Magic Love Ring

Chapter 811

Chapter 811

Half a quarter of an hour later, Mei ruoxhan couldn't bear the stink of mud and black blood all over her. She was stunned by her own stink.

As for why song Yan knew that she had a habit of cleanliness, because he found that the woman even had to wrap a layer of genuine Qi under her feet to avoid contact with the ground. It was not a habit of cleanliness, but a very serious one.

"Huang Liang, is martial uncle Mei OK?" asked Wu Xue when he saw Mei Ruoshan fainting in the array.

"Don't worry, if you're not hurt, you'll just pass out."

Song Yan's disapproving way, then he pinched the formula and turned the muddy scene into grass.

And the mud and black blood on Mei ruoxun disappeared.

Before long, Mei ruoxhan woke up and found herself spotless and relieved.

"Old thief, I'm not convinced"

Song Yan's voice rings on her head again.

When she heard song Yan's voice, Mei Ruoshan suddenly became gnashing her teeth: "I want to"

"shut up and scold me again, and I will throw you into the mud again." Song Yan strongly interrupted her and threatened.

Recalling the disgusting scene just now, Mei ruoxhan had an impulse to vomit, and a trace of fear flashed through her eyes.

"Little you, what do you want?"

seeing Mei ruoxun soft, song Yan can't help but smile: "simple, you need to promise me a condition."

"You are threatening me," meiruoshan said angrily.

"You can think so," Song Yan replied disapprovingly.

"Damn it, this little thief is so cheeky." Mei Ruoshan scolded in his heart, but he dared not provoke song Yan any more. "You can tell me what the condition is, but it can't be too much. Otherwise, even if we die, we won't promise you"

Song Yan said: "don't worry, this condition is not too much. When I let you out, you can't ask anything about no snow. Roll back to the sky immediately Tianyinzong "

" it's the leader's order not to bring back snow. I can't disobey it. "Mei Ruoshan refused.

"Haha, it seems that you haven't tasted the power of Xiaoye. In this case, Xiaoye throws you to a more interesting place"

as soon as the voice falls, song Yan pinches the formula. Suddenly, Mei Ruocheng finds that the scene before her changes again. She has been in a yellow ocean. However, when she sees what the ocean is composed of, she almost faints on the spot.

The place she was in was just a stone platform only three meters from the sea. To her horror, the stone platform was sinking continuously, with 30 breaths at most, and the stone platform would completely sink into the Yellow ocean.

"Come on, get me out of here"

meiruoshan screamed.

"Just now the condition promised not to worry, you still have 25 breathing time to think." Song Yan said with a smile.

"I promise, I promise" Mei Ruoshan never hesitated. If she was allowed to fall into this yellow ocean, she could not live. Even if she lived, it would become a nightmare for her whole life.

"By the way, there's another additional condition. You can't give me a hand when you come out"

"no, don't dare to take me out of here." Mei ruoxun urged, even with a cry in her voice.

At the next moment, song Yan waved with her hand. Mei Ruoshan found that she had left the Yellow ocean and landed in the hall again. With a glance, she saw song Yan and no snow in the distance.

Subconsciously, she wanted to kill song Yan.

But when she thought of the terrible scene she had just experienced, she was afraid. josei

After a deep look, there is no snow eye: "I don't care about your business, you do it for yourself"

as soon as the voice falls, Mei ruoxun will turn into a shadow and disappear.

"Ah, uncle Mei is gone"

when she saw Mei Ruoshan leaving, her eyes were full of wonder. Just now, she didn't see the scene in the array, so she didn't know what Mei Ruoshan had experienced.

That kind of scene, don't say the person who has the habit of cleanliness, even if the normal person is thrown into the Yellow ocean, it will collapse.

"Sister Xue, you lost." Song Yan's way of avoiding the heavy and taking the light, he didn't want to talk about a scene in the array, he was a little strange, how he suddenly became so heavy taste.

"What do you have to say?"

There is no snow road. She was convinced that she lost. Even if she lost, she was not happy because song Yan helped her solve a big problem.

Song Yan looked at her and said seriously, "my condition is that sister Xue promised me three more conditions"

hearing this, no snow can't help but be stunned, and then he was annoyed by song Yan's shamelessness, and gave him a bad look: "you want to be beautiful."

"Well, it's just a joke with sister Xue. Whatever the conditions are," Song Yan said with a smile.

This time, there is no snow but it doesn't follow: "no, you have to mention"

"then sister Xue will kiss me." Song Yan said with a smile."You" heard song Yan's condition is absolutely no snow can not help but some angry, and some embarrassed.

"You see, I said forget it. You have to ask me to mention it. When I mention it, you seem so embarrassed. I think it's better to forget it. Let's leave this condition"


Song Yan's voice fell. No snow suddenly came to him. His lips kissed him in his face, and then he disappeared quickly in the living room.

Song inkstone touched the residual moisture on his cheek, and couldn't help chuckling.

"Brother Huang, you are mean"

just then Ning Ling, who is hiding in the back hall, came out and said with a smile.

"Well, you are smart. You dare to scold brother Huang for being despicable. Let me see how to deal with you." Song Yan flashed to Ning Ling, reached out and put her in his arms. He kissed her on her delicate face with a big mouth.

All of a sudden, song Yan found that the people in his arms were different. He looked down and found that Ning Ling was very dizzy. The whole person collapsed in his arms and could not find the north and the south.

"No, I'll kiss her face. How can I react so much?" Song Yan asked.

"I'm OK" Ning Ling's bashful way. Just now, when song Yan held her in her arms, she was all soft. When song Yan kissed her face, she had a feeling of soul peeling.

"It's ok if I'm ok. Just now I was rash. I'm sorry"

"it's OK. I don't blame brother Huang"

Ning Ling stood up in Song inkstone's arms with red cheeks and lowered his head.

Wen Yan, song Yan is slightly stunned, and there is a twinge in his eyes. Ningling is really a lovely girl, but the problem is that he killed her brother, and he really can't accept her peacefully.

All of a sudden, Ning Ling found that song Yan had no voice, and quietly raised his head. However, he found that brother Huang's brow was tight. He seemed to blame himself. He could not help saying, "don't blame yourself, brother Huang. People really don't blame you. In fact, they like to be like you"


Song Yan, who was distracted, hurriedly returned to his mind and asked, "what did you just say, ling'er"

“ They said nothing. " Ling'er stamped his feet shyly, turned and ran into the back hall.

: three watchers

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