Magic Love Ring

Chapter 974

Chapter 974

Ji Wei's face slightly changed and said, "I'm Mayor Liang's secretary. This is Lu Feng, Minister of the city special police. Don't you need to search?"

"Search no matter who you are!" The bodyguard said stiffly.

Wen Yan, song Yan can't help sneering: "Sir Han is really a great official. Since he has to search, he will not be able to see him."

As soon as the voice fell, song Yan turned around and left.

Seeing this, the two bodyguards suddenly changed their looks and shouted coldly, "stop for me!"

"No search?" Song Yan looks back at them.

"Of course not!" "I think you are guilty. I doubt you want to do harm to commander Han!"

"What is your position?" Song Yan asked suddenly.

"We are Mr. Han's personal bodyguards!"

"And you know what I am?" Song Yan asked again.

"A little SWAT chief!" The bodyguard disdained.

Song Yan smiled: "yes, I'm just a small special police minister, but I have the rank of a lieutenant colonel, and you, even the rank and level, want to search a lieutenant colonel, and you dare to randomly suspect a lieutenant colonel, who gives you the right, or you are bought by the anti resistance forces, and deliberately want to frame me?"

The four bodyguards' looks changed greatly, among them, the name and color of Li naiba shouted: "nonsense, we are all the personal bodyguards of chief Han, how can we be bought by the rebel forces!"

"You know you're a personal bodyguard?" Song Yan sneers: "I'm a public official. Now, all four of you get out of my way. Otherwise, I'll suspect that you are under house arrest of chief Han. Then, considering the safety of chief Han, I can choose to shoot you!"

While talking, song Yan had a laser gun on his hand, but the muzzle of the gun was aimed at four people.

The faces of the four bodyguards became more ugly, but they didn't believe that song Yan would shoot, so the bodyguard said, "if you have any kind, you can shoot."


As soon as the voice fell, song Yan pulled the trigger, and a red laser flashed away. Then, a scream sounded, coming from the bodyguard, and there was a burnt black hole the size of a thumb on his left arm.

Seeing this scene, Ji Wei was shocked, and the other three bodyguards were also shocked. They never dreamed that song Yanzhen dared to shoot.

As for the bodyguard who was shot, he stared at Song Yan angrily: "you dare to shoot!"

"Go away!"

Song Yanyang pointed at him at the muzzle of his gun: "if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will fight not with your hand, but with your dog's head!"

“…… You...! "

Song Yan did not speak, slowly raised the muzzle of the gun, stretched out three fingers, a second later, put up a finger.

Seeing this scene, the bodyguard knew that song Yan only gave him three seconds.

Where still dare to insist, hurriedly gave way to the position, left the door to song inkstone.

Song Yan put up his laser gun and went to the gate. When he passed by the bodyguard, he chuckled and said, "it's such a bitch. I have to teach you a lesson to obey."

As soon as the words fell, song Yan directly pushed the door in, and the face of the bodyguard became more and more ugly.

And Ji Wei, who is like a dreamer, hurriedly walks into the room with song Yan behind him.

There are four people in the room, two of them are Liang Shuangquan and Han Jisheng, and two of them are Han Jisheng's bodyguards. Compared with the four bodyguards outside the door, the two bodyguards are much more powerful.

"Hello, Mr. Han, Mayor Liang. Lu Feng is here to report." Song Yan saluted them.

At the moment, Liang Shuangquan is playing chess with Han Jisheng. Hearing his words, Liang Shuangquan looks up and nods to him with a smile: "Xiaolu, please sit first!"

But Han Jisheng didn't lift his head. He kept his eyes fixed on the chessboard. He didn't know whether he was too focused on Song inkstone or not.

Song Yan smiled, too lazy to guess Han Jisheng's mind, and sat down on a sofa.

Ji Wei is a little restrained. Seeing that song Yan is seated, he can't help but secretly saying that his nerve is really thick.

After sitting for a while, Han Jisheng and his wife are still playing chess. Song Yan takes two apples directly from the fruit plate on the table and throws them to Ji Wei. He picks up one and eats it.

Liang Shuangquan turned around and saw this scene. He was stunned at first, then he could not help crying and laughing.

In Song Yan almost finish the fruit on the table, Han Jisheng and his wife finally finished playing chess.

"Mayor Liang, I'd like to have a talk with the Minister Lu Feng alone." Han Jisheng looked at the eye beam Shuangquan, and then began to go down to order.

"Well, sir Han, I won't disturb you!"

Liang Shuangquan gets up and leaves with Ji Wei.

Soon, only song Yan and Han Jisheng and his two bodyguards were left in the room.

All of a sudden, Han Jisheng looked at Song Yan, and his face sank faintly: "are you Lu Feng?"

"Yes, I am." Song Yan said calmly.

"That's how you talk to your superiors?" Han Jisheng's eyebrows are more wrinkled.Song Yan looked at him thoughtfully: "what do you want me to say, stand up and bow, carefully with a smile?"


Han Jisheng slapped on the table: "what's your attitude?"


Song Yan slapped his hand on the table and said coldly, "what's your attitude?"

"On the contrary! Take it for me! "

Han Jisheng was shocked, but he didn't expect song Yan to pat him on the table, and then he was furious.


A bodyguard turned into a shadow and attacked song inkstone.

"Go back!" Song Yan drinks cold.

All of a sudden, the bodyguard suddenly stopped, then lay on the ground and rolled to the position where he had stood before.

"Bastard, you dare to hypnotize my bodyguard!" Han Jisheng is more angry!

"Who are you scolding, asshole?" Song Yan scolded: "you are the draftsman, but my superior is not my master. When I see you want to search, I don't want to tell you. I have deliberately hung you for so long, and you think you are a thing!"

"How dare you scold me?" Han Jisheng points to song inkstone unbelievably.

"How about scolding you? It's kind of dismissing my job!" Song inkstone curled his mouth and said: "I really think that I don't care about this broken minister, so I will cultivate myself in my spirit. As long as I let the wind out, the military promised to fight for it! Believe it or not, if I go to division 96, their teachers are absolutely in favor of me! "

“…… You...! "

Han Jisheng has nothing to say, because song Yan is telling the truth. He can hypnotize 100 soldiers wearing black dragon machine armour in an instant. On this basis, he wants to go to the military, and there are absolutely countless units competing for it.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt that he could not really take this guy.

Demotion? Don't be kidding. As long as he dare to be demoted, the other side should resign.

When transferred to the idle department, the other party can also hold up the hoof at any time.

"Is that what he said in vain?"

Han Jisheng felt very reluctant.

"How, do you want to deal with me?" Song Yan looked at Han Jisheng, whose face was constantly changing, and sneered. josei

Hearing this sentence, Han Jisheng's anger was aroused again, but he immediately suppressed the anger and smiled: "Xiaolu, just now I was just joking with you, I hope you don't mind!"

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