Magic Love Ring

Chapter 711

Chapter 711

Xuanyuan Lingtian didn't speak, but his face was suddenly upset. He was a great master, but he couldn't beat a master. ..

seeing this, song Yan shakes his head and puts it away.

Back to the blood river city, song Yan asked Li Feng to report the results to Lei Jiuming.

When he heard that assassin camp was built again tonight, killing four ten thousand people camps, Lei Jiuming was still very happy.

After all, it takes a lot of money to kill so many powerful demons on the battlefield.

The next day, in the Royal Palace of Dali niumo family, the ninth emperor, Shayu.

After reading the battle report from the blood River battlefield, his face suddenly became gloomy.

In just a few days, eight 10000 camps were destroyed.

In his territory, there are 80 million people and 1.5 million troops.

Among them, 500000 of the most elite soldiers live in the royal city.

The remaining million are stationed separately in the territory.

Because the distance is different, the time for each army to reach the blood river is different.

Unexpectedly, the Terran people seized the gap and destroyed his 80000 troops.

Although he was angry, his mind was calm. He quickly sent people to send orders to the troops who were going to the blood River to join them in a small city 500 miles away from the blood river.

Wait for him to lead the army to arrive, and then go to the blood bank together.

At the same time, he also issued an order to speed up the rectification of the military affairs of the Royal City, which must be carried out within three days.

Connected with the territory of dishiyu is the territory of the third prince.

The third prince is weaker than the ninth prince in terms of territory population and military strength.

Therefore, he is very concerned about the movements of his ninth brother.

After reading the information collected by the scouts during this period, the third prince, Emperor Shashi, said: "the soldiers and horses in the nine younger brothers' territory are frequently mobilized. Does he want to fight with the human race?"

the powerful Bull Demon clan is a very belligerent race. Even between the prince and the prince, there are often wars.

For example, the third emperor and the ninth emperor often fight each other.

"It's an opportunity. If brother jiudi fights with the people, it's enough to win. If he loses, I'll swallow his territory." thinking of this, the third prince's face can't help but smile.

Blood River City, assassin camp, simple meeting room.

Song Yan sat in the first place, and the twelve wusheng sat on his left and right sides.

Song Jiuhe is the first on the left and East Germany is the first on the right.

Without any nonsense, song Yan said directly: "after the first world war last night, if emperor Shayu was not stupid, he would definitely order other troops not to go to the blood river for the time being, but to choose a place behind the blood River to join together, and then kill to the blood River"

while talking, song Yan hung a map on the wall. josei

Pointing to several places on the map, he said: "here, here, and here, may be the place where the powerful demons gather their troops. However, we can't give them the chance to do so. So, I plan to enter the demon territory today and kill their troops one by one. Do you have any opinion?"

"master the clever plan, you just need to give the order, you don't have to ask for it." Ask our opinion. " Song Jiuhe was the first to say that he had established a first-class military skill and a second-class military skill with song Yan less than a month ago. The military skill of last night's attack camp had not been released, but he could not escape a third-class military skill.

Therefore, he is extremely convinced of song Yan now.

"Yes, we all listen to the commander." East Germany also followed closely, and then other people also spoke in succession, all of which means to listen to the arrangement of your commander.

Song Yan nodded with satisfaction: "let's start now if it's not too late."

half a quarter of an hour later, the twelve people of song Yan had gone into the territory of Dali Bull Demon clan for more than 300 Li, and there was a village of Dali Bull Demon clan in front of them.

Song Jiuhe asked for song Yan's advice and his eyes were full of cold light.

The human race and the demon race are natural enemies. Once the demon race breaks into the territory of the human race, it will definitely encounter the village and the city as long as there is a chance.

There are more than 500 powerful demons in this village.


Song Yan's calm way, he has never been a kind-hearted person. The demons like to eat human flesh, and they also like to keep the human race as a beast in captivity. As a member of the human race, he doesn't have any sympathy for the demons.

"I go"

the figure of song Jiuhe disappears in the same place.

Half a quarter of an hour later, song Jiuhe came back. The killing intention on his face had not completely faded away, but the village had become a ruin.

Song Yan took out the map: "next, we are going along this road. All the villages of the demons we met have been slaughtered"


where the assassin camp is going is a small town of the demons.

This small town is more than 500 li away from the blood River, and it is also the most likely place for the Bull Demon clan to gather troops.One hour later, song Yan and his party of thirteen came to the small town of the demon family.

During this period, they slaughtered five big cow demons villages and killed about 3000 big cow demons.

"Wait a moment, I'll go and have a look"

I'll tell you that song Yan disappeared in the original place, and then turned around the small town. The whole situation of the small town is clear. There are 100000 residents and more than 23000 troops in the small town.

Those three thousand troops should have been the original garrison of the town, while the other two came from other places.

There is no warrior in the city.

But there are four great masters.

In a flash, song Yan put Meng Li and Li Fengtou near the great masters of the four great bull demons.

Then they killed the four great masters with great understanding.

Less than ten breaths, four great masters of the great Bull Demon family were killed.

Then, ten martial saints outside the city fly to the city wall one after another, killing nearly a thousand defenders, and then directly into the city.

A killing feast was opened.

Song Yan didn't do it, but he let the golden hair roar out.

This guy likes to eat his brain. Now let him eat enough.

The strength of golden hair roar can be compared with that of the later period of the patriarch. The speed is even faster than that of the general patriarch. Therefore, there is no place in this city that can threaten it.

The battle went on for two hours.

All the army and residents of the powerful Bull Demon family were slaughtered by 12 warriors.

Let twelve martial saints cultivate themselves in the city, while song Yan uses the technique of moving to find the trace of the army in the small city.

Half an hour later, he found a camp of ten thousand people three hundred miles east of the town.

He went back to the city and took six warriors.

In less than half an hour, the camp was slaughtered by six martial saints.

Another time later, song Yan found a camp of ten thousand people in the northwest more than four hundred miles.

He took over another warrior.

In less than half an hour, this camp of ten thousand people was slaughtered.

One day, the assassin camp totally destroyed ten ten thousand people's battalions of Dali Bull Demon clan. With the residents in the small town, today, the twelve martial saints killed nearly 200000 Dali Bull Demon clan.

: Yigeng

thanks to Lili, shenshumo, giant panda, t96945466, 4399 God of war, Yili in the account, lazy angel, strange guy, handsome Pegasus, Christopher, t96429208 for their great rewards

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