Magic Love Ring

Chapter 959

Chapter 959

This powerful spiritual power comes and goes quickly, just like the tide.

Feel that mysterious spiritual force has retreated, the two people on the top of the building no longer dare to toss there, look at each other, and leave the hotel roof quickly.

After a mischief, song Yan didn't take them seriously. He continued to understand the opportunity to break through to the Yuanying period.

The next day, I had breakfast.

Song Yansan and his wife arrived at a large gymnasium not far from the hotel according to the instructions of the vice minister yesterday.

The special police big match will be held here.

The official time of the game is 9:00 am.

There's a ceremony before the game, and a leader's speech.

This is a rule formed before the interstellar age. Even after entering the interstellar age, these rules are still used.

The leader of the speech has a vice governor ranking at the bottom, as well as the director of the special police department.

Fortunately, these leaders know that speaking too long will attract hatred, so they did not occupy too long.

At nine o'clock sharp, the special police competition officially began.

A huge projection screen appeared over the field.

On the projection, nearly 600 participating special police officers were divided into 297 groups, two in each group.

Song Yan found his name on the big projection screen, group 124, and his opponent was Ge Fei.

Hu Meng was in the front, group 23. josei

Lin Yuanxin is ranked after 200 groups.

Song Yan also noticed the ranking of Cui Ying and Murong Doudou, both of whom were within 100.

"Now, let's invite the first ten groups to compete!"

With the sound of the radio, twenty special police officers came on stage successively, and then competed under the auspices of the robot referee.

In less than ten minutes, the round was all decided.

The winner's name will appear in the lower right corner of the large screen. When the contest is over, they will be grouped again.

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