Magic Love Ring

Chapter 790

Chapter 790

"Unifying the southern region"

hearing that song Yan had such great ambition, everyone could not help but shrink their pupils.

But the people of the thirty-seven sects immediately began to think about whether they would agree or oppose

if they agreed, they would survive, but their own sect would probably become a puppet of the qingweimen. If they objected, they would lose their lives.

Most of them choose the latter.

"I'm willing to kill the Tianjian sect with the head of the yellow horse as the head." a middle-aged white robe knelt on the ground, respectful and devout.

"The God foot sect is willing to give priority to master Huang." Another old man knelt down next to him.

With these two leaders, next, the voices in the hall are connected. Although the contents are different, they all express the same meaning and are willing to recognize song Yan as the leader.

But there are still more than 100 people standing in place without moving, their faces are tangled and hesitant, with some panic.

What do you mean?

Song Yan looks at them and asks.

An old man in Green said: "master Huang, please forgive me. Our leader died in the war just now. We can't make decisions."

several people spoke in succession because the leader or the leader of the clan died. We don't have the right to make decisions for our own sect.

When song Yan thought that he would be angry, he waved his hand: "in this case, wait until you choose a new leader to give me the answer, come and send them to rest."

soon, these people who didn't make a statement were sent away.

The rest of them are all agreed. According to statistics, there are 23 sects.

It is a very complicated thing to form the Martial Arts Alliance in the southern region, because there are hundreds of sects in the southern region, including the most powerful one is the heaven splitting sword sect, with more than ten thousand disciples of the grand master, more than one thousand disciples of the grand master, and three more martial saints sitting in the gate.

Therefore, even if song Yan gathered the power of Gui Yuan sect and the thirty-seven sects together, he would not be able to compete with the split Tianjian sect.

Therefore, unification of the southern region is only his idea, and it will take a long time to implement.

After three hours of deliberation, song Yancai withdrew from the leader's hall.

Came to a small courtyard.

There are nine people in the courtyard, all of them are martial saints.

They are HuangYin fairy, dagongjianzun and Nangong Tianbao. The other six martial saints are Li Feng from the blood River battlefield.

After learning that Nangong Wushuang brought six wusheng, he went to Shengwu college and Xuehe battlefield one after another and quietly borrowed nine wusheng.

Of course, it's not without cost. On the other side of Shengwu college, he paid three ordinary spirits. On the other side of the bloody River battlefield, he used Lei Jiuming to owe him a favor.

After using up the relationship, he wants to borrow from Lei Jiuming again, for fear that he will pay a great price.

But this harvest is also huge. First of all, she killed Nangong matchless and the six martial saints she brought.

Nine saints were lost before, after and after. Even the military can't bear it. It should stop for some time.

In addition, qingweimen can take advantage of this opportunity to rise again.

Haihuang sect, Shenyue sect and tianluomen are not going to stay. In the hall just now, he has reached an agreement with all the factions to join forces and annex the three factions. Qingweimen takes three states, guiyuanzong takes one, and the rest of the territory is distributed by other sects according to their merits.

After chatting with Huang Yin's fairy, song Yan takes out the prepared gift.

One thousand exquisite crystal per person.

Seeing this gift, all nine martial saints have bright eyes, which is a rare good thing.

No one refused to accept them all, because this is what they should have. Although the number of people on their side is dominant in this war, it is still very risky. If they don't pay attention to it, there will be a risk of falling. It's also natural to accept song Yan's thank-you.

Then, Li Feng and others said goodbye. After all, they come from the blood River battlefield. If they stay too long and are found by the military, they will be severely punished.

Know this, song Yan did not retain.

Later, dagongjianzun and Nangong Tianbao left one after another, and HuangYin immortal Gu stayed, because song Yan decided to be engaged to Guxie Huayu three days later. As the master of Guxie Huayu, HuangYin immortal Gu wanted to stay for the ceremony

three days later, song Yan and Guxie Huayu had a small-scale engagement ceremony.

After the engagement, the relationship between Song Yan and Gu Xie Huayu became more legitimate.

However, there are many things waiting for him to deal with.

Ten days later, qingweimen recovered all its territory.

Half a month later, a total of 36 sects led by guiyuanzong of qingweimen began to attack the kaihuang sect, Shenyue sect and tianluomen.

The war lasted for a month, and the three factions were destroyed. Three more states were added to the micro gate of the Qing Dynasty, reaching Kyushu.

Another state was added to guiyuanzong, and the territory reached ten states.

The weak Lord and strong servant made Chen Yizhou very uneasy. Finally, he negotiated with qingweimen to transfer that state to qingweimen at the price of 10000 three grade broken rank pills, which made the territory of qingweimen reach ten states, beyond the peak time, and the prestige of song Yan, the leader, reached an unprecedented height.At the same time, the affairs of the southern region's Wudao alliance have not fallen.

It lasted for three months, and finally formed the southern region Wudao alliance led by guiyuanzong of qingweimen and 34 factions.

Song Yan as the leader, Chen Yizhou, Duanmu Chong as the vice leader.

There are 50 members in the Senate under the leader of the alliance, 10 members in the qingweimen, six members in guiyuanzong, and one in each of the other 34 factions.

After the establishment of the Martial Arts Alliance in the southern region, song Yan, the leader of the alliance, immediately issued two orders.

1、 The number of alliance soldiers is temporarily determined to be one million.

2、 The main duty of the chamber of commerce is to exchange elixir for three kinds of Xuandan and two kinds of broken rank elixir.

All things are going on in an orderly way, while qingweimen entered the cultivation period after the war.

With the alchemy, as long as there are enough elixirs, he can refine them.

Therefore, when the Martial Arts Alliance was founded, the comprehensive strength of qingweimen had more than doubled under the condition of collective drug use.

First of all, in the past few months, the number of external disciples has exceeded 5000.

The number of inner disciples who broke through to the level of master also reached 1000.

Almost everyone of the original elite disciples made a breakthrough.

The remaining two core disciples, under the full cultivation of song Yan, have stepped into the realm of Grand Master in the middle of last year.

In addition, song Yan also set up a secret army, which was small in number, but each had a unique ability.

It's true that this army was formed by imitating the army's Wu Hun army, because everyone has integrated a Wu Hun, and Sun Yi is the commander of this army, because he is the only one who integrates the Wang level Wu Hun besides song Yan.

As for the military, there has been no movement in the past few months. I don't know if it's brewing a bigger plot or if it's shutting down.

On this day, song Yan handled his official business and went back to his yard. Ning Ling warmly welcomed him, with expectation in his eyes. Song Yan was worried about whether Ning Ling could accept the news of Ning Mo's disappointment.

Thank you for your great rewardjosei

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