let's go back." Li Feng deliberately pretended to be depressed and walked out.

"Come back" Lei Jiuming scolded again: "if you have something to say, just fart. Don't show off your thoughtfulness here"


Li Feng smiled smugly: "commander, tonight our assassin camp is going out for the first time, and you can guess the outcome"

"you won't bring the opposite Blood River Camp to you"

"of course not" Li Feng is more proud.

"What's the result?" Lei Jiuming asked again, but he purposely cooperated with Li Feng, because he knew that the boy's problem of showing off had been committed again. Secretly, if you get the result and satisfy me, otherwise, you must treat the boy's crime of showing off.

"Guess," Li Feng said again.


Lei Jiuming slapped his palm on the table and shouted: "Xiao Li, do you dare to show off, can you do it? I'll throw you out in person"

see, Li Feng knew it was overdone, and hurriedly said: "commander in chief, let's go out tonight, kill three wusheng, two wusheng in the middle, one wusheng in the early"

"what do you kill?" Three martial saints "

Lei Jiuming suddenly got up, looking extremely strange and shocked.

"Bang bang bang"

Li Feng takes the bodies of Xueyuan, Longshou and Niuxiang from the ring and puts them on the ground.

"Commander in chief, please have a look"

Lei Jiuming checked it a while ago, and he was sure that the three bodies were indeed the martial saint of the powerful Bull Demon family.

Then he clapped his hands and said, "well, I didn't expect that you just set up assassin camp and made such great contributions"

"Hey, thanks to our commander's scheming," Li Feng laughed.

"Eh" when Li Feng mentioned song Yan, Lei Jiuming was a little surprised: "why didn't that boy report to me"

"the commander was tired and went back to have a rest. Let the subordinates report to you," Li Feng replied.


Lei Jiuming sneers. It must be that kid who saw through Lao Tzu's calculation and dared not come again, for fear that Lao Tzu would calculate him again.

This boy is better than a monkey. It's impossible to leave him on the battlefield of Blood River. Thinking of this, he can't help but feel a huge regret.

After Li Feng left, Lei Jiuming wrote a secret guard and rushed it to the military aircraft camp.

In less than a month, four martial saints of the demon family were slaughtered before and after the blood River battlefield. With this, the blood River battlefield will be the first in seven battlefields.

What's more, the three arrays created by Huang Liang has been vigorously promoted in the army. Once all the soldiers learn to fight with the demons, Lei Jiuming hopes that the demons can send troops to attack the bloody River battlefield as soon as possible.

A few days passed in a flash. josei

Rewards for assassin barracks have been handed out.

First of all, each member of the assassin camp received first-class military skill once. Second, each of them received three million liang of silver. In addition, each of them received a nine pin spirit armor.

Because song Yan did not belong to the blood River battlefield, he could not reward military skills.

But the military barracks did not treat him badly. They gave him an order to avoid death.

With this death warrant, even if he committed a heinous crime, the military aircraft battalion will come out to protect him once.

Second, we will reward five million liang of silver.

There are two pieces of nine kinds of spirit weapons and some pills.

Military skills, spiritual weapons and silver are all good things.

Therefore, Li Feng, song Jiuhe and Tu Shixiong are all in a bad mood.

Especially Li Feng and Meng Li, now they have two first-class military skills. If they have another first-class skill, they will be qualified to be promoted to vice commander in chief.

Then when the commander-in-chief leaves, they can also take over the post of commander-in-chief by virtue of their military merits.

The future in the army is bright.

For this reason, Li Feng and Meng Li are in the tavern in the city, entertaining song Yan and a group of Assassin camp colleagues.

Food is the best and wine the most expensive.

After a meal, they spent 50000 liang of silver, but they didn't care at all.

During the banquet, each member of the assassin camp sincerely toasted song Yan and showed their loyalty. Later, they were his soldiers, absolutely referring to where to fight.

Song Yan is still very proud of this. He was just in the early days of his master, but he was able to make six martial saints so convinced of him. Ask which master in the world can do it

this side of Xuehe city is celebrating.

The ninth Prince of the powerful Bull Demon family is in a rage.

Four martial saints have been damaged. If those elder brothers know about it, they don't know how to beat him and laugh at him.

He walked back and forth in the palace, thinking about ways to break the dilemma. If he continued to send people to the palace, it would be useless. Instead, he might be assassinated again. The way to break the dilemma is to launch a large-scale war and win.

Thank you for the big rewards of Wenguang tower, 90669693, Christopher and t97399922One change


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