Magic Love Ring

Chapter 977

Chapter 977

The night is like ink. On the second floor of the villa, song Yan is sitting on the bed, not in a hurry but slowly refining the real yuan in his body.

The closer the breakthrough is, the less flustered it is.

Suddenly, half narrowed his eyes, he opened his eyes, and a meaningful sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In the moment when song Yan opened his eyes, a black figure quietly drifted into the villa.

Soon, a burst of Qi burst out, but Tang Liu, who lives downstairs, got in touch with the black shadow who broke into the villa.

The strength of the newcomers is not weak, and they have reached the level of king of war, but they are a bit worse than that of Tang Liu. According to the vision of song Yan, the intruders will be captured alive in 50 moves at most.

Sure enough, after 50 moves, the intruder's breath was disordered. Tang Liuji bullied him and slapped him several times. Then he saw the intruder snorting and falling to the ground.

"Brother Tang, who is he?"

Song Yan turned on the light in the living room and stepped downstairs.

Tang Liu took a deep look at the intruder, then shook his head: "I don't know. It's not from the thunderobot team."

"No, it's against me." Song Yan had some unexpected ways, and then came to the intruder and asked strangely, "who are you and what are you here for?"

"Brother Lu, people like this will not be honest." Hearing song Yan's question, Tang Liu reminded him that he was not happy.

But something unexpected happened to him. The intruder's voice sounded a little hoarse: "my name is Gushan. I'm here to catch Lu Feng."

"Who directed you?" Song Yan continued to ask.

"I'm a member of the blue blood organization. The order is to catch Lu Feng." The intruder said again.

"Do you know what they're after me for?" Song Yan asked with a frown.

"I don't know." The intruder shook his head.

"How did you do it, brother Lu? Why did he cooperate with you like this?" said Tang Liu

"Because I hypnotized him!" Song Yan explained with a smile.

"Are you a spiritual master?" Tang six subconscious step back.

"Don't brother Tang know?" Song Yan looks at him strangely.

"Brother Lu, what level of spiritual master are you?" Ask Tang Liu again.

"Two stars."

"It's impossible. How could the two star psychic master hypnotize the king level master?" Tang six doubted.

"My hypnotism is very special. I can hypnotize people who are not as mentally strong as me!"

Song Yan explained.

At that time, Tang Liu had some taboos in his eyes.

"By the way, brother Lu, what are you going to do with this man?" Tang six looks at the intruder on the ground.

"I was caught by brother Tang. Let's deal with it." Song Yan doesn't think so.

"That's good!" Tang six carried the intruder out of the living room and came back half a quarter of an hour later. Song Yan didn't ask how he dealt with each other, and Tang six didn't explain.

Back in the room, song Yan's brow was wrinkled, because he was stared at by the blue blood organization. It wasn't that he was afraid of blue blood, but that the organization had a great influence, and there were countless experts serving them.

The next morning, song Yan got up early, then changed into a loose suit and practiced a simple boxing in the yard.

I don't know when Tang Liu came to the side and watched song Yan practice boxing.

Song Yan was sweating all over when he got down with a set of fist techniques.

"Brother Tang, why don't you go to bed more when you get up?" Song Yan picked up a towel and wiped the sweat channel.

Tang LiuXiao said: "brother Lu's fist technique just now is exquisite, but unfortunately, there is no heart technique cooperation, just his own style."

"Is it?" Song Yan smiles.

"If brother Lu doesn't dislike it, I can teach you a set of mental skills." Six times in the Tang Dynasty.

Song Yan was stunned, because as far as he knew, people on this planet all regarded their own martial arts and mental skills as very important. Tang Liu offered to teach him mental skills, even in return for saving his life. Unfortunately, he didn't know how much better song Yan's skill of cultivating immortals was than he didn't know.

"Mind skill can't be passed on. Brother Tang, are you OK to pass it on to me?" Song inkstone.

Tang Liu waved his hand: "brother Lu, don't worry. I can't teach you the mental skill that I majored in. What I want to teach you is a mental skill that I got by chance. Although I can't cultivate to a high level, it's OK to reach the Ninth level of the general of your federal empire."

"Thank you, brother Tang." Song Yan shows his gratitude on purpose.

"You're welcome." During the conversation, Tang Liu took out a yellow pamphlet and handed it to song Yan: "brother Lu, take this mental skill first and ask me if you don't understand it!"

The font above is from this planet. However, it doesn't matter. The mobile phone has translation function.

This mental skill was photographed with a mobile phone. Soon, the translation software on the mobile phone translated the whole mental skill into federal common characters.Song Yan read the translated mental skill once, and he knew that it was a good mental skill. If he sold it, he would get at least a million federal coins.

It's a pity that when this mental skill is perfected, it can also reach the appearance of level 9 general.

So in the following, song Yan asked Tang Liu some questions, and then he sat on the lawn to practice.

The heaven and earth vitality of this planet is relatively abundant. With cultivation, the heaven and earth vitality around xuan'er rushes to song Yan's body.

Seeing this scene, Tang sixu is stupid. How could his first practice cause such a great uprising?

Soon, under the gaze of Tang Liu, song Yan became the first level of this mental skill, but there was more internal power in Dantian.

"What do you think?"

As soon as song Yan finished his training, Tang Liu couldn't wait to ask.

"Fortunately, I have cultivated my internal power!"

"How could it be?"

With a cry of surprise, Tang Liu grabbed song Yan's wrist, and then put a ray of internal power into his body to explore it. Then, his face appeared extremely shocked, because he found that Lu Feng was born with all kinds of channels in front of him, and Dantian was extremely big. No wonder he could cultivate internal power in such a short time.

He is a rare genius for thousands of years. However, he feels it is a pity that the person in front of him is a foreigner. Otherwise, he must ask Master to accept him as an apprentice.

"Brother Tang, is my health OK?" Song Yan's words cut off Tang Liu who fell into thinking. josei

"Not only is there no problem, but it's very good. Brother Lu, your cultivation qualification is enviable!" Tang Liu exclaimed, but his eyes were filled with regret.

"Yes, that 's not bad. OK, I' ll get breakfast first!"

Song Yan smiled and walked to the kitchen. In a moment, two delicious breakfast was ready.

Eating this delicious breakfast, Tang Liu was very complicated, because once he left here, he would never be able to eat that delicious meal.

[author's extraneous remarks]: second watch

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