Magic Love Ring

Chapter 911

Chapter 911

This is a series of kicks. It's excellent in speed and angle. However, it's not more powerful than the level-7 soldiers. Obviously, Zhou Yunlong deliberately controlled his strength. He's a level-9 fighter. His strength can be said to have been thoroughly tempered. He can defeat the general level-9 soldiers without using martial arts.

Although he has deliberately controlled his strength now, his vision and experience are those of level 9 fighters. Let alone level 6 fighters, even level 7 fighters are not necessarily opponents.

In the face of Zhou Yunlong's serial kicks, song Yan has two choices, either to fight hard or to retreat.

Hard resistance is not a wise choice, so Xiao Zhan and Dai Ming, who were watching the war, thought that song Yan would choose to retreat. However, even if the rhythm of the fight was about to be controlled by Zhou Yunlong.

"Old generation, how many moves do you think Lu Feng can support?" Xiao Zhan asked with a smile, in a familiar tone.

"Three moves at most." Dai Ming shakes his head: "after all, the gap between him and Zhou Yunlong is too big"

at this time, song Yan does not retreat but advances in the opposite direction. He avoids Zhou Yunlong's serial kicks on his side. Then, his right hand turns into a heavy and powerful whip, whistling and smashing Zhou Yunlong's chest.



Dai Ming and Xiao Zhan couldn't help but praise each other. They didn't expect that song Yan would not retreat but advance. Moreover, they also saw that song Yan's control over himself was much stronger than that of ordinary people. At the same time, his observation ability was also very strong. However, it was impossible to grasp the small and flaws and avoid Zhou Yunlong's continuous kicks.

Zhou Yunlong was also a little surprised. He thought that this series of kicks could make the other side suffer some small losses. Unexpectedly, the other side not only avoided his move, but also could counter attack, and the timing was very good. At this moment, it was just when his old strength had just gone and new strength was not born.

However, after all, he was a man with a long history of war. His body fell back abruptly, avoiding song Yan's arm. Meanwhile, his body tumbled in the air, and his legs were drawn out with fierce wind.

But at this time, song Yan, like eight steps to catch the toad, quickly stepped out of two steps, turned his fist into a palm, and quickly shot Zhou Yunlong's chest again.


seeing this scene, Dai Ming couldn't help cheering for song Yan.

Xiao Zhan's eyes narrowed slightly, which implied Lu Feng's strong fighting consciousness.

In combat, combat awareness is very important, with a strong sense of combat, often able to win with the weak.

In the field.

Zhou Yunlong was more surprised when his attack failed again. His body sank again, and his back was almost pasted on the floor. Meanwhile, his body was spinning like a top, and his feet were turned into two groups of shadows and kicked out.

All of a sudden, song Yan gave out a light drink, which greatly increased his momentum. He swung his fists and smashed them down quickly. With a strong crash, song Yan stepped backward for several steps to stabilize his body, while Zhou Yunlong stood up and stood up with his hands.

"Several small Lu, if I am in the same state with you, it may not be your opponent," Zhou Yunlong said.

"Vice team Zhou is flattered, dare not" song Yandao.

"Hahaha, Zhou's vice team seldom praises people. You're good, Lu." Xiao Zhan strides forward and says with satisfaction.

"Then I can join the city special police," Song Yan asked.

"Of course, the city special police need young people like you to join in," Xiao Zhan said with a smile.

Through the test, song Yan joined the city's special police has been a firm thing. josei

Xiao Zhan asked him to report at the city special police department on Monday.

In a police car, Xiao Zhan looks at Zhou Yunlong: "you seem to like Lu Feng, vice team Zhou"

"this guy is very good." Zhou Yunlong nodded.

"It's good to get into your eyes." Xiao Zhan nodded.

Suddenly, the communication video in the car lights up, and a young policewoman in a police uniform appears: "Xiao brigade, Zhou vice brigade, the minister orders you to go back to the Ministry to have a meeting immediately"

they look at each other, their faces are a little dignified, is there any big event.

The city special police department is located in a metal base, on the edge of the city.

Several flying cars landed one after another, but out of them were the captains and vice captains of other brigades.

"Lao Hong, you are the most informed. Do you know what happened?" Xiao Zhan asked a fat middle-aged man.

His name is hongliben, the captain of the third brigade of the city special police.

"I've been ordered to come here, so I don't know anything." Red Li Ben shrugs helplessly.

In the middle of the conversation, a group of ten marched to the meeting room.

Soon after they were seated, a middle-aged man in his early fifties, tall and powerful, stepped into the conference room and sat down in the main seat. This is Zhang Hanhai, the Minister of the special police department of Shanmei city. He has reached the fifth level of general.

"I'm calling you here today because I've just received an order from my superiors that the one eyed robber may have infiltrated our Shanmei city."As soon as he heard the name of "one eyed robber", Xiao Zhan and others all showed their moving faces.

Because this one eyed robber's fame is quite loud. He has committed many major crimes and escaped to heaven many times under the pursuit of the police.

"Minister, it's said that all the items stolen by the one eyed robber are quite precious. Did he take a fancy to something in Shanmei city?" Xiao Zhan asked in a deep voice.

Zhang Hanhai hesitated a little and said, "he should have come for a Christie's auction."

"What exactly is Christie's auction"

people all showed curiosity.

"It's nirvana Danye" Zhang Han Haidao.

"What Nirvana elixir."

Everyone exclaimed.

All of you know that if you want to become a spiritual master, you will greatly increase your chances of becoming a spiritual master.

And this Nirvana elixir, after taking it, can make people become spiritual teachers 100%.

But the nirvana elixir is extremely rare and expensive, and belongs to the kind of valuable and marketable. Christie's has great courage to take out Nirvana elixir for auction.

"OK" Zhang Hanhai took a photo of the conference table: "Christie's auction will be held in five days. There are two tasks for our city's special police. First, try to catch the one eyed robber and second, ensure the safety of Christie's auction."

"minister, we should catch the one eyed robber and ensure the safety of Christie's auction, for fear that there are not enough people," a team leader put forward.

Zhang Hanhai looks cold: "it's not an excuse to be short of manpower. Now, I'm assigning tasks. The first and second teams are responsible for searching the whereabouts of the one eyed robber. The third team is responsible for maintaining the city's security. The fifth team is set up near Christie's to ensure the safety of the auction. As for the fourth team, as a mobile force, where there is a shortage of people, go now and take action."

in Shanmei City In a golden pedestrian street, a young man dressed as a noble young man stabbed two beautiful women in his arms. For a while, he attracted many people's attention.

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