Magic Love Ring

Chapter 716

Chapter 716

After losing two games in a row, Lei Jiuming's face was a little confused.

Keep asking for the third inning.


After more than ten games, no snow felt that go was more mysterious. Therefore, she would not refuse Lei Jiuming's request.

Unconsciously, Lei Jiuming and absolutely no snow fell for seven games.

The Bureau was defeated.

So one of his faces was as black as a pan.

"It's morning, my husband. It's time to finish." josei

Mrs. ray warned.

"Is it morning? I have to deal with business affairs, so I'll go first."

it's like Lei Jiuming who left when I was on the run. Mrs. Lei can't help smiling. She's so old, and she takes the winning and losing as seriously.

"Martial uncle, do you think Uncle Lei will be angry?" no snow chuckled.

It's a wonderful feeling to play against Lei Jiuming for seven games.

"You." Mrs. Lei took a bad look at her. Suddenly, she realized that she was looking for this girl for another thing, but she ignored that thing because of playing chess. It's really not right.

However, before he spoke, no snow yawned and said, "uncle, I've been playing chess all night. I'm really tired. I'll sleep for a while first."

After saying that, there was no snow to go to bed and lie down. Soon there was even snoring. After all, playing chess consumed mental and mental power. Even if she had the cultivation of a great master, she couldn't stand it the next night.

Seeing this, Mrs. Lei couldn't help laughing, walked out of the room with light steps, and brought the door for no snow at all.

When he arrived at the office, Lei Jiuming's face was still very gloomy.

It's disgraceful to lose seven games in a row, and I'm still a junior. I think Lei Jiuming is the commander of a generation. How can I easily lose to a little girl when I'm strategizing thousands of miles away.

Thinking of this, he called in the guard captain Dong Tao, and then stepped up the production of a go.

Dongtao's efficiency was very high. He soon ordered the craftsmen in the army to make a go.

Just as he left, Lei Jiuming stopped him.

"Dong Tao, you come to compensate me"

"commander, your subordinates will not"

"I will not teach you."

Soon, Lei Jiuming taught Dong Tao and they began to play chess.

Half an hour later, looking at Dongtao who was scratching his ears and scratching his cheek, Lei Jiuming's gloomy face finally glowed with a smile.

One game

two games

three games

totally abused Dongtao's seven games, and Lei Jiuming's sullen heart was released.

After another three games, Lei found it a bit boring, mainly because Dongtao's chess skills were too bad to challenge.

"Come on, you can go down." Lei Jiuming waved, and suddenly, his heart moved: "go, you can call Huang Liang to me"


Dongtao went in response.

Soon, song Yan arrived.

Lei Jiuming points to the opposite side: "Xiao Huang sits down and talks."


"Do you know what this is?" leijiuming said proudly.


as soon as song Yan opened his mouth, Lei Jiuming interrupted him: "this is called go, a very profound game. Come on, I'll tell you how to play it"

looking at Lei Jiuming, who is very energetic and explains to himself how to play go, song Yan's eyes can't help flashing a strange color.

The reason why Lei Jiuming called song Yan was that he wanted to find a sense of achievement, and that he wanted to suppress the boy's pride through this. But he didn't know that this go was the unique snow of song Yan church.

"Do you understand"

after the explanation, Lei Jiuming looks at Song Yan and asks.

"I understand." Song Yan nodded and looked more eccentric.

Lei Jiuming proudly said: "come on, our next game, you're a rookie. I can't bully you. You're the first in charge."

Hearing each other's words, song Yan has a feeling of crying and laughing. Lei Jiuming is just playing dagger in front of Guan Gong's gate.


Song Yan takes out a black piece from the chess jar and puts it on the board.


Lei Jiuming follows him closely, and his movements are very natural.

The song inkstone will fall again.

Lei Jiuming follows him.

After more than ten children, Lei Jiuming, who wanted to follow him, suddenly looked stunned and thought for a long time before he finally came to the end.


Song Yan follows Liu Zi closely.

Half an hour later, Lei Jiuming's eyebrows were locked, his eyes were round, and he held a piece of chess in his right hand and held it up over the board for a long time.

Song Yan did not urge, quietly waiting.

Finally, after half a quarter of an hour, Lei Jiuming is back.


Song Yan followed him closely. Suddenly, the situation on the chessboard changed and the sky turned upside down. A black spear broke through the sky and was held in the throat of the white son, making the white son completely unable to move."I lost"

staring at the chessboard for a while, Lei Jiuming had some decadent ways, but then he was a bit unconvinced: "come on, let's have another game"

"commander in chief, you don't need to win." Song Yan said with a smile, Lei Jiuming's chess skill is too poor, and he also has the level of nine sections of employment. If the other side is a beauty like no snow, song Yan is still interested in spending time with him , but the other side is a big man, he is not in the mood to continue to accompany.

"No, we must," said Lei Jiuming firmly.

"The last game, no matter win or lose," Song Yan thought.

"OK, but I'll take the lead in black," said Lei Jiuming.



the black spots fall.

Song inkstone follows closely.


Follow me again.

Soon, the board was full of black and white pieces.

But Lei Jiuming was once again in the process of thinking.

This time, he thought about it for half an hour before he dropped a son, and looked at Song Yan proudly: "Xiao Huang, how can you break me?"



Song Yan placed the white son on a corner of the board at will. Suddenly, a dragon came to life on the board and swallowed all the black stones in an instant.

"How can this be"

looking at the changes on the chessboard, Lei Jiuming's face is unbelievable. He knows that a good situation will turn into a dead chess game in the blink of an eye.

"No, I put it in the wrong place and come back"

Lei Jiuming picked up the white son of song inkstone and the black son he just had.

"Gentlemen don't repent, commander, you are not good." Song Yan turned his eyes.

"I didn't regret playing chess, but I was blindfolded and misplaced," Lei argued.

"That line, let you regret once." Song Yan's speechless face.

This time, Lei Jiuming was more careful and calculated all kinds of possibilities before settling down.


the white son of song Yan falls, the board changes again, and black chess becomes dead chess again.

"How did you do it?" Lei Jiuming stared at Song Yan.

"The commander knows who created this go," Song Yan asked with a smile.

Lei Jiuming is not stupid either. After a little thought, he wakes up: "can't you?"

Song inkstone nods.

Seeing song Yan admit that Lei Jiuming almost found a hole to drill in. He actually wanted to find a sense of achievement from the weiqi creator. It's so embarrassing that he has a wood of

: second watch

thank you for your great reward

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