Magic Love Ring

Chapter 869

Chapter 869

Guess it's the projection of the fog martial god. Everyone's face turns pale. Although the martial god didn't come in person, there is no big difference between the appearance of his projection and his presence. You know, from all the previous perspectives, the fog martial god doesn't want his majesty to form a great military empire. Then, can your majesty survive this disaster The projection is excited. ".

" Huang Liang, your death is coming, "chuhuaixian laughed.


Song Yan raised his hand. Suddenly, Chu huaixian's body seemed to be attacked by an invisible and powerful bombardment. He screamed and flew backward, falling tens of meters away without any sound.

"Young generation, you are very bold. She is the servant of our Lord. Aren't you afraid that our Lord will blame you"

the God of martial arts projected to speak. The tone was very calm, and I couldn't hear the joy and anger.

"Blame you for blaming me, she offended me, don't you deserve to die?" song Yansi was not afraid of the questioning of the God of martial arts, but smiled at the projection of the God of martial arts.

"For so many years, you are the first one who is not afraid of Wushen, but your servant can't die in vain, so you will be offered three times. If you can survive, you will be spared," said misty Wushen with a smile.

Song Yan shakes his head: "what's more, you are just a projection. One projection dare to speak wildly in front of me. I really don't know how to live or die. Of course, I'm not unreasonable. If you leave nianyi and zhangjiangkun to me, how about this projection?" br >
in the face of the offensive words of song Yan, Misty Wu Shen didn't get angry: "you are very interesting. Although you are only a projection now, you have the power of noumenon. If you don't step into Wu Shen, you can't understand the power of Wu Shen. Even if you have only one level of power, you can't fight against it. So, don't mistake yourself"

"don't try how to know." Song inkstone is light, but its tone is firm.

"It seems that you are determined to fight against the Buddha. Well, let your young generation know the strength of the Buddha."

when the voice falls, the fog warrior God raises his hand and points out his finger.


a light finger force came out of his fingertip, and then shot at Song Yanfei slowly.

"Your Majesty, be careful"

a martial Saint flashed out and chopped at the power.



the finger power shakes slightly, which makes the wusheng spit blood and fly backward.


two more wushengs flew out and attacked the power at the same time. josei

In the same way, the two martial saints were shocked to spit blood and fly back.

Then, the five wusheng together, still can't shake the fingers that fly slowly to song Yan, instead, they shake one by one and spit blood.

Seeing this scene, everyone can't help but create a chill in their hearts. Only the finger strength of a martial god projection is so strong, and how strong the martial god itself should be.

Seeing that there are more martial saints who want to stop that power, song Yan says, "you all give me back"

as soon as the voice falls, song Yan raises his hand and blows.

"Ang ang ang"

punches, and the Dragon chants.

A golden fist power collides with that finger power in the void. Then, everyone's eyes are widened, watching the collision between fist power and finger power engulf. For half a quarter of an hour, fist power and finger power annihilate each other.

"Wu Shen's means are just like this." Song Yan lives high in the Dragon chair, disdaining the way.

"Majesty's power"

"Majesty's power"

"Majesty's power"

Song Yan actually blocked an attack from the God of martial arts. Therefore, all the officials, the royal forest army and even a martial saint on the scene were extremely excited. For a while, they could not help shouting.

As for Qingya and nianyi, Zhang jiangkun was shocked. They could not imagine that song Yan could resist the attack of Wushen.

As for the misty warrior God's face, it was also dignified by several points.

"It seems that I despise you. In this case, I'll take my finger"


when I lift my hand, the fog God points out his finger again. It's still weak, but there's an unspeakable change.

Seeing this, song Yan raises his hand and blows out a fist, which is still the Dragon chanting.


fist force and finger force collide in the void, and the whole void suddenly turns into a black hole. At this time, the light finger force suddenly splits into three finger forces, shooting at Song Yan like lightning.

"On the high side"

three dragon chants sounded one after another. Then, song Yan's fist split into three one foot long golden dragons. In the swing of the dragon tail, he stopped the way of the three finger strength

this time, the battle between the two sides lasted for a quarter of an hour, and the two sides were still in the same situation.

Seeing this scene, misty Wu Shen's brow was slightly wrinkled: "take my finger again"

"poof"Misty Wu Shen points out a finger again, and the finger power flies to the middle of the way, suddenly explodes like fireworks, turns into hundreds of finger power in a flash, and attacks song inkstone from different tracks.

"Ha ha, has your skill stopped like this?"

Song Yan smiled lightly, and then punched again.


a dragon chant that vibrates the heaven and earth rings, a long golden dragon spurts out of song Yan's fist, opens his mouth, a huge suction appears, unexpectedly swallowing all the finger power of the misty martial god into his stomach.

After a while, the Golden Dragon dissipated, and the finger power that it swallowed into its abdomen disappeared.

Seeing this, the eyes of the mysterious Wushen suddenly shrunk, because he had a guess in his mind. He attacked three times, and song Yan fought back three times. Each time, song Yan's counterattack just offset his attack. Is it coincidence or intentional?

if it is coincidence, it means that the strength of the other side is not weaker than the Wushen projection, but if it is intentional, it means that the other side has seen the change in his pointing strength, Then play the same force.

If this is the case, the strength of the other side will be far beyond his projection.

"If you can catch my three fists, I don't care about your offence. Otherwise, neither your disciples nor your servants should want to live."

as soon as the words drop, song Yan raises his hand and blows out a fist.

The emperor killed thousands of feet of golden dragons from the first style of Longquan. In a flash, the song inkstone fist spewed out thousands of feet of golden dragons, which roared to the God of martial arts to shoot and kill.

After a while.

Tens of thousands of golden dragons are left, but the Wushen projection disappears completely.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked. It's amazing that song Yan defeated Wushen.

At the moment, in the fog cliff, a face of the fog martial god is almost dripping out of the water, and his hall martial god projection is actually defeated by a great master, and it is still in full view of the public, which is a great shame.

Thank you for your great reward

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