Magic Love Ring

Chapter 858

Chapter 858

"I won't tell you who let you bully others." Gu Xie Hua Yu said in a coquettish way.

"It seems that you haven't learned a lesson yet, and you have to use your family skills for your husband once."

as soon as the voice falls, song Yan turns over and presses Gu Xie Huayu's infinite and beautiful body into her.

Just experienced a battle for half an hour, until now, Gu Xie Huayu's body is still very weak. Seeing that song Yan is coming again, she can't help making a exclamation: "don't, my husband, I will tell you."

"Haha, it's late"

Song yanguai laughed, bowed his head and caught the two lips, thrust his tongue in wantonly, at the same time, his hands began to swim up and down her body

at first, Gu Xie Huayu still had a little resistance, but under the guidance of song Yanyan, he soon forgot the resistance, instead, he devoted himself to it, catering to song Yan.

More than half an hour passed.

The two finally stopped fighting, Gu Xie Huayu breathed heavily and was tired, but the taste just now was endless.

Song Yan hugs Guxie Huayu's delicate body, palms on her bright and clean back and caresses: "madam, tell me, what is the matter"

"my husband is really cruel, and I'm not afraid to kill others." Guxie Huayu whitens his eyes, hears that, song Yan's hand suddenly glides down, grabs half of his hips, scares Guxie Huayu and shivers: "husband, I'm really not good at others "If so, hurry up to say" Song Yan's vicious way.

"In fact, they want you to accept the spirit." Gu thanked Huayu for her grievance.

"Madam, what do you mean?" Song Yan was shocked. Did Gu Xie Huayu find out the ambiguity between him and ling'er and deliberately test him.

Gu Xie Hua Yu chuckled: "don't worry, my husband. They are sincere. I don't believe you don't see that the girl of ling'er is tied to you. Why don't you accept her? Besides, my husband's body is as strong as a cow. People can't satisfy you at all. If there is a spirit to share some, I will feel more relaxed."

"you really are Song Yan looks at her.

Gu Xie Hua nodded in the rain.

Seeing this, song Yan said with complete relief, "in this case, I'll find a time to ask ling'er what she thinks. If she wants, I'll marry her."

"Ling'er must be willing. You didn't find it. Every time you see us, does ling'er's girl have a grudge on her face?" Guxie Huayu chuckled.

The next morning.

Song Yan put on his clothes and came to the yard. Gu Xie was overworked and still sleeping.

Ning Ling had already got up first and made breakfast. When he saw song Yan, he brought washing water for him.

"Brother Huang, why hasn't sister Huayu got up"

"she's so tired, let her sleep more." Song Yan said with a smile.

Ning Ling nodded knowingly: "Oh, I have prepared breakfast for brother Huang."

"Linger is really virtuous. Whoever marries you in the future is a blessing cultivated in eight lives." Song Yan scratched her nose intimately.

Hearing this, Ning lington was stunned. There was a layer of water mist in his eyes: "brother Huang, I will serve you all my life if I don't marry."

"Even brother Huang doesn't want to marry," Song Yan said with a tiger face. josei


hearing song Yan's words, Ning Ling couldn't help but utter a exclamation, a pair of lovely eyes stared round, and then a pretty face turned red: "brother Huang, what do you say, others didn't hear you clearly."

As soon as song Yan grasped Ning Ling's delicate body, he whispered, "brother Huang asked you if I would marry you."

"other people"

"how can I not?" Song Yan had a heart to tease Ning Ling.

"No, they would like to, but will sister Huayu not be happy?" Ning Ling was both happy and worried.

"Don't worry, if you are willing to marry me, sister Hua Yu is too happy." Song inkstone.

"Sister Huayu is so nice." Ning Ling felt the way.

Wen Yan, song Yan slanders in his heart, silly girl, your sister Huayu wants you to help share the fire.

After half a month's marriage with Ning Ling, song Yan was going to do it, but Ning Ling didn't want to. As long as she could stay with brother Huang, she didn't care about anything else.

Three days passed in a flash.

Finally came to the dinner for the leaders of the major forces of the holy city.

For a while, the old mansion of niange was very busy with guests.

Suddenly, a voice rang out: "old Chu Ge"

under the support of four martial saints, old Chu Ge strided to the banquet hall.

In fact, Chu Ge is also very confused. I don't know the purpose of this banquet.

Then Zhang jiangkun, Li Ge, Huang Puge, Jiang Ge and so on came on the stage.

However, it's strange that most of the guests have come, and the old man who is the master hasn't appeared yet, which makes everyone unhappy. Your military barracks are almost finished, and what's your airs."The leader of Haotian alliance, Mr. Xuanyuan Wui, arrived"

"the leader of Tianlong gate, the leader of Nangong Tianbao gate"

"the leader of Tianhu gate, the emperor's general fire came"

"the leader of Tianxiang gate, the leader of Zhuge Qingyang arrived"

as soon as the voice fell, the four people of Xuanyuan Wui stepped into the banquet hall side by side.

At the same time, the early heads of all parties have come forward to make friends with Xuanyuan Wui and others.

Shengwu college has a close relationship with the southeast region, and now the East region, which annexes the army, is the most powerful region in the world. It is likely to become the leader of the human race in the future. Therefore, many people want to make friends with Xuanyuan Wui, so as to build a relationship with the East region.

After some greetings, Huang puhuoming suddenly sneered: "this year, everyone is here, how can they not show up"

"yes, the military barracks are about to be disbanded, and what kind of old airs are there?" another said.

For a while, the other seven old men in the room all looked a little ugly.

But at this time, an old and powerful voice sounded: "who said the military aircraft camp would be dissolved"

as soon as the voice fell, he saw the old man coming out of the side hall, followed by a handsome young man in his thirties.

Then, Nian Ge came to the main seat and sat down. After looking around, he began to speak slowly: "today, I'd like to invite you here to celebrate my grandson's return from his studies."

hearing this, everyone's eyes narrowed slightly and secretly speculated about the real intention of Nian Ge. They don't believe that Zhang Qigu, the leader of Nian Ge, was just celebrating for his grandson.

"No taboo, say hello to everyone," said the elder.

Nian Wuji nodded and walked out. Then he bowed to the seven elders and said, "Wuji has seen the elder of Chu Pavilion and the elder of Zhang Pavilion"

after saluting the seven elders, Nian Wuji suddenly straightened his body and looked proudly across the crowd, saying: "in the next year, Wuji will learn from one of the three gods of fog and martial arts"


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