Magic Love Ring

Chapter 929

Chapter 929

[.], to provide you with wonderful novel reading. As soon as the words came out, Xu Dahai's three people all showed anger. As for the expressions of the other six people, some were curious, some were thoughtful and some were gloating.

"Why, don't you dare?"

Tian Yang continued, suddenly, he showed a little more ridicule: "by the way, I forgot, you are a noble spiritual master, not good at physical skills, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Looking at Tian Yang's arrogance, Huang Zhong couldn't help saying, "Tian Yang, what do you mean? Lu Feng is our vice captain. Do you want to offend me?"

"Tut Tut, vice captain, what a prestige!"

Tian Yang's strange way is to bite the words "vice captain" very hard: "I am a man of one muscle, only those who can beat me."

"Tian Yang."

Song Yan suddenly opens his mouth.

"Why, vice captain Lu is going to accept my challenge, but you still want to make a decision again, so as not to be hurt by me, I will not be responsible!"

"Are you confident?" Song Yan looks at him.

Tian Yang proudly said: "in the special police base, none of the seven level soldiers is my opponent."

"Very well."

Song Yan nodded, and then said, "Tian Yang, now I give you two choices. Now, apologize to me, and you will stay in the team. Second, I will compete with you. If you win, I will quit the team. If I win, you will quit the team. What do you think?"

Smell speech, Tian Yang's face obviously flashed a glimmer of joy, but then thought, this kid looks very confident, is he going to use hypnosis, it seems that I heard that his hypnosis is very powerful.

So he said, "I have a request that you do not use hypnotism."

"Don't worry, you don't need hypnotism." Song inkstone is light.

"Well, I promise you!"

"Wait, Lu, can I have a word with you?" Xu Dahai's mouth was a little anxious.

Soon they came to one side.

"Xiaolu, don't be impulsive. You just joined the company. Although Tianyang has a bad reputation, his kung fu is still very hard. There are no opponents among the seven level soldiers. Even the eight level soldiers can resist hard. You don't need hypnotism, I'm afraid they are not, If you have to compete with him, don't give up your strengths, hypnotize him directly and teach him a lesson! "

I have seen song Yan's hypnotism, so Xu Dahai is very confident in his hypnotism.

"Xu thanks for your reminding, but I have promised him, but don't worry, I'm still sure to deal with him!"

"Well, then be careful!"

Seeing song Yan can't be persuaded, Xu Dahai can't say anything more.

After a while, song Yan and Tian Yang stood several meters apart in a vacant lot, surrounded by nine team members.

"Lu lieutenant, you should start first, lest I start, you have no chance." Tian Yang laughs. He doesn't care about song Yan at all, because he has inquired about it. This boy has just become a 7th level soldier.

"You are the team member, I am the team leader. Even if I don't use the best hypnotism, I can't do it first, so you should do it first!" josei


A cold light flashed in Tian Yang's eyes, and he bit his teeth and said, "then don't regret it!"

As soon as the voice fell, Tian Yang flew out like a cheetah. In an instant, he crossed the field for several meters, came to song Yan, and came straight to his chest with a fist.

The force is heavy and there is a sound of breaking through the air.

Song Yan takes a step to the left.

Tian Yang's blow failed.

"A little bit of skill." Speaking, Tian Yang's fist turned into a sweeping sweep. Song Yan retreated, and his fist brushed the tip of his nose.

Next, Tian Yang chases song Yan for a while, forcing him to dodge. For a while, Huang Zhong, Xu Dahai and Li Yuanbing are all worried.

Of course, it's just what other people think. In fact, Tian Yang has no way to touch song Yan's body from the hand over to now. Tian Yang has been attacking dozens of moves in a row. Tian Yang can't help being impatient because he planned to defeat that kid in ten moves.

"Why, is that all you can do?"

Song Yan's voice sounded.

"You forced me!"

With a sharp drink, Tian Yang's momentum soared, and his fist was covered with a light golden awn.

"Try my jinyanquan!"


Tian Yang's speed increased rapidly. The fist wrapped in golden light came to song Yan's chest in a flash.


The air blew and his fist fell again.

Because song Yan's body is like someone dragging him behind, flying back for a while.

"How could it be?"

Seeing that he has used Jinyan fist and is still shunned by song Yan, Tian Yang is not calm.

No, I have to beat him!


A little stupefied, Tian Yang rushed to song Yan again, and the speed increased by two points."Poop poop poop!"

Next, Tian Yang launched a series of stormy attacks, which made the air blow continuously, but to his despair, he still couldn't touch a piece of song Yan's clothes.

Jin Yan Quan is very physical. If he can't take song Yan in ten moves, he will lose more than 80% of his strength.

Think of here, he can't help roaring angrily: "Lu Feng, if you have the ability, you will meet me hard, just know what kind of man to dodge!"

"Ha ha, it's so funny. I can't even touch my clothes. I'm still blaming me there. Just let you see my strength, lest you lose and say I won't fight!"

Speaking, song Yan is to stop dodging, standing in place.

As you can see, Tian Yang is not happy.

"Take the move, jinyanquan!"

In a low drink, Tian Yang gathered all his strength and punched song Yan. For a while, the golden light on his fist was bright again.


Song Yan raised his hand to meet his fist, and then a dull explosion came out. Then he saw Tian Yang's body flying back like a broken kite, falling several meters away.


"It's not true!"

"Wow, Lu's body skill is so strong!"

Seeing this scene, the other nine people were all amazed. On Tian Yang's fist just now, even the eighth level soldiers should not dare to take it, but song Yan not only took it, but also beat Tian Yang to the ground.

Tian Yang stood up from the ground, but his face turned blue.

"You lost!"

Song Yan looks at him, light way.

"Hum! Lu Feng, I remember you! "

A cold hum, Tian Yang turned to the training ground gate.

Even Tian Yang's stab head was cleaned up by song Yan. Where else did six people dare to make a mistake? They already had more awe in their eyes to song Yan, and Xu Dahai and others were quite surprised.

Before he got off work, song Yan beat Tian Yang with body skills and spread the story in the special police base.

People all feel that they can't believe it. Isn't Lu Feng a spiritual master? How can body skill be so powerful.

Is he going to become a war in the future?

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