Magic Love Ring

Chapter 971

Chapter 971

Mass City, SWAT base.

Song Yan looked at the shocked gentleness and said slowly, "the guard company of division 96 has been arrested!"

"Dare you, don't you fear the Revenge of our 96 division!" Gentle subconscious step back, after seeing the means of song Yan, he was afraid.

Song Yan smiled: "I'm afraid, of course, but I'm now a special police officer. Even if I'm afraid, I'll do it. Come and catch them!"

A group of special police rushed out and arrested the guards and soldiers, including Wenliang. They didn't make half resistance, because they knew that even if song Yan was there, they were still fighting fearlessly.

When Guan Nanhai, the commander of division 96, saw this place, he could not bear it any longer. He stood up from his desk and shouted loudly, "come, prepare your car and go to mass city!"

Mass City, city government.

Mayor Liang Shuangquan laughed loudly: "hahaha, it's really good. This Lu Feng is so embarrassing to the head of our government department! Come on, get a car and go to the Swat base! "

In the 10th natural star, the ruling area of the Federation, it is divided into 12 regions, of which the mass city belongs to the Tianyang region.

The highest government officer of Tianyang district is Chen Sanshui, and the highest military officer is Lou Tianjun.

One is the head of government, the other is the head of the military.

Therefore, they did not look at each other very well. After the news of the mass City special police base spread, the two also drove to mass city.

Inside the special police base.

The gentleness and others were all smoothly guarded.

Gao Sen looked at Song Yan with complicated face: "minister, I have received the news. Mayor Liang Shuangquan will come soon!"

"Well, then you can do a good job of reception, and I'll take care of it here." Song Yan said quietly.

"What? You want me to go? " Gao Sen is very surprised to say that it's a great opportunity to meet the mayor. Song Yan will give him such an opportunity. He can't believe it!

"Why, don't you want to go!" Song Yan looks at him.

"No, I will! I'll go! "

looking at Gao Sen who left in a hurry, Zhang Chongyang said in a sour way:" minister, you'll give him this chance, isn't it too cheap for him! "

"Don't grumble. Follow me. You'll have a chance to get ahead!" Song Yan stares at him.


Zhang Chongyang said with a smile.

At this time, Secretary Xiao Liao came to report: "minister, Lu Huiying, Vice Minister Lu is here, please see you."

"Invite her in." Song Yandao, it's been a week since he came to the mass City, but this Vice Minister Lu Huiying didn't show up once. He suddenly showed up today. I think he knew what happened in the special police base.

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Song Yan shouted.

At the end of the speech, I saw a thin middle-aged woman push the door, her chin is sharp and thin, her eyes are small, and her forehead is a little high.

"Hello, Minister Lu. I'm Lu Huiying!"

"Hello, Vice Minister Lu." Song Yan stood up and shook hands with her: "please sit down!"

"Minister Lu, I'm here today to discuss something with you." Lu Huiying is serious.

"Please tell me."

"I want you to let go of everyone in division 96." Lu Huiying said in a deep voice.

"Give me a reason!" Song inkstone's face is a little heavy.

Lu Huiying disdains a smile: "Minister Lu is new. You don't know the situation. How can we be special police officers to offend the army? I have something to do with Commander Guan Nanhai of the 96 division. If you let people go now and apologize to them, I can plead for you to commander Guan and let him stop pursuing you!"

Song Yan can't help laughing. He thought Lu Huiying was hurrying here to share the credit. Song Yan also wanted to share the credit. Unexpectedly, this is a stupid woman who only looks at things with her eyes. She even tried to let him let go and apologize. It's stupid.

So he turned cold: "I will consider your proposal. If there is nothing else, Vice Minister Lu, please go back!"

"What's the consideration? I think we should release people right away!" Lu Huiying said with a sneer.

"What if I don't let people go?" Song Yan's face is also cold.

"Xiaolu, don't be unkind. I'm thinking for you!" Lu Huixing sneered.


Song Yan slaps her hand on the table and stares at Lu Huiying coldly: "Vice Minister Lu, are you my elder, if you are not my elder, what qualification do you have to call me Xiaolu? Don't forget that I am your superior. Please call me Minister Lu later, or call my name Lu Feng directly!"

“…… You...! "

Lu Huiying angrily points to song Yan, and her face suddenly turns red.

"Get out!" Song Yan pointed to the gate and shouted.

"Hum, you will regret that the dog bit LV Dongbin and didn't know the good people!"Looking at Lu Huiying, who left after slamming the door, Zhang Chongyang said disdainfully, "this woman's hair is really long and short!"

"Well, you can do something, too!" Song Yan waved.

Five minutes later, Mayor Liang Shuangquan visited the special police base, affirmed the work of the special police base, praised Minister Lu Feng and Vice Minister Gao Sen, and personally questioned the case of arresting Guan Feng, saying: "we must not let any criminal go!"

During Liang Shuangquan's inspection at the special police base, Guan Nanhai, the commander of the 96th division, arrived. However, this time, he did not bring the army, but only two guards.

Just before Guan Nanhai arrived, Chen Sanshui, the first chief of the government of Tianyang District, and Lou Tianjun, the first military officer, came one after another.

In the same way, Mr. Chen Sanshui praised the special police base and greatly praised song Yan and Gao Sen, while Mr. Lou Tianjun was sullen all the way, looking at Song Yan with a kind of bad eye, and then called Guan Nanhai aside and scolded him.

Later, Mayor Liang Shuangquan, Chen Sanshui, Lou Tianjun, and four people from guannanhai watched the case scene of song Yan. josei

In the end, Guan Feng was sentenced to go to mining star for 80 years, and compensate 100000 yuan for the loss of chunyuelou and 10000 yuan for each of the five special police officers.

As for Zhou Zhengqi, Wen Liang and others, they were left to the 96 division to deal with it.

In a few days, song Yan was completely standing in the mass city.

Yesterday, the mass city government issued a document to formally appoint him as the chief of the special police base in mass city. That agent was removed. At the same time, his rank was upgraded from major to lieutenant colonel.

At the same time, the government of Tianyang District allocated 100 million yuan to the mass city and awarded song Yan a set of dragon armour, which is worth 200 million yuan.

In addition, the government of Tianyang District promised to send 300 high-quality ordinary special police to the special police base within one month.

Moreover, song Yan's name spread slowly among the Tu people in the mass City, because he was the first one who was willing to make decisions for the Tu people and didn't hesitate to offend the military.

[author's extraneous remarks]: sanguine

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