Magic Love Ring

Chapter 727

Chapter 727

A war report from the military barracks made Xuanyuan, the Dean, lose me and summon five other vice presidents to his thatched cottage overnight.

"Old Xuanyuan, it seems that nothing has happened recently. Why are you calling us together?" Nangong Tianbao said casually.

Xuanyuan has no smile on his face. He will give Nangong Tianbao the war report from the military barracks.

After receiving the war report, Nangong Tianbao read it with disapproval, but immediately, the expression on his face was constantly changing, surprised, shocked, doubted and unbelievable.

The other five people were curious to see his wonderful expression. What was recorded in this war report can make Nangong Tianbao's expression so colorful. josei

"Nangong, what's written on it"

the Dragon Sword Master couldn't help asking.

"See for yourself."

Nangong Tianbao passed the battle report to the dragon sword master.

Then, Dragon Sword Zun performed another face change.

"Let me see"

Huang puhuoming can't wait to snatch the war report. He watched it for ten purposes in a row. After reading it, he was completely shocked by the war report.

Then, HuangYin fairy and Zhuge Qingyang browse the war report respectively, but their expressions are almost the same, shocked, surprised and shocked.

"Old Xuanyuan, you are sure that this war report is true," Nangong Tianbao asked.

"This war report was sent by the military barracks. Do you think it's true?" Xuanyuan Wui asked.

Zhuge Qingyang said in a deep voice: "since it was sent by the military aircraft battalion, it's not likely to be fake, but it's amazing. That kid went to the blood River battlefield for more than a month, and made such a big move. Four martial saints and nearly 600000 powerful bull demons were planted in his hands. Hey, if he was a soldier, he could directly serve as commander-in-chief with this contribution"

"who is that?" It's not "Xuanyuan Wui sighed:" this kid is not only talented in cultivation, but also in military. I'm afraid that our holy martial arts college can't keep this dragon. "

" what do you mean, the military plans to rob us? "ZHUGE Qingyang frowned.

Xuanyuan Wui nodded: "this war report was sent by the Deputy General of elder Wu himself, and he also put forward a condition, hoping that our holy martial arts college can release people, and let that boy join the military."

"Why don't I agree to let people go?" Huang Pu said loudly.

"I don't agree with you either," said Huang Yinxian in a deep voice. Before that, she learned from some channels about Huang Liang's performance in the battlefield, but what she knew was not specific. After reading the war report, she knew that where the boy performed well was to overturn the pattern of the bloody River battlefield. Even in the next six months, there would be no more fighting in the bloody River battlefield.

"Haha, the military will pick up the cheap. We have trained this kid. They want to go there. How could it be so cheap?" sneered dalongjianzun.

Xuanyuan Wui once again said: "the military promised us ten Wulin"


when we heard the quota of ten Wulin, the other five people could no longer keep calm.

Wuhun comes from Wuhun hall and is located in the holy city of the people's holy land.

As long as the martial artists who have been promoted to master level are qualified to go in and find the spirit of martial arts, they can obtain a spirit of martial arts, and their future achievements are absolutely unlimited.

However, it's only an external statement that all the martial artists who have reached the master can enter. In fact, the "weapon" of Wuhun is in the hands of the high level of the human race. If they want to enter the Wuhun hall, ordinary small forces are not qualified at all.

The Wuhun hall is opened once every three years. Each time it is opened, only a thousand masters are allowed to go in to obtain the inheritance of Wuhun.

There are two ways to obtain the inheritance of Wuhun.

One is to obtain the recognition of Wuhun and integrate directly.

The second is to seal the spirits by special means, force them out of the hall of spirits, and then select appropriate objects for integration.

It's very difficult for those who go in to get the approval of Wuhun. It's not bad for one thousand people to get the approval of Wuhun. The probability of success is less than one tenth.

So, after many attempts, someone invented the way to seal the Wuhun hall.

This method is in the hands of the military barracks.

Three years ago, the military sent hundreds of people into the hall of Wuhun. As a result, it took more than 200 Wuhun with it, chose the right objects for integration, and finally formed a Wuhun army.

Each warrior soul has a unique ability.

For example, some spirits can make the host fly.

Some spirits can increase the strength of the host's body tenfold in a short period of time.

There are also speeds that can increase the host's speed.

There are also spirits that can make the host invisible and freeze the void.

In a word, the ability of Wuhun is very strange.

Of course, some of them have nothing to do with fighting. In the army of Wuhun, there is a Wuhun host whose Wuhun ability is healing.

It can cure the seriously injured in a very short time.

Just because the ability of Wuhun is too important, all forces are fighting for Wuhun.If the military is willing to give ten martial spirits to the holy martial arts college, although the six people here can not be integrated, they can be left to their own descendants or apprentices, or to the clan and their own families, with strong clan and family strength.

Therefore, the temptation of ten spirits makes Xuanyuan Wui very attractive.

But thinking of giving Huang Liang to the military, they were very entangled.

"Let's talk about our views." seeing the five vice presidents whose looks are changing again, Xuanyuan didn't ask me again.

But this time, the five people are silent, and they are still thinking about their gains and losses.

Is it Huang Liang or ten spirits more important.

The potential of Huang Liang is in their eyes. With Huang Liang, the influence of Shengwu college will be greatly enhanced in the future. But after all, it's the future. What kind of changes will happen in the future is unpredictable.

Ten spirits are visible benefits. With these ten spirits, they can use them to cultivate ten experts.

After another silence, HuangYin fairy opened her mouth, and he looked at Xuanyuan wume: "how do you plan to distribute these ten spirits"

"six of them are each one of us. How to deal with them is up to everyone to make their own decisions. The remaining four are to choose the right pair of elephants from the college for integration." Xuanyuanwu I said my answer.

There is a little more sneer on the corner of Huang Yin's mouth: "the military really gives us a problem, but I still disagree. I think Huang Liang's value is far more than ten martial spirits, because he has the hope that once he becomes a martial god, the influence of our holy martial arts college will surely exceed that of the military machine camp"

"things in the future are not clear, I agree to hand him over To the military. " Zhuge Qingyang followed closely.

"I agree with Zhuge's words," yelled Huangpu, "that kid went to the military and got more than we gave him."

"I don't agree with it. I think Huang Liang should stay in our holy martial arts college." Dalong jianzun said. Then he looked at Nangong Tianbao and said, "what do you mean by Nangong"

"I agree to give Huang Liang to the military." Nangong Tianbao's face was tangled.

For a while, everyone's eyes fell on Xuanyuan wume. As the president, he has two votes to vote. So, his decision also determines Huang Liang's going and staying.

Thank you for your great reward. Do you think song Yan should stay in Shengwu college or go to military machine camp

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