Magic Love Ring

Chapter 890

Chapter 890

Five days later, Dali niumo royal city.

In the evening, the setting sun reflects the sky, and the rosy clouds are everywhere.

In the center of the Imperial City, an altar rises from the ground, with a solemn and solemn atmosphere.

Around the altar, the elite soldiers of the powerful Bull Demon clan guard at all levels. Just as they get close to the ten foot range of the altar, they will be driven away.

Time goes by.

One hour later, Miguel came to the altar directly under the support of a group of experts from the Bull Demon family, accompanied by the first Prince and Princess of the Bull Demon family. Except the nine dead princes, all the remaining princesses were present.

After approaching the altar, the rest of the people stopped, while the great Bull Demon continued to walk to the altar.

The altar is divided into three layers, each layer is full of desolate runes, mysterious and distant.

Finally, the great Bull Demon emperor ascended the highest altar. The runes on this altar are slightly different. On the whole, it looks like a grimace, gloomy and weird. There are 100 head size grooves between the runes.

I saw the powerful ox demon emperor wave at will, a hundred crystal heads flew into the groove, stably inlaid together.

Then, the great Bull Demon King cut his fingers again, spilled a hundred drops of blood and fell into the crystal head. Suddenly, a huge and surging breath rose from the altar.

Under the influence of this momentum, except for the great Bull Demon emperor standing on the altar, all others fell to their knees.

On the other side, in the huge Valley thousands of miles away from the Imperial City, there is still an altar. Strangely, there is still a powerful Bull Demon emperor standing on the altar, and there are several people standing around the altar, namely, the winged devil emperor, the sword devil emperor, the three eyed devil emperor and the devil ape emperor.

With the great power of the Bull Demon, the blood was sprinkled on the crystal head, and a huge momentum rose on the altar.

"Lao Dao, did you say that the martial god of the human race will come?" the three eyed devil emperor asked in a deep voice. He felt something was wrong in his heart.

"I should come," said the king.

Imperial City.

The momentum of the altar is getting stronger and stronger, and finally it is connected with the whole heaven and earth. At this time, not only the living beings around the altar feel this breath, but also the living beings in the whole imperial city are shivering because of this breath.

Thousands of meters away, there is a huge building. Song Yan stands in front of the window, with his eyes fixed on the altar in the center of the imperial city. His eyes are full of thinking. Behind him are Oriental Tianya and duanmuchong. Besides, there are two majestic men.

"Your Majesty, when do you start?" duanmuchong asked.

"Wait first."

In a flash, song Yan disappeared and reappeared. He had come to the top of a valley and looked at the great Bull Demon emperor on the altar in the middle of the valley. His brow was more and more tight.

After a while, he had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and a smile of ridicule came up at the corner of his mouth: "powerful ox devil, your calculation is really deep, true and false, false and true, almost cheated by you"

under the perspective of God, there is no plant in the valley. Naturally, the two demons can't escape his investigation.

For other people, they will surely think that the altar in the imperial city is fake, and the real altar should be in this valley. After all, four magic kings and two magic gods are here, but the powerful bull devil king just goes in the opposite direction, no, it should be said that both of them are true. No matter which one succeeds, he can be promoted to the devil.

As for the reason why there are two great bull elves, it's a good explanation, just separate.

Song Yan appeared on the building in the imperial city again.

"Start, destroy the altar, kill the great bull demon"


Duanmu Chong flashes out, directly comes to the altar, and then waves his hands to take a picture. josei

A huge shadow fell from the sky. In an instant, it annihilated the whole altar and even the powerful Bull Demon emperor on the altar.

As soon as the great Bull Demon emperor died, a trace of fault and regret suddenly appeared on the face of the great Bull Demon emperor on the altar in the valley thousands of miles away.

He did not expect that the Terran could not find the valley.

However, if not found, the emperor can become a God at ease. However, he has some regrets. He has not calculated the martial gods of the people and the other two.

But at this time, the figure of five people suddenly appeared over the valley.


five figures fell from the sky and fell around the altar. Song Yan raised his hand and gave a blow. The whole altar exploded. The Bull Demon emperor flew up and fell beside the other four. When he saw the faces of these five people, his eyes suddenly shrank and his heart was even more shocked.

"How about the great Bull Demon emperor? Is it your high calculation or I'm better?" Song Yan asked, looking at the great Bull Demon emperor with a smile.

"How do you see through it?" said the great bull.

Song inkstone said: "at first, I was almost deceived by you, but coincidentally, I also got a crystal head, so I found that there are millions of souls in the crystal head on the altar in the Imperial City, and then I came here to have a look, and found that there are millions of souls in the crystal head here, and even more coincidentally, I also have a separate body."Speaking of this, Huang Yan walked out of song Yan's body and stood beside him.

Hearing this, the face of the great bull devil became extremely gloomy.

Song Yan continued: "it seems that you deliberately exposed your spiritual sacrifice in the imperial city. In fact, your real intention is to attract me here, so as to ignore the altar in the imperial city. In this way, you can hide the truth from the world and let your own or separated soul sacrifice in the imperial city become a God. If I don't find this place, just kill you in the Imperial City, you can still rely on this place "You are right, but I didn't expect you to see through the emperor's calculation." the way of the great bull demon is extremely decadent.

And the other four monsters finally understood what was going on. For a while, they looked at the great bull. They thought they knew all the plans, but they were cheated by the great bull.

"If the Emperor didn't make a mistake, you have another calculation. Would you like to use my hand to get rid of one or two demons of the other four families?" Song Yan said again.

"You're bullshit"

the great bull turns suddenly.

And the faces of the other four became very ugly.

"But I'd like to tell you that I'm very happy to help you."

but before Song Yan finished, two figures rushed to the sky, and they wanted to escape to the distance. They were the demons of the Yiwu and the three eyed demons.

"Leave me"

Song Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, raised his hand and clapped it. The huge golden palms appeared in the sky and fell down suddenly, taking the two devils back to the valley.

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