Magic Love Ring

Chapter 713

Chapter 713

After listening to song Yan's report, Lei Jiuming couldn't hide his joy at all. In a few days, song Yan led the assassin camp to destroy nearly 600000 strong Bull Demon camps. ..

"ha ha, Xiao Huang, you've done a good job this time. Let's talk about what you want to reward. As long as I can do it, I won't refuse." because he was so happy, Lei Jiuming even broke his tongue.

Wen Yan, song Yan's heart moved, and said, "I need the commander-in-chief to promise me a condition. The content of the condition is uncertain."

"OK, I agreed," said Lei Jiuming happily.

Song Yan was slightly shocked. He thought that Lei Jiuming would give up. He didn't expect to be so happy. So he bowed to Lei Jiuming and said, "thank you, commander."

Lei Jiuming came up and patted song Yan on the shoulder. He said meaningfully, "I know your heart is very big, boy. I will give you a promise today. As long as you don't betray the people, I will always stand on your side."

At once, a warm current flowed through song Yan's heart, and he looked at Lei Jiuming in a dazed way: "commander in chief me"

Lei Jiuming waved his hand: "OK, I don't need to say anything else. Go to my house, I'll ask my wife to make a good dish, and treat you well."

"Thank you for your kindness." Song Yanlian is busy.

Soon, song Yan followed Lei Jiuming to his home.

Just stepped into the yard, song Yan was shocked, because he saw a woman in black standing side by side with Mrs. Lei.

"My husband, you are back." Mrs. Lei chuckled and then said to song inkstone, "Xiao Huang, you are here too."

"I've seen Mrs. ray."

Song Yan hurriedly saluted and secretly guessed that there was no relationship between snow and Lady Lei.

"No need to be polite." Mrs. Lei gently waved her hand, and then pointed to the no snow road: "Xiaohuang, I'll introduce you to this no snow, my nephew."

"Girl Jue, we meet again." Song Yan smiled and hugged the snow.

"You know"

Mr. and Mrs. Lei Jiuming are a little surprised.

"Once upon a time." Song Yan explained, but didn't mention the matter of saving absolutely no snow, because he found that when Lei Jiuming asked this question, absolutely no snow was obviously a little nervous. josei

Hearing that song Yan didn't say what happened when they met, he was relieved by no snow, and cast a grateful look: "no snow has ever seen Mr. Huang."

"You're welcome"

one hour later, song Yan left the commander-in-chief's office.

In the dead of night, Lei Jiuming and his wife are leaning on the bed together, with a very close look.

"Madam, what do you think of that boy?" Lei Jiuming asked.

"The boy in my husband's mouth refers to" Mrs. Lei replied with a light smile, but there was a shred of cunning in her eyes.

"Do you need to remind my husband of his wife's intelligence?" Lei Jiuming hugged his wife and sighed: "that kid's martial arts and wisdom are all top-notch. How long has he been on the battlefield? His contribution is greater than that of me as commander-in-chief. His future achievements are limitless."

"My husband means"

Lei Jiuming said excitedly: "I mean to introduce Wu Xue to this kid. If Wu Xue follows him, he will surely not suffer losses."

"Ah." Mrs. Lei sighed softly: "I don't want to find a good wife for Wuxue, but this girl is so angry that the younger generation didn't get her eyes at all."

"That's because she didn't meet Xiao Huang." Lei Jiuming said: "I have already passed with President Xuanyuan. This kid will go to the hall of Wulin in a short time. If he can get the recognition of Wulin, his achievements will be immeasurable."

"Let's wait until he gets the approval of Wu Hun."

Lei Jiu understood his wife: "once he gets the approval of Wu Hun, he will be famous all over the world. At that time, there will be many women competing for him. I mean, let the girl Wuxue start first. As long as he takes him before he goes to Wu Hun palace, it will take the first chance."

"in case he loses his chance "Even if he fails, his future will be limitless. Wu Xue can't afford to marry him and lose."

Mrs. Lei finally agreed: "well, I'll talk to Wu xuenanzi tomorrow, but it depends on her own meaning. After all, it depends on your feelings and my wishes."

The powerful Bull Demon family is the territory of the ninth prince.

On the throne, the ninth emperor's son, Emperor Shayu, was as deep as water. Before the war started, his soldiers and horses lost nearly 600000 battalions. How can we fight this war? Please talk about your own opinions. What should we do next? Emperor Shayu's eyes slowly swept over a group of generals below, trying to make his voice calm, but no matter how much he suppressed them , the demons will all feel his anger, so they are afraid to speak up in case of mildew.

"Why, are you all speechless"

seeing that these guys don't talk, the anger in dishanyu's heart rises sharply, and his eyes are full of cold light.

Looking at the angry emperor Shayu, people were even more afraid to say a word."Bang"

dishayu slapped on the table beside him and made a dull sound: "a group of bastards, Tam, what do you think of your current situation"

"go back to the ninth Prince" the way that the Magic general named Tam fought with hehe: "subordinates, subordinates listen to you."

"Waste, don't you have a long brain?" emperor Shayu said angrily. For a while, the whole hall became silent.

"The subordinates are stupid. Please let the ninth Prince punish them"

when he saw Tam's cowardly appearance, dishanyu was not angry. He grabbed the glass on the table and threw it out, banging it on Tam's head, but Tam stood still, even afraid to dodge.

"How about you"

dishanyu stopped paying attention to Tam and looked at other people.

Upon hearing this, Tam was relieved.

In addition, the demon will dare to say: "the ninth prince, his subordinates think that we should teach the human race a lesson, so they should fight with each other and send people to assassinate them."

hearing the advice of the other side, Emperor Shayu scolded again: "you fool, there are eighteen martial saints in Xuehe city. How many martial saints do you want to send to assassinate"


For a moment, the devil did not know how to answer.

After scolding, dishanyu seemed to be in a good mood. Pointing to another devil general, he said: "what do you say?"

"send a great army to attack them"

dishanyu sneered: "send a great army to our great army, without pulling out, we have lost six million people's battalions. Now the most active army is 500000, and there are a million people's army in Xuehe city. You You can defeat them with half a million troops "

here, the rest of the demons will touch the idea of emperor Shayu, and one of them will stop boldly:" nine princes, your subordinates think that the human race is really despicable, and they attack our army with conspiracy.

In my opinion, it must be a conspiracy. My subordinates guess that they want to provoke you and let you take the army to attack them. If you take the army in the past, you will surely fall into their conspiracy. So, you must think twice, don't fall into the plan of the human race "

emperor Shayu nodded his head as he thought, and his face relaxed a lot:" you still use your brain, and the emperor I think about it almost. Let's call it a day. "

the devil who speculated about Emperor Shayu's mind was relieved. He hurriedly said:" the ninth Prince is wise "

other demons will also shout for the ninth Prince's wisdom.

: the third watch and the fourth watch are still in the early morning

thank you for the big rewards from my name Lu Chun and q2213427145

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