Magic Love Ring

Chapter 721

Chapter 721

Yan Shao didn't expect that song Yanzhen would dare to fight him, and the speed of his hand was so fast that he cut off his hands in an instant.

He stared at the palms of his hands in the air, then two extremely sharp stabbing pain came from his wrists, looked down at the bleeding wound, he was frightened and angry, then his eyes became red, growling: "I'm going to kill you, asshole"

he had to endure the sharp pain of his wrists, and his body flew out, catching up with song Yanzhi The body flies in the air and the feet kick out in a row.

"Bo Bo Bo"

the air burst and the shadow of the legs became one, covering the song inkstone.

"Be careful"

Guxie Huayu can't help shouting.


Song inkstone didn't return either. He clapped his backhand like a dragon swinging its tail.

His palm passes through the shadow of legs, and is gently printed on Yan Shao's chest. Then, the other side screams and falls back to the gate of tianwu tower.

The middle-aged brocade robe stood there looking forward, his face full of tension and anxiety.

At this time, the footsteps of the downstairs sounded. Looking back, the middle-aged brocade robe found that the young man was walking down the stairs with four women.

Suddenly, he felt a thump in his heart. Did Yan Shao have an accident?

for a while, his face became as white as paper. If Yan Shao had an accident in tianwu tower, his fate would not be better.

Song Yan didn't pay attention to the diners who pointed at him, and didn't pay much attention to the changing look of the middle-aged Royal robe. His face was calm and steady, and he walked step by step to the outside of the restaurant.

Seeing song Yan, he will walk out of tianwu tower.

The middle-aged man of the Royal robe clenched his teeth and roared: "Lian Peng will leave me with him, and wushao will come soon"

when song Yan went upstairs, the middle-aged man of the Royal robe called all the dozens of fighters in the tianwu tower together. However, these fighters are not good at cultivation. They are all fighters at the level of Qi refining, and the strongest ones are only nine.

Even Peng looks miserable. He can't even stop others. What can he do to keep him.

But he knew that he could not disobey this order, otherwise, he would not be spared until Wu Shao arrived.

"Let's go together, don't ask to leave him, just ask to hold him"

let's have a blast. Even after Peng BA was born, long Dao was the first song Yanchong, and dozens of other fighters rushed up with weapons.

"Chi Yin"

sword sound

sword light flashed like lightning.


the sound of weapons falling to the ground was heard constantly. All weapons, including Lian Peng, fell to the ground, and there was blood spilling from the wrist.

"What a strong sword technique, what a fast sword technique"

seeing this scene, all the diners in the hall were shocked and inexplicably awed, and there was a layer of inexplicable awe in their eyes. josei

"I know who he is." Suddenly someone exclaimed.

"Who is it"

"he is Huang Liang"

"so he is Huang Liang. No wonder he dares to rush into the tianwu tower"

soon after Song Yan joined the Shengwu college, although his reputation is not small, there are not many people who have seen him. In addition, he spent more than one month in the battle field of Blood River, completely disappeared in the college, so we gradually forget him.

"This time, it's your wrist. Next time, it's your eyebrow. Get out of the way." Song Yan's eyes slowly swept over Lian Peng and others, shouting coldly.

Smell speech, even Peng and others subconsciously give up a road.

At this time, the middle-aged face of the Royal robe suddenly appeared the color of joy.

The figure flashed, but there were three more people at the gate of tianwu building.

The leader was dressed in a green robe. He was tall. Although he looked ordinary, his brow was full of pride.

Behind him were two young men dressed in the advanced cadets' suits of the holy martial arts academy.

"I have seen Wu Shao, Mr. Xu and Mr. Yelu."

The middle-aged royal guards saluted three people in succession, with a very respectful look.

As soon as the three appeared, many diners began to talk in a low voice.

"It's said that the backstage of tianwu building is the senior student of the college. Now it seems that it's true."

"Yes, Huang Liang is in trouble now. He has a good qualification, but he is only a grand master. He can't win or lose the three senior students."

just then, Wu Shao's eyes swept over, and the people who were originally whispering suddenly became silent.

"Laozheng, what happened?" Wu shaoshen asked.

Wu Shao, formerly known as Wu Lingfeng, is an old senior student of Shengwu college. His accomplishments have reached the middle stage of the grand master.

One of his two followers is Xu Miao, the other is Yelu Nanshan. He was promoted to senior students less than a year ago. His accomplishments are all at the beginning of the grand master.

Cultivation is an extremely resource consuming thing, and resources need to be purchased with silver.

Therefore, a group of old senior students jointly founded tianwu tower, but in consideration of the impact, they did not appear in person to manage tianwu tower, but handed it to the middle-aged Royal robe manager.Wu Lingfeng is also one of the minority shareholders of tianwu tower, and also the agent of other old students. Therefore, he is usually the one who comes to tianwu tower when something happens.

The middle-aged battle in the royal guards said: "back to wushao, he not only killed Zou Yucheng, the steward of tianwu tower, but also injured many of our hands. He also broke into Yan Shao's box. Now, Yan Shao's life and death are unknown"

hearing song Yan kill Zou Yucheng and hurt tianwu tower's hands, Wu Lingfeng didn't care much, but song Yan broke into Yan Shaobao Xiang, his heart can't help tightening. Yan Shao is the brother of Yan Dongyu, the major shareholder of tianwu tower. If something happens to him, Yan Xuechang will be furious.

Thinking of this, Wu Lingfeng hurriedly said to his entourage behind him: "Xu Miao, go upstairs quickly to find out how Yan Shao is doing"

but just then, a blundering figure rushed to the stairway, his face was pale, his body was even stained with blood, his hands were cut off together, and the blood was dripping from the wound


In a flash, Xu Miao moved to Yan Shao's side, took out a medicine bottle and gave two pills to Yan Shao's mouth: "take it quickly"

when Yan Shao took the pills, Xu Miao took out another bag of powder and sprinkled it on Yan Shao's wound. The effect of the powder was excellent, and soon Yan Shao's wound stopped bleeding.

Yan Shao walks down the stairs with Xu Miao's help. His eyes are full of resentment. He stares at Song Yan and says: "Wu Lingfeng, I want this man to die"

Wu Lingfeng frowns slightly and stares at Song Yan coldly: "Yan Shao's palm is cut by you"


"don't you think it's too vicious"

"he took it by himself" Song Yan Light way.

"Very well, you broke your palms, and it's over." Wu Lingfeng's eyes get angry.

Hearing Wu Lingfeng's words, Yan Shao was very dissatisfied, and roared at him: "Wu Lingfeng didn't hear me clearly, I want him to die, not to break his hands."

Wu Lingfeng frowned again, a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes, and said to Xu Miao: "you take Yan Shao to connect his hands, and here I will deal with it."

Seeing that Wu Lingfeng wants to support himself away, he can't help getting angry and says in a cold voice: "if I don't go, if I don't see this bastard die, I won't go anywhere."

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