Magic Love Ring

Chapter 905

Chapter 905

In this world, almost everyone has practiced physical skills. Therefore, ordinary college students have the accomplishments of level 2 soldiers, and only a few are level 1 soldiers.

As for the third level soldiers, they are excellent among college students, and they are already among the very excellent ranks when they reach the fourth level.

As for level five soldiers, they are already outstanding.

Among the more than 3000 students in business school, there are only a hundred soldiers who have reached level five.

Therefore, when song Yan shows the strength of five level soldiers, Shen Linlin and those students who watch the war will show the unexpected color.

Of course, although Shen Linlin was surprised, she was not surprised. After all, Shen family is one of the five families in Shanmei city. There are some soldiers in the family who will be in charge. Don't say that level 5 soldiers. Even level 9 soldiers dare not offend Shen family easily.

"Are you both rubbish?" Shen said to the two men.

All of a sudden, the faces of the two men were dark, and one of them stared at Song Yan coldly: "boy, you forced me to use martial arts, take the move"

as soon as the voice fell, the man suddenly flew out, and the speed increased by 30%.

Those with and without martial arts can't speak at the same time.

This man is a junior guard of the Shen family. He has learnt a set of basic martial arts, shuoshan boxing. After using this set of boxing, his strength can be improved by at least 50%. However, shuoshan boxing consumes a lot of physical strength. With this man's strength, he can play more than 10 Boxing at most.

In order to regain face, the man directly fired three punches at Song Yan, each with a strong voice of breaking the air.

As for the other man who didn't do it, in his opinion, the partner who used to shake the mountain fist wanted to take a student who could not do martial arts, and he was more than dead

when he saw that his fist was about to fall on Song Yan, he suddenly reached out and clasped his opponent's wrist.

All of a sudden, the momentum of the other side a vent, song Yan kicked out.


the man flew in response and fell several meters away.


"how can it be? Shen Linlin's guard has used martial arts. Even if level 6 soldiers have to be careful, why are they easily hit by Lu Feng?"

seeing this scene, a group of students who watched the war showed their surprise, and more and more students gathered here.

Seeing this, song Yan frowned slightly. He didn't want to show off, so he ended the war as soon as possible.

So, this time, without waiting for another man to attack, he stepped out and raised his hand and slapped it.


a very clear voice sounded, and the man answered the voice and flew. At the same time, while his body was flying, a big tooth with blood was ejected from his mouth

which solved Shen Linlin's claws and teeth. Song Yan walked up to her.

"What do you want to do"

SHEN Linlin's eyes flashed a bit of fear, but thinking of her identity, she could not help but hold up her chest and be fierce.

"Remember, don't provoke me in the future, otherwise, I will clean up with you"

leave this sentence, song Yan floats away, Shen Linlin's face becomes extremely ugly. josei

Among the girls in the crowd, there are some with eyes full of light: "Wow, cool"

"handsome, I've decided to chase Lu Feng"

"forget it, this Lu Feng is a wooden person. Among the girls chasing him, you can't rank in the first three rows. How can people look at you?" a boy joked.

"I can't see how I can't see you."

the girl glared at the boy fiercely and quickly went to the direction of song Yan's disappearance.

"Damn Lu Feng, you're waiting for Miss Ben"

SHEN Linlin's gnashing teeth and growling. Then she takes out the remote control and presses it. Soon, a dazzling aircraft lands beside her.

As for the two men who were knocked down by song Yan, Shen didn't pay any attention to them.

Soon, the story spread through business schools.

Shen Linlin almost became a joke, while Lu Feng's fame gradually spread among the students.

In the apartment.

Song Yan is browsing the forum of the University. The video of his fight with Shen Linlin's two guards has been uploaded to the forum. In just one hour, the number of visitors has exceeded ten thousand.

In addition, the message below affirms that song Yan's physical skill has reached level 6 soldiers, otherwise, how can he easily defeat level 5 soldiers who perform martial arts.

In business school, there are only 11 students who have reached the level 6 warrior level, all of whom are the people in the school.

Seeing his fighting video getting more and more popular, song Yan was a little upset.

All of a sudden, he had a flash of inspiration. According to meow, there are more than 3000 system hosts in the world, and some of them must be better than me. Depending on my personal strength, they must not be their opponents. Instead, I would rather enter the top of the world's Tu people.When we meet other system hosts, we can use the power of the world to deal with them.

Since we want to steal the high position of human beings in this world, it is not difficult to be famous.

"I have the idea that other system hosts will have the same idea."

thinking of this, song Yan's heart sank. He subconsciously browsed the news on the Internet to find some interesting news and see if he could find out the news of other system hosts through these news.

After browsing for half an hour, a piece of news suddenly attracted song Yan's attention. It was a murder, which happened on another planet in the federal state.

There were only three deaths, all of them girls like flowers, but they were all sucked to death.

Call out the three-dimensional photos of the dead. After some observation, song Yan is almost sure that it is the vampire.

Song Yan is very suspicious. This is a case committed by a system host after acquiring vampire blood.

The next day.

Song Yan came to the classroom as usual, and different from yesterday, the students in the class looked at him, and his eyes changed a lot.

Soon, the teacher came.

The teacher of this class is a middle-aged man in his forties, named Dai Ming. According to Lu Feng's introduction, this is a more humorous teacher.

At the end of a class, Dai Ming's eyes fell on Song Yan.

"Lu Feng, come to the office with me"


Song Yan nodded and followed Dai ming to his office.

"Sit down."

Dai Ming pointed to the sofa and asked with a smile, "tea or drink."

"Thank you for acting as a teacher, no need"

"well, if you need it, you can take it yourself, you're welcome"

simple greetings, acting as a clear face: "Lu Feng, you answer me truthfully, whether your body skill reaches the level of level 6 warrior"

Song Yan nodded gently under the eyes of acting Ming.

After receiving song Yan's reply, Dai ming could not help clapping his hands and said, "OK, it's so good. I can't believe that there is a six level warrior in our class"

: second level

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