Magic Shop System

Chapter 113 - Vampires In The City

Chapter 113 - Vampires In The City

Kadyn eyed the horse-drawn carriages in the distance, and then looked at the window in front of him, and curled his lips in triumph.

 [Energy Points: 7007]

 That was an eye-popping sum. He had earned it after selling all the potions and artefacts. Furthermore, he had millions of cash as well, as he gave no discount to Enwyld. Not even a discount of a penny. However, left with no choice, Enwyld had to pay the money and sign the contract. After all, he alone could not fight all the enemies and run his business. This encounter left a bitter taste in his mouth. He had lost too much while earning nothing except useless artefacts and potions.

 The carriages' wheels rolled on the cobbles of the road, grinding noises echoed in the darkness. The weather was cold, as the chilling gust of winds howled from here to there, but Enwyld didn't seem to care, as he sat inside his long comfortable Aura, his face was frosty and eyes red — only he and Llyris and Ironclad were sitting inside the car (others were following from behind with the carriages) but neither of them dared to make a noise when they saw Enwyld's dark face.

Ironclad gathered his courage and tried to explain:" I don't know how he knew about the formation disks. I was very careful in doing…"

 "Shut up, you useless thing!" before he could complete his sentence, Enwyld gave a hateful roar. The words stuck inside Ironclad's throat, and then he swallowed and remained silent.

 "It isn't time to be angry but to think with a cool head," Llyris said tactfully. "How should we deal with this situation?"

 "How should we deal with the situation, huh?" Enwyld glared at his brother with a mocking gaze and said. "You tell me how should we deal with this fucking situation! And if you can't give any suggestion, then shut the fuck up!"

 Llyris' eyebrows twitched and he clenched his fist in humiliation. He could only endure in the face of his brother. Strength. That was everything and his brother was stronger than him. Far stronger.


 At this moment the driver pressed the brakes and a screeching sound reverberated, and three of them pushed forwards, but then controlled themselves. Enwyld looked at the driver and growled. "What the hell are you doing? You useless thing!"

 "Sir, a few figures are standing in front of the car. Though due to the fog I can not see them clearly, but I can assure that there are about five to six people." The driver explained hurriedly. Then he rang the horn but the people didn't give way. Enwyld peered in front of the car through the glass and saw a few figures standing in the light, released by the car. However, they were blurry in the mist, hard to see.

 "Go, and check who is blocking our path," Enwyld said to Ironclad. "And teach them a good lesson. Kill them if you have to."

 The man looked a little apprehensive but still dismounted the car. In the darkness of night, it was common to bump into a few gangsters. This was the capital of the Shado Empire, all kinds of people could be found here. 

 "Who's there? Report your name this instant. Do you know who's inside that car?" Ironclad shouted. As he spoke, carriages also arrived from behind, and other Rank 1 mages came to inquire about the situation. When they heard that someone was blocking Enwyld's car, they became furious.

 "Just kill them. No need to reason with these lowly people." A middle-aged man said with an irritated voice. They were already in quite a bad mood and now someone dared to block their path. The nerve!

 "Kekeke, indeed, there is no need to reason with lowly humans. Just kill them all!" As soon as the middle-aged man finished his words, a burst of eerie laughter came from the fog and six shadows walked out of the mist, revealing themselves.

 "Who are you? How dare you block…" the middle-aged man remembered the word the man had spoken just now and his face turned ghostly pale. "Yo-you ar-aren't humans?" he stammered and stumbled back, others also took a few steps back in horror.

 "Fufufu~" a seductive woman was standing at the very front of that unknown group, laughing in a charming and enthralling manner. Then curled her lips and her eyes shone with red light. "Now, you know, just give up on your life. Rank 1 mages, huh? I was craving for the blood of a strong mage for some time."

 "The-they are vampires!" Ironclad squealed. Others also trembled and hurriedly maintained their distance. 

 "Kekeke," the group of vampires burst into a peal of laughter when they saw the pathetic expressions of these humans. They didn't even show their strength, yet they were already cowering in terror. 

"You humans can only breed and breed and breed. You've ruled this continent far too long with the help of your number, but the time is about to change. This continent and this world will be ours, and you will be nothing but our food." The woman's voice sent a chill through everyone's spine. "Take them out. I will handle that man inside the car. His blood must be quite delicious."

The woman strolled towards the car at a slow pace. The car headlights fell upon her body, revealing her glossy figure. She had long red hair and pale skin and she wore a black dress. Though it was revealing more than hiding. Half of her boobs were visible, forming a deep cave at the centre. Her navel was open and visible and seductive, enough to burn any man from inside with just a single glance at it. As she walked her heavenly boobs juggled up and down.

Though the scene was enough to captivate any man, it wasn't enough to captivate the man who knew that his life was on the line at this moment. Enwyld was pale, as he knew how vicious the vampires could be. "Drive the car!" he shouted at the driver.

The man poured his mana into the rune on the car. However, before he could start the car a shadow appeared near the window. "Hello there," she said in her seductive tone, but it sent a chill in the driver's spine.

The vampire didn't give him any time to beg for mercy, as there was nothing such as mercy in their world. She broke the window with her hand as if it was made of paper and grabbed the man through his neck. He screamed and struggled. The woman looked at the fumbling man in her hand and curled her lips in a vicious grin as if enjoying the last struggle of the man. 

Then two sharp and long fangs appeared inside her mouth and she dug them into his neck. Slowly, the strength seeped out of the man and his face turned pale and his struggling body went limp. Life had vanished and the soul had departed from his body. Now, he was nothing but a simple shell.

When she threw the man on the ground, Enwyld and Llyris were already in the distance, trying to escape. She looked towards her companions and realised that they were enjoying their meals. She chuckled and vanished. When she appeared she was in front of Llyris. Without wasting her time, she broke his neck with her sharp fangs and sucked him dry. The most shocking thing was that Llyris couldn't even struggle in her hands. He was no different than a chicken in front of her.

After dealing with Llyris, the last one was Enwyld. The man ran and ran and ran, his chest was heaving up and down, and he sucked the air deeply. And when he thought that he had run quite a distance, he tried to turn and take a peek behind. However just as he turned a face appeared in front of him, almost touching his face, horrifying the poor man. He tumbled and rolled back, falling on his aching arse, then dragged his body with the help of his hands and legs. 

The woman shook her head when she saw the pathetic man in front of her. But then, her brows creased and an excruciating pain burst into her head. "Fucking bastard! You are a Psychic!" she scowled at the grinning man on the ground.

"Too late to regret, hahaha, die you blood-sucking demon!" Enwyld curled his lips and drew a dagger from his robe and launched an attack without wasting his time. Just when the dagger was about to slit her throat, the lady sneered and sidestepped and clutched Enwyld through his neck. "Do you think your Rank 2 pathetic spell could deal with me? What a wishful kid you are." She said with a disdainful sneer and Enwyld could only see helplessly as she sucked his blood from his body.

After two minutes later she threw the shrunken body in the thickets like garbage and wiped her lips with a satisfied smile. "Delicious!"

Suddenly, she creased her brows and waved her hand and tens of dark blades formed from her hand and went directly toward a certain bush. However, after that, there was no movement. She frowned and walked to check, but there was no one, nothing. "Strange, I've sensed someone here."

"Whoosh! Whoosh!"josei

As she was gazing at the thickets with a deep frown, five shadows appeared behind her. "Miss Amaris, is there something wrong?" one of the men asked respectfully. His eyes were downcast like his other companions. No one dared to look at her brazenly.

"It's nothing," Amaris glanced at the bush and said. "Let's go."

As the group of vampires vanished a bee with a broken wing also soared from about a hundred meters away. "Holly shit! That was close." It cursed and disappeared in the distance.

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