Magic Love Ring

Chapter 855

Chapter 855

The seven battlefields should not be disordered, otherwise, the demons and the demons will take advantage of the situation.

At present, the battlefield of Xuehe, Longshan and Heiya has been under the leadership of song Yan. Although Bai Tianya of the west sea battlefield is not attached to him, song Yan knows after a deep talk that if there is Bai Tianya, there will be no worries in the west sea battlefield.

Therefore, song Yan really has to face three battlefields: Tianyuan, Heishui and Hongsha.

Among the commanders of these three battlefields, situ Lang's attitude is the worst, Han Yu's attitude is warm, but in Song Yan's view, this kind of enthusiasm is only superficial, because he thinks this man is quite smooth, and he just doesn't want to offend him.

After meeting the commanders of these battlefields, song Yan went back to qingweimen.

Nowadays, the military aircraft camp is in the west mountain at dusk. It's a matter of minutes to kill them. But song Yan decided to slow it down. Otherwise, it would be too much of a hit, making the other seven regions feel threatened and have the possibility to join hands to deal with him.

So now he has two things to do: first, accept the seven battlefields, which is almost half the way. Second, fully integrate the forces of the East and the south. After all, the unification of the southeast and the south is too reluctant. For example, if the east alliance is defeated by the military, the east alliance will break up.

As for the southern region, the problem is even more serious. Therefore, we must take advantage of the failure of the other seven regions to complete the reunification and integrate the power of the two regions thoroughly, so that we can have the capital to unify the human race world in the future.

However, as the leader and the leader of the alliance, he doesn't have to bow to do anything. He orders these two things, and someone will operate them. Therefore, in the next period of time, song Yan's life is relatively leisurely. He accompanies his newly married wife, Xie Huayu, and occasionally goes to have a tryst with no snow. When he's OK, he can go to Ningling.

"Headmaster, someone has sent a letter. Please have a look"

it's sunny this day. Song Yan lies lazily in the yard and enjoys the service of Ning Ling. A boy comes in and delivers a letter without signature.

Opening the letter, his eyes first fell on the name of the signer.

But seeing the name of the signer, song Yan was a little surprised because the writer was Bu Yi.

Then he quickly browsed the contents of the letter and exclaimed, "it's so sleepy that someone will send pillows."

This letter is not long in content, but it shows good intentions.

Among the nine garret elders, the only thing song Yan didn't feel bad about was this Bu Yi.

At the beginning, he won the imperial level of Wu Hun and refused to give up his status as a student of Shengwu college to join the military completely, which made the military camp very angry. Chu Ge Lao proposed to kill him completely at the meeting of Ge Lao.

It turned out that Boyi rejected the proposal.

Later, Chu Ge Lao sent his own private forces to deal with him, but he ended up losing his wife and his soldiers. If the military barracks were full of fire, song Yan asked himself, he might not be able to resist at that time.

So, Boyi is kind to him.

What's more, Lei Jiuming has been under the Buyi gate. Now, Lei Jiuming is the general of his side, who presides over the overall military situation in the eastern region. Therefore, the relationship between the two sides is closer.

In fact, the most important thing is that his brother Bofeng is the commander of Tianyuan battlefield. If he persuades Bofeng to attach to him, will the chance of success be greater.

"Back to the leader, the other side is waiting for your summons," the boy replied respectfully.

Half a quarter of an hour later, song Yan saw the messenger in the reception hall.

"Bu Yu has seen the leader of the Yellow League."

The messenger saluted.

He was not very old. He was only in his early thirties, and his accomplishments were not high. He had just reached the early stage of his grand master.

However, the name of the other side makes song yanruo think.

"No need to be polite, please sit down," Song Yan raised his hand.

"Your name is the same as that of Bo Yige. I don't know"

"he is my grandfather." Bu Yudao.

The fact that he sent his grandson to send a letter shows that Boyi is sincere enough.

Song Yan nodded with satisfaction: "it's Mr. bu. I don't know if he has any other explanation."

Bu Yu was slightly stunned, and then his eyes flashed with admiration: "as expected, I can't hide it from the alliance leader. Grandpa did have an explanation. He said that he can help the alliance leader to persuade the two grandfathers."

Hearing this, song Yan didn't show a happy face, but asked: "I don't know what the request is from the old Foge"

"the leader of the alliance has been worried about it. My grandfather didn't ask for anything. He was just thinking about the overall situation of the human race." Speaking of this, bu Yu's eyes obviously had a strong color of worship and pride.

Song Yan was shocked, and then said sorry, but in his heart, he said that Bu Yi didn't ask for anything. It was a big plot or a real selflessness. But he thought that he would rather give up his old position in the cabinet, which showed that he was not too greedy for power. Therefore, song Yan thought that the latter was more likely. josei

Bu Yi smiled: "the alliance leader is very polite. In fact, when I come this time, my grandfather also told me something.""Oh, please tell me"

Bu Yu looked around, and song Yan quickly understood and retreated after drinking.

"As far as I know, there were ten murderers in the eastern and southern regions at the same time some time ago."

"Not bad" Song inkstone looks slightly changed nodding.

"In fact, these murderers are called xueshawei, which is the secret weapon of the military camp. There are 33 in total," Bu Yu continued.

At once, song Yan looked cold. He had long suspected that these bloody puppets were sent by the military, but there was no evidence. Now, they were finally confirmed. For a while, a huge anger rose in his heart. In order to deal with him, the military unexpectedly caused so many innocent deaths in the southeast and southeast regions.

That's why he can't let go of the rest of the garrison.

"By the way, my grandfather also said that he would try his best to destroy the rest of the bloody guards, so as not to cause more innocent damage"


Song Yan clapped his hands and said: "Mr. Boge is really a man of high integrity."

The next day, bu Yu left the qingweimen. However, when he left, song Yan sent two gifts to bu Yu, including ten three level broken pills, ten four level Xuandan and ten top level Lingjing. The gifts to Bu Yi were ten top level Lingjing, five longevity extending pills and ten four level broken pills.

A few days later, bu Yu quietly returned to the holy city and gave the gift to Bu Yi.

After seeing the gift, Bu Yi is not happy. The older people are, the more afraid they are of death. He doesn't care much about the best Lingjing and the fourth level broken Dan Bu Yi, but he is surprised by the five longevity pills. Through the instructions put in the jade box by song inkstone, he knows that these five longevity pills can increase his life span by 50 years.

Ten days later, song Yan received a message and bu Feng said he would like to attach it to him.

It is said that before the return of Bofeng, Boyi went to Tianyuan battlefield in person.

Thank you very much for your reward

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