Magic Love Ring

Chapter 838

Chapter 838

Yes, it was song Yan and no snow who came to Lei Jiuming's house to visit.

After a while of greetings, Lei Jiuming and song Yan came to the study.

"Your courage is too great. Once the news of your two coming to the holy city is leaked, it's afraid that Chu and Nian will send someone to surround and kill you." Lei Jiuming said with worried face.

Song Yan smiled: "they have to have that ability, I want to go, who can stop me in the world."

"It's also true that your great move skill is too counter to the sky." Lei Jiuming nodded, and suddenly he thought: "you are just here. Now I have a problem. Please help me to analyze how I should do"

then, Lei Jiuming told the story that he was sent to tianyinzong by military camp.

After thinking for a while, song inkstone said: "I have a way, you can do this"

after listening to song inkstone's way, Lei Jiuming can't help but see.

The next day, Lei Jiuming sent a emissary to tianyinzong. Just after he left the holy city, he was assassinated by a group of martial saints. As a result, Lei Jiuming was seriously injured and his entourage was seriously injured.

Under serious injury, Lei Jiuming can no longer serve as envoy to tianyinzong.

After deliberation, the nine decided to send Zhang Shiquan to tianyinzong.

Lei Fu.

Lei Jiuming lies on the bed, the gauze on his chest is still stained with blood, but he has a smile on his face.

"Xiaohuang, your plan is really brilliant," said Lei Jiuming happily.

"Don't be too happy too early. Those in the military aircraft camp are not idiots. They may not be able to guess the mystery. They will definitely test you out," said Song Yan with a sneer.

As expected, someone came to visit Lei Jiuming soon.

Some even brought doctors. However, Lei Jiuming's injury was real and serious. For a while, he had no choice but to catch him.

Song Yanhe never stopped in the holy city, and left the next morning.

Today, tianyinzong can be said to have turned against the military barracks. Therefore, there is no snow to answer tianyinzong.

Gao Meixiang made her the deputy leader. Once she abdicated, no snow would become the leader of tianyinzong.

It has to be said that Gao Meixiang is very clever in this move, which not only gains the trust of song Yan, but also gains his favor.

"Young master, how should we face the waiters of the military aircraft battalion"

in the back hall of the leader's hall, Gao Meixiang respectfully asks song Yan for advice.

Song inkstone light way: "nature is to let him roll back to the holy city."

"Will this provoke the military barracks?" said Gao Meixiang, worried.

Song Yan said coldly: "what we have done is to provoke the military barracks. Now, we don't know how many eyes are staring at tianyinzong. If tianyinzong is defeated, the reputation of the military barracks will rise to a higher level. But as long as we stand up to the first round of attack of the military barracks, the ambitious people in the world will start one after another. At that time, the military barracks will look after the head and ignore the tail What's more, my southern region will be unified in the near future, echoing with tianyinzong. "

speaking of this, song Yan's eyes can't help but emit two magic lights, like talking to herself, or swearing:" it's time to change the dynasty after so many years of military machine camp ruling the human race "

when Gao Meixiang heard that song Yan wanted to overthrow the military machine camp and replace it, she was shocked, but then her eyes There are two hot lights in it. Once the young master succeeds in replacing the military aircraft camp, her status as a minister of the dragon must be rising and rising. What's more, she is still the master without snow. Now she will be the deputy leader without snow. Everything she has will be snow free in the future. On this basis, the young master won't treat her badly.

Thinking of this, she flopped to her knees and said, "my subordinates died for Gongzi"

the next afternoon, a pair of people and horses came to the gate of tianyinzong mountain.

The first was a middle-aged man in a dark brown robe, with a broad face and big ears, but his eyes were like a seam.

He is Zhang Shiquan, the emissary of tianyinmen.

"I'm the emissary of the military barracks. Hurry up and let Gao Meixiang come out to take over."

Zhang Shiquan is proud to face the disciple guarding the mountain gate.

"This adult, our headmaster said that she was ill and didn't see any strangers during this period of time." the mountain guarding disciple said lightly, even with a sneer in his tone.

Wen Yan said that Zhang Shiquan could not help being angry: "if Gao Meixiang dared to avoid her, she would know who this seat is"

"whoever you are, if you don't see them, you will not see them." Leng Sheng, the mountain guarding female disciple, said. josei

Looking at the mountain guarding female disciple, Zhang Shiquan's eyes were bright and cold: "you bastard, a little mountain guarding disciple dare to contradict this seat, come and take the palm for me"

suddenly, a guard in the later period of the grand master came out of the crowd and grabbed the mountain guarding female disciple out of the sky.

Chen Linlin, the female disciple guarding the mountain, is capable of nine parts of refining Qi. How can she resist the means of a great master? She can't help but fly to the other side when the other side raises her hand.

"Bold, dare to hurt my disciples in my tianyinzong, really when my tianyinzong does not exist"When the sound rang, a long and narrow sword like lightning came, which scared the great master to abandon Chen Linlin and fly back.

But that sword spirit didn't let him go. The brilliance soared, the speed increased sharply, and it came from shooting at a faster speed.

"Unbridled, even the people in the military aircraft camp dare to hurt"

an accompanying martial saint can't see any more. He raises his fist and blows out a fiery fist force to face the sword Qi.

"I think it's you who are unbridled"

a crutch appears out of the sky, poof, the fist strength collapses, the power of the crutch is not reduced, straight to the chest of the martial saint, and after the crutch, it's an old dragon bell, like an old woman about to enter the earth.


with a scream, the great master was split in two by the sword Qi, and a middle-aged woman with a sword appeared. She glanced at the body in two, and then her eyes fell on Chen Linlin: "are you OK, Chen Linlin?"

"thank you, elder Wang for saving us." Chen Linlin hurriedly thanked, with a little excitement on her face.

"It doesn't matter. You are my disciple of Tianyin sect. I should protect your safety," said elder Wang calmly.

On the other side, just listen to the sound of "bang". The martial Saint from the military aircraft camp was smashed by crutches and fell tens of meters away. As soon as he stood up, he opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood, which made his breath hurt.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Shiquan was furious to the extreme. This tianyinzong was so bold that he dared to kill the people he brought. His eyes quickly swept over the old woman and elder Wang, and he gnashed his teeth and said, "is this your tianyinzong who wants to revolt?"

"how about the revolt"

just then, Gao Meixiang came slowly with a group of disciples at the level of grand master. Suddenly, a group of disciples came The mountain guarding disciples knelt down and said they had met the leader.

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