Magic Shop System

Chapter 110 - Sus

Chapter 110 - Sus

"Now, would you be so kind as to tell us what is going on?" Kadyn asked as soon as they entered the house, peering at Ironclad.

"Can I have some water?" his hoarse voice sounded miserable.

Rayna nodded and went to fetch the bottle of water. After drinking his fill, he wiped his mouth with his sleeve, and took a deep breath and turned towards Kadyn. "Why did you save me? And please, don't tell me the bullshit about being my friend. We barely know each other."josei

Others also turned towards him. They as well wanted the reason why he saved the man. Moreover, at the start, they had seen his expression and he had no intention to save him, but suddenly he jumped in front of Llyris and blocked his path. No one knew what was going on inside his head.

Kadyn smiled at the man and said. "There is a reason I saved you, a few reasons actually. First, I don't like House Wynner; on the first day we arrived they tried to make things difficult for us. Second, I like you. Uh-huh, don't take me wrong, I'm straight as an arrow," a few snickers sounded from behind him. Kadyn rolled his eyes at them and went on. "The third reason is your cauldron."

"So you're also after my cauldron." Ironclad's expression turned ugly. But he was too injured to stand or talk loudly, so he continued to sit while staring at Kadyn — eyes turning cold, slowly, slowly.

Kadyn shook his head when he saw his expression. "You misunderstood my meaning. I don't have any intention to take the cauldron from you."

"Then?" the man asked suspiciously. He could not grasp Kadyn's intention at all. What does he want to say?

"Didn't I tell you, I don't have a good impression of the House Wynner?"

"Just because of that you saved me?"

Kadyn refused to reply and said. "Anyway, I would be more interested in knowing your story."

"Sigh," Ironclad took a deep breath and slouched on the sofa with a tired face before speaking. "When Zephyr attacked, I went to fight it with everyone else." He shook his head self-mockingly. "Can you believe it, I thought, if I could not defeat the dragon, at least, I would-could injured it?"

Kadyn looked at the man weirdly. Where did you get your confidence, bro? He wanted to ask, but remained silent — Ironclad saw his expression and laughed. "I know how stupid I was, arrogant even. However, who could blame me? I never received a setback in my life. I was genius above genius — at least, that's what I thought."

"What's the story of the cauldron?" Kadyn asked curiously.

Ironclad opened his fist and revealed a tiny cauldron inside. "This cauldron is the reason I could become Rank 1 artisan and mage. I found it in a cave. After that, I advanced by leaps and bounds and after two years of hard work I reached the level I am today." He sighed and went on. 

"When Zephyr attacked I fought and the beast injured me heavily in a single attack. However, I was lucky enough to survive, because my other companions couldn't even react before turning into ice statues." His expressions turned sad and full of guilt as he remembered that heartless slaughter and screams of his companions, and cries for help and his cowardly escape.

"I recuperated in a forest near Zhodon, and when I came out, I heard the news about the fall of Zephyr." He looked at Kadyn. "Nothing was left for me in Zhodon so I came to Orddono in the hope of a new and glorious future. I wanted to settle myself here. The easiest way to do that — was to tie me with a powerful force, so I went to the House Wynner. I even showed my cauldron to them so they would value me —a most stupid thing I have ever done in my life."

"Anyways, take some rest," Kadyn said. "If you want you can leave tomorrow. Or if you want, you can stay until you're completely healed." He turned towards Khrom. "Take him to the guest room."

"You want to recruit him?" Elora asked from the side when Ironclad left with Khrom — he had thoroughly offended House Wynner for that man, so it was evident to see what he wanted to do.

"I don't know, yet," Kadyn said and frowned. His brow creased and formed lines over his forehead. "I don't like it." He mumbled and slouched on his sofa.

"What do you mean?" Zelie asked confusedly, others also looked at him curiously.

"I can't say anything yet. We'll talk about it later." He stood up and smiled coldly. "For now, be ready to fight. I don't think we'd be able to get a nice sleep today."

Everyone's expression changed at his warning. They knew House Wynner would not let the matter rest after what Kadyn had done. They were proud and arrogant and narcissistic. Nobels. How could they take such a humiliation? They would strike before dawn. They would strike hard, powerful enough to destroy all of them, but to destroy them, was it that easy? A cold smile appeared on everyone's faces.

"What should we do?" Barret asked. "They have at least six Rank 1 magus, and one — their leader — Rank 2 magus."

"You don't need to worry about anything. Just don't step out of the shop. No matter what happens. Am I clear?" he examined everyone's expression.

They bobbed their heads up and down in understanding.

He stared towards the guest room briefly and frowned again. He felt something terribly amiss with this situation, but he could not tell what. Then he took a deep breath and turned towards everyone. "Go sleep, everyone. Remember anything happens, don't place your feet out of the shop."

Everyone went into their rooms, but Kadyn continued to sit in the hall, deep in thinking. Then he stood up and walked out of the house and went into the practice room. No one knew what was going on with him.

Time passed. It was 3'oclock in the morning. A thick fog was covering the area and clusters of clouds were hiding the moon and stars and a vast and dignified blue sky. The darkness was eerie and chilling and uncomfortable. The trees rustled as the howling cold-freezing wind passed.

And at this moment, the sounds of footsteps came from outside the shop. One, two, three, no, more than that; hard to evaluate the number, really.


The entire shop rumbled and trembled with a thunderous boom. Everyone rushed out of the house and dashed towards the shop. "Is it House Wynner?" Slyff asked from the side. His voice was somewhat timid.

"Of course, it's them, who else?" Zelie rolled her eyes at the boy.

"Uhh, of course." The boy replied awkwardly. Then looked in front of him, shouted in shock. "Is-is that Mister Kadyn?" 

"What?" Everyone followed his gaze and peered towards the gate. Kadyn was rushing out. Before anyone could say anything he had already vanished.

"Why is he going out?" Dion said with his trembling voice, "Didn't he ask us to remain in the shop no matter what happens?"

Others also frowned. Elora gritted her teeth and said. "Let's go, and find ourselves."

"But…" Zelie tried to reason with her.

"You can stay if you want, but I'm going," Elora said, staring at her friend. Zelie sighed and took a deep breath. "Alright, let's do it."

"Hold on!" Barret interfered from the side. "I don't think this is a good idea. Kadyn told us to stay here, so we should stay here."

"And let my brother handle everything on his own?" Elora grumbled.

"Think about it a bit, the shop is the safest place. Why would he go outside? This makes no sense." Barret argued. 

"I don't know about that, but I've seen him going out with my own eyes. I won't stay idle." Elora didn't leave an option for anyone to argue. She was too adamant to go out and see the situation herself.

"Alright," Barret had said. "If you're going, then I'll accompany you."

"Me too," Hot Rod also squeaked from the side.

Elora nodded and walked towards the gate. "Ahhhh!" as they took the first step an agonised shriek came from outside. "It's brother's voice!" Elora turned pale with fright. Others also exchanged shocked and bewildered glances. They could not understand what was going on. Why would Kadyn go out and let his enemy capture him while he was completely safe inside the shop?

Elora dashed outside the shop and others followed. What they saw made their hair prickle on their bodies. In front of them a group of men, certainly people from House Wynner, was standing. And on the ground was a man, covered in blood and dirt, twitching and twisting with pain and agony. His miserable moans were enough to send a chill inside everyone's heart. He was none other than Kadyn.

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