Magic Love Ring

Chapter 817

Chapter 817

The Terran soldiers had been evacuated to the inner city for a long time, so the cattle demons rushed in without any resistance.

At this time, the figure of song Yan suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Kill him"

a Bull Demon clan came straight to song inkstone with a long knife.

In the turning of the array formula, song Yan's right foot suddenly stepped on the ground and said softly, "when the array was broken"

suddenly, the space in front of him was twisted, and all the bull demons who rushed into the city were inhaled into it.

The Bull Demon family who rushed in immediately saw that thousands of companions had disappeared. They were stunned, but then they rushed forward and were sucked into the array. josei

Song Yan, who was in the array, saw this scene, but he was surprised. He didn't expect that these demons were so rigid. He thought that the second round of demons needed him to open the magic array to lure them into the array. Now, he ran in by himself, which saved him a lot of effort.

Now, there are ten thousand demons in the array.

The array formula in his hand has changed a lot. Suddenly, the ox demon family who entered the array will kill each other.

At the same time, in the third round, the Bull Demon clan in the third round continues to rush into the array.

In a blink of an eye, a hundred thousand cow demons rushed into the array, and, between each other, launched a crazy fight.

The whole 100000 people disappeared, and the Bull Demon family finally realized that it was not good and stopped charging.

Song Yan saw the situation and picked up a formula. Suddenly, the magic array appeared, and thousands of "human warriors" suddenly appeared.

Seeing this, the Bull Demon clan standing still could not help but shout and rush to the "human warrior". The "human warrior" turned around and ran. Soon, the Bull Demon clan that chased them was led into the array.

After introducing thousands of bull demons into the array, the group of human warriors once again appeared in front of the wall gap.

So, another Bull Demon family rushed to them.

Half an hour later, 200000 cow demons have been introduced into the array, among which the first 100000 cow demons have almost died. Uu1;

the whole 200000 people disappeared.

This aroused the vigilance of the three princes, who personally led thirty martial saints of the Bull Demon family to the front of the gap.

It's just that there's nothing in front of us. As for the disappeared cattle demon soldiers, we can't see any trace.

"Who knows what's going on"

the ninth prince, Emperor Shayu, asked discontentedly.

"If my subordinates have not guessed wrong, there should be a array ahead," said Wu Shengdao, an old Bull Demon

"What array is so powerful that it can swallow 200000 of our children?" the eldest prince questioned.

"Since there is a formation in front of us, it's better to walk around from both sides." the third prince suddenly opened his mouth, and there was a little fire of wisdom in his eyes.

"Send someone to have a try"

soon, two teams of people and horses of the Bull Demon clan will stick to the walls on both sides respectively.

After a while, the two teams successfully bypassed the formation and appeared hundreds of meters away.

"Haha, the bullshit battle is just like this." the ninth Prince disdained to laugh, and then waved with a big hand: "the warriors of the niumo clan rush to me, and kill all the people in the city"

suddenly, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses began to walk along both sides of the wall.

But at the next moment, the eyes of the three princes were all stagnant, because the tens of thousands of cattle demon soldiers disappeared again.

In the array, song Yan's lips flashed a scornful sneer: "isn't my vacancy so easy to drill"

at the next moment, his body shape flickered and appeared in front of the three Bull Demon princes.

"Despicable people, where did you get our warriors?" uu2;

the third prince stared at Song yanleng and shouted.

"In the lower Huangliang, I have seen the eldest prince, the third prince and the ninth prince." Song Yan smiled and hugged them.

"The damned people answer my questions," the third prince shouted angrily.

"I want to know. I'm afraid you don't have the courage to join the battle." Song inkstone has a faint disdain on its lips.

All of a sudden, a Bull Demon disappeared in place and came to song Yan's body in a flash. His huge hand protruded out and buttoned his neck.


but the next moment, the martial saint's expression stagnated, because he grabbed an empty space, and song Yan's figure appeared tens of meters away, smiling at him.


the martial saint of the Bull Demon family rushed out again, but his body shape moved, and suddenly found that the scene before him changed. At the same time, ten martial saints of the human race rushed in from all directions.

Kushan was shocked. He fell into the trap of the human race.

But now there is no way back, so he has to fight hard against the ten masters.

After killing the three martial saints, Kushan was pierced in his head and heart by two famous people. Before he died, he laughed at the sky, because he thought he was worth one life for three.

But is he really worth itSong Yan looks at Kushan, the martial saint of the ox demon family, who has completely lost his sight standing in the magic array. He draws his sword and cuts it off. Then, a head flies up. He looks into his hands and grabs the head. His body shape flashes and appears before the array again.

Kushan thought that he had a war with ten people's martial saints, but all of them were magic arrays. The ten people's martial saints were just magic arrays, but he was killed in the magic array, and he thought he was dead, so he would be beheaded by song Yan without any resistance.


Song Yan throws the head out of his hand, and it tumbles in the air and falls to the feet of the three princes. Uu3;


other martial saints are shocked. The cultivation of this Kushan is not low. It has reached the late stage of the martial saint, and it was killed in just more than ten breaths. For a while, their hearts are cold. As for the faces of the three princes, they are extremely gloomy.

"Three princes, it's better to advise you to retreat before you lose your life." Song Yan said with a smile.

"On, kill him"

the ninth Prince clenched his teeth.


three martial saints rushed out, but song Yan retreated faster.

At the next moment, song Yan and the three martial saints disappeared at the same time.

After a while, song Yan reappeared with three heads in his hand.

Seeing this scene, a group of martial saints behind the three princes all had a layer of fear in their eyes.

"Is there anyone else to die?" Song Yanqing said.

For a while, the faces of the three princes became more ugly, but they did not dare to act rashly any more.

"Three princes, otherwise, we should retreat first. The formation of the Terran is too powerful," a demon general suggested.

"Yes, I'd better go back. You can break my array with a few rubbish." Song Yan said in a loud voice, "by the way, some time ago, I took people to the king's city of the third prince and the ninth prince, killed several martial saints, and moved two treasure houses. The ninth Prince is not me. Your treasure house is much less than the third prince. After you go back, you can try to collect treasures to enrich the treasure house."

"Asshole is you"

it's song Yan who stole their treasure house. The ninth Prince and the third prince are furious.

At the next moment, the ninth Prince unexpectedly shot out and cut his sword at Song Yan. At the sight of other martial saints, they were shocked and followed up one after another for fear that the ninth prince might have an accident. Campus Belle:


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