Magic Love Ring

Chapter 809

Chapter 809

Reax; under the threat of the third prince and the ninth prince to withdraw their troops, the eldest prince had to agree to their terms. After reaching an agreement, the eldest prince said: "now our soldiers and horses have gathered together to attack the people."

for the proposal of the eldest prince, the third prince and the ninth Prince agreed after a little thought and decided to send out troops tomorrow.

Blood River City, two women, one big and one small, came out of the transmission array.

A man in his early forties is full-bodied, but his face is very old-fashioned, which makes people feel like a distance away. Another name is petite and exquisite, about 17-18 years old.

"Martial uncle, is sister Wuxue really here?" the charming girl asked excitedly.

Hearing the girl mention that there is no snow, the middle-aged woman's face is a layer of gloomy color: "her courage is really growing. She dares to run to the blood River battlefield against the order of the headmaster and elder martial sister. I really think she can't help coming here."

Smell speech, the pretty girl's face can't help worrying a little more: "martial uncle, you won't punish sister Wuxue"

"hum, if she knows how to be funny, otherwise, my martial uncle will give her some pain. Let's go"

as soon as the middle-aged woman throws off her sleeves, she will stride to tongshuai mansion.

Soon they arrived at the commander-in-chief's office.

"Who are you?" the doorman asked.

The middle-aged woman said in a tone of indifference, "I am Mei Ruoshan, the senior sister of Tianyin sect. Your commander's wife has not gone in to report."

As soon as the bodyguard heard that it was the elder martial sister of the commander's wife who dared to neglect, she hurried into the mansion to report.

Since he came back from Song Yan in the morning, there was no snow and he felt a little depressed. So he went back to his room and slept for most of the day. No, just after getting up, he heard that the bodyguard outside came to report to the commander-in-chief's wife, saying that there was a person outside who claimed to call her elder sister Mei Ruoshan to come to see him. As soon as I heard the words "Mei Ruo frost", there was no snow. It was terrible. Martial uncle Mei must have come to catch me. Once I got back to tianyinzong, I'm afraid I'm forced to marry Nangong Wuliang.

Thinking of this, she recalled the scene she had experienced in the mirage and made a decision. She could not go back with Uncle Mei anyway.

At this time, Mrs. Lei came to her room: "no snow, uncle Mei is here. Let's go out to meet her."

Hearing this, there was no panic at the bottom of snow's heart. Suddenly, he had a brainstorm and said, "go ahead, martial uncle. I just woke up. I have to tidy up my appearance. Otherwise, martial uncle Mei's temper will surely scold me."

Mrs. Lei said with a smile: "also, uncle Mei is the kind of character that can't rub sand in his eyes. I'll go to meet her first, and you'll come out as soon as you've sorted it out."

"Well, I'll do it as soon as possible."

With the sound of Mrs. Lei's footsteps far away, no snow opened the door and walked out. Her body swayed to the back door of tongshuai mansion.

After a while, Mrs. Lei led Mei Ruoshan and the girl to the inner court.

After sitting down, they exchanged a few simple greetings, and Mei ruofan asked: "sister Su, there is no snow."

Leifu said: "don't worry, sister Wu Xue, who knows you are coming, is grooming, and I believe she will come to see you soon."

hearing Mrs Lei's words, Mei ruofan expression slightly changed: "sister Su, take me to see her at once."

"Don't be so anxious"

"well, I'm afraid that she heard me coming and ran away." Mei ruoxhan snorts.

"No," Mrs. ray was surprised. Uu2;

"I'll see if I can."

Seeing Mei ruoxhan insist, Mrs. Lei can't say anything, so she has to take her to the room without snow.

"There's no one in the room." Mei ruoxhan reaches out and pushes open the door. The room is empty. There is no snow in it. Then, her eyes fall on Mrs. Lei, and she takes a few minutes to examine: "sister Su, it's not that you deliberately let go of no snow."

"where is sister Mei, how can I do this? I'll send someone to find her." Mrs. Lei was slightly dissatisfied with Mei Ruoshan's questioning. When she was still in the school, this elder martial sister Mei made troubles to her in many ways.

"No, I'll find it myself." Mei ruoxhan waved lightly. Her figure disappeared in a flash. She was proficient in tracking. There was still a breath of snow in the air. She was sure to track her in half a quarter of an hour just after she left.

In the evening, song Yanzheng and Ning Ling are having dinner.

Suddenly, there was a sharp knock on the door.

Song Yan just wanted to get up, but Ning Ling got up first: "brother Huang, I'll open the door."

Soon, Ning Ling came in with absolutely no snow.

"Sister Xue, have you eaten? If not, we'll have some together." Song Yan said with a smile.

"I'll get the chopsticks." Ning Ling Dao.

"No, I can't eat anywhere." "Huang Liang, you must help me. My martial uncle Mei ruoxhan has come to the blood river city. She should have come to catch me back," she said anxiously"Why does she want to catch you?" Song Yan looks at absolutely no snow unexpectedly. Secretly, she won't run out secretly.

There was no embarrassment in snow's eyes, but his expression immediately became panic: "Oh, don't worry about so much. Uncle Mei is proficient in tracking. I believe he will be here soon. Please help me" uu3;

"OK, no problem."

After a while, song Yan and Ning Ling were still eating at the dining table in the living room. Suddenly, a figure came into the courtyard, and it was Mei Ruoshan.

All of a sudden, her eyebrows slightly wrinkled, secretly, how to get here, she lost the breath of no snow

finally, her eyes turned, fell on Song Yan and Ning Ling, the body shape shook, came to the living room, high and low, the language belt quality asked: "no snow has never come here"

Song Yan lightly looked at her: "don't you come in or you should understand?" Release "

smell words, Mei Ruoshan eyes flashed a trace of disdain, a patriarch also dare to question her in the middle, suddenly, her face was cold again a bit:" don't transfer the topic to me, tell me, there is no snow here. "

"Never." Song Yan strolled along the path with all his heart and gave a piece of meat to Ning Ling: "ling'er, don't patronize to eat vegetables. You have to eat meat. You are so thin. How can you grow well without eating meat?"

"Well, thank you very much, brother Huang." Ning Ling said happily.

Seeing this warm scene, Mei Ruoshan felt that his anger was rising, and he said softly, "I advise you to call me truthfully, have you ever seen no snow?"

"eh, why haven't you left yet?" Song Yan looked back at Mei Ruoshan with a surprised look, his face was a little more impatient: "didn't you tell me you haven't seen it? Leave now, don't disturb us to eat Meiruoshan felt that the fire in her heart was suddenly rising, and her eyes were even twinkling with a fierce cold light: "boy, do you know who I am and dare to be so rude to me"

Song Yan gave her a bad look: "disrespectful, you burst into my house and shouted at me. It's a great guest that I didn't drive you out Campus Belle, so now, please hurry up, or official account will catch up with you. "

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