Magic Love Ring

Chapter 942

Chapter 942

Union 11.

This planet is very big, ten times bigger than the main star. Therefore, the federal army has not been able to completely conquer this planet after twenty years of fighting.

What makes star 11 different is that the largest area of the planet is not the ocean, but the forest. More than 80% of the area is covered by the forest.

In the forest, there are many Elven tribes.

These elves, both men and women, are extremely beautiful, but these beautiful elves are very dangerous, because every adult elves are extremely excellent archers. They can easily shoot through ordinary machine armour when they are equipped with the magic bows and arrows of elves.

That's why it took the union 20 years to conquer the planet's land, not its forests.

Because elves are naturally beautiful, elves slaves are very popular. The price of ordinary male elves slaves can reach 500000 yuan, and that of ordinary female elves can reach 1 million yuan.

In two decades, man has built cities after cities on the land of this planet.

These cities are divided into nine war zones, named after nine English letters.

B war zone, Nanming city.

In a large villa, a long haired man in a big red robe is carrying a glass of red wine gracefully. He has a faint smile on his lips, which is a bit of evil spirit and soft.

His name is Jiang Fantian, one of the system hosts who came to this world.

Before obtaining the system, he was the eight princes of a cultivation Empire, and his cultivation had reached the end of the golden elixir. Among many princes, his cultivation and wisdom could be ranked in the top three, and his appeal to be the crown prince was very strong.

After acquiring the system, he is even more powerful.

After crossing four worlds, his accomplishments have been promoted to the early stage of distraction. Although he can't compare with those of the old, his accomplishments have been invincible among the younger generation.

At this time, a faint virtual shadow appeared in front of Jiang Fantian, fell to his knees and said respectfully, "Your Highness, another system host has been captured."

When he came to this world, he captured three system hosts with great strength, made them his slaves, sent them out, and constantly collected other system hosts.

Now, his staff has seven system hosts to serve him.

"Very well." Jiang Fantian nodded with satisfaction: "is there any news from Jiang er?"

Xu Ying replied, "Your Highness, Jiang Er should arrive at the main star today. With his calculation ability, I believe that a new system host will be found soon."

Jiang Er is the second host of his system. He was given the name Jiang er. The system he obtained is the Xiangshi system. Therefore, he has a very good measurement ability. He can capture five other hosts in just one month, which depends on his measurement ability.

Main star, 9th space airport.

Jiang Er drags a black suitcase out of it.

Suddenly, a picture of stars appeared on his head that could not be seen by others. With his calculation, the picture of stars on his head kept flashing.

"Well, there are two hosts in Shanmei city. It's interesting. Go to Shanmei city first!"


Shanmei special police base.

Today is the day when the new special police minister takes office. It is said that the minister is very young, only in his early thirties, and is also a powerful two-star spiritual master. josei

Near nine o'clock, three flying cars belonging to the municipal government landed in the special police base.

Then, out of the car came a group of people.

The first is a white man. His name is William White. He is the second vice mayor of the city government and the direct leader of the city special police and the armed police.

A little behind him is a tall man of about 30 years old. His face is wearing a refreshing smile, which is easy to make people feel good about him.

After them, there are seven or eight followers.

"Hello, mayor Bai."

Zhou Yunlong and several other captains quickly welcomed them to the ceremony.

Previously, in Nanjiang County, the total number of special police officers in the damaged city was almost three hundred, and five brigades went there forcefully. These days, they have been working hard to restore the construction system, but still failed to restore the state of five hundred full members.

White William said with a smile: "you are welcome. I'll introduce you to your new minister, Colonel Lu Feng."

"I have met Minister Lu."

"Hello, Minister Lu."

Zhou Yunlong's five captains hurriedly saluted.

Lu Feng waved: "before announcing the appointment, it's better to call me Colonel Lu."

For a while, Zhou Yunlong and other people were all slightly stunned, and they didn't take him seriously.

Soon, people came to the auditorium of the special police base, where all the city special police had been waiting.

First, William White made a speech, not long, just five minutes, and then officially announced that Lu Feng would take over as the Minister of the city special police.

Later, Lu Feng delivered his inaugural speech. His words were very powerful and inspiring. The city special police, who had low morale, were stimulated by his words and were full of passion.But song Yan disdained to turn his mouth. In fact, Lu Feng talked in a very general way. Only when he was speaking, his tone had a little mental power that was not easy to be detected. It was because of this mental power that everyone's mood would become excited.

After the inaugural speech, Zhou Yunlong's five captains and Deputy brigades were called to the meeting.

The meeting lasted two hours.

After coming out of the meeting room, Zhou Yunlong and others did not look very good.

"Lu Feng, Minister Lu asked you to go to his office!"

Liu Yinger comes to the training ground and finds song Yandao.

"Sister Liu, why did you inform me?" Song Yan has some accidents.

Liu Yinger said excitedly, "I am temporarily appointed as his secretary by Minister Lu."

"Ha ha, congratulations on sister Liu's promotion!" Song Yan said with a smile.

"No, I'm as carefree as a tiger in the personnel office. When I get to the minister, I'll be afraid!" The warbler's face was a little worried.

"It's OK. Even if you make a mistake, Minister Lu won't blame you."


"Because you are a beautiful woman!"

"How dare you, Lu Feng, tease me and fight!"


After a fight with Liu Yinger, song Yan comes to the minister's office.

Outside the office stood two young men in black. Song Yan knew these two men. He had been following Lu Feng before. He should be his entourage. Both of them had achieved the level of general.

"Please accept the search!"

When song Yan was about to knock on the door, a young man in black stopped him.

"What, search?"

Song inkstone is a little speechless.

"Liu Yinger on the other side said angrily," Lu Feng is also his own man. It's unnecessary! "

"Our task is to protect Colonel Lufeng's safety. Please cooperate." The other side said coldly.

Song Yan doesn't care to smile: "come to search!"

The other side cast a look of interest to you, and then searched the laser gun and military dagger on Song Yan's body: "you can go in!"

[author's extras]: second watch

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