Magical Academy: Rise of the Supreme Magic Craftsman

Chapter 192 - Decisions

Chapter 192 - Decisions

Wallace compared his previous access level to his current one. 

'It is more convenient now, huh...' 

He lamented after validating one of the upgrades he had just now.

He was referring to the additional size of his Spatial Bag, from 5 cubic meter to 10 cubic meter space. This new feature would even let him bring his Iron Knight or his Lotus Mech Frame allowing him to carry a powerful form of weapon. 

Unfortunately, the Corvette-Class spaceship would still not fit in.

Anyway, he was also thankful for having more rewards in his future missions. Aside from this, he was curious about the weapon that he could get. 

He willed his mind to validate this reward as his consciousness was suddenly sucked into the Cube of Paradox within him. 

After a few moments, information about five weapons appeared in his mind. 

'So, these are my options? Let's see...' Wallace immediately tried to review all the weapons.

[ Dread Portable Flamethrower 

Range: 10 meters

Fuel Type: Mana ( If fueled with a higher purity of Mana, the flamethrower's output will be higher in quality. ) 

Effects: High chance of triggering "Tenacious Burning". A burn effect that will stick to the target until decimated. ] 

'That effect is quite dreadful indeed..' Wallace imagined an unending flame burning the target until ash remained. It was quite scary to use. If this was given to the wrong hands, a disaster could happen in the country. Wallace twitched his mouth and decided to check the second weapon.

[ Light Battle Spear

Type: Highly compressed cold weapon

Magic Enhancement: Fire Element


- Activates the enhancement and releases fire magic bullets from the tip of the spear. 

- Activating Arc Slash releases a sharp blade empowered by flame. 

A weapon made of magic and top-class compressing technology. Usable for range and melee combat. ] 

'It looks a bit simple this time. I only have a little idea about compressing technology. Hmm... But it should be something awesome since it's included in the options for Knight Commander's use.' Wallace commented before going to the third option. 

[ Chaos Eagle Pistol 

Effective Firing Range: 180 meters

Effects: Triple Shot - the gun has been modified with the capability to fire up to three bullets per shot. josei

Due to the strong recoil, the user needs to have considerable strength before attempting to use it. The bullets weren't only enhanced by magic but it was also using a unique explosive technology. 

The package includes six 10mm Magazines and 12 boxes of ammunition with 50-rounds per box.

Caliber: 9mm ] 

Wallace was a bit interested in this weapon but still decided to check the other two. The Flamethrower was a bit bulky and the battle spear was a bit long. He felt that the handgun was convenient to use against surprise attacks.

Although he still had to test just how powerful it is compared to his magic spells cast by his mama artifact.

[ Phantom Sniper Rifle

Effective Firing Range: 2,900 meters to 3,200 meters

Effects: Uses electromagnetic force to launch high velocity, silent, and traceless bullets. 

Low recoil and high accuracy due to Assistive Mana Imprint to the target. 

The package includes 6 magazines and 6 boxes of ammunition with 50-rounds per box.

Caliber: 16mm ] 

'This can be a weapon for assassin instead of a commander.' Wallace commented after seeing the impressive image and specification of the sniper rifle. The weapon was shining black and carved delicately. Holding such a high-end weapon was definitely very satisfying. 

Wallace then checked the last weapon before he can decide to choose. 

[ Mechanical Bird 

A very useful silver and blue color bird made of advanced technology. 

Weapon: Sharp Beak and Sharp Claws.

The bird doesn't feed organic food and only requires high purity of mana as a source of energy. ]

"That's it?" The description was very vague but it at least mentioned that it's useful. Anyway, all these weapons are useful in their own way. 

Wallace took a deep breath as he considers the pros and cons of each weapon. After about 15 minutes of thinking, he decided to settle for a more effective weapon for him. 


"Miya, I heard that you're quite familiar with Wallace?" 

"Huh? No, I'm not. Where did you hear that from?"

"Hmmm..." The lady paused for a moment as if trying to figure out whether her information gathered was real. 

"Well, I've spoken to him before when our group went to their town. Do you remember the time we joined with the Veritas Group before our team went to Stella Region?" Miya could only add to explain. 

"I see. I understand. Then, did you notice any powerful artifact with him? Something capable of breaking through into any magic defense?"

"Do you mean the probing magic he has with him?"

"So, you really know him!"

"Sigh~ I really don't. At most, I'm aware that he doesn't use any Mana Artifact to use a very powerful probing magic of his. It was very impressive."

This was Miya Linus and Instructor Chamber talking about Wallace's skill.

Their conversation shows that Miss Chamber wasn't just an instructor of the academy but also a friend of Miya. After some time, Miya narrated everything that has happened in the town and within the Veritas' Airship. 

"It's better not to further mess with him, instructor... You should've heard the news, correct?" 

"Ah, you mean that identity of being an apprentice of a Grand Arcanist?" Miss Chamber asked to clarify. 


"Well, I know my limits. I just want to do something about it. I can't just ignore that and let our defenses be this weak. Learning about that magic may help us create a better defense. Don't you agree?" 

Miya smiled hearing this before answering.

"You always think about our safety, I guess... you're right. But if that was the case, you can just ask them to cooperate. Tell him your reasons, maybe he'll give in and even help you to create a powerful defense. He's an exceptional Mana Technician, after all."

Miss Chamber paused as if realizing something. It seems that it was a good decision to speak with this young lady...

"Great! I'll try that. I hope it works..." 


Within a high-class hotel at the center hub of the Tanza City. A group of five people entered the elevator going to the 14th floor. They were all middle-aged men and seemingly business executives based on their attire and manner of speaking.

They were all talking about some kind of business in their field but their topic suddenly changed after entering the board room on the 14th floor. The room was highly protected and this made them a bit relaxed and more comfortable. 

"The Z-Company was no longer operating within the City..." 

"Have you confirmed it with him?"

"Yes, it was from the Prime Minister himself."

"Do you know where the Shaman's Hex Faction operates now?"

"We haven't been informed. But they were laying low due to some recent failures about their operations... Even their Cryptic Link Serum was stolen and perfected by the Congress...

"Are we still taking over this city?"

"Yes... The experimentation for the Sealed Artifact Hallowed Eyes has been completed. We can proceed to our plans now..." 

"But I heard that we haven't gathered all the solidified cores yet..."

"Hmmm... We've sent two teams but they were all annihilated even before they gathered some cores.. It's very annoying."

One of the five men started grumbling about the failures of the people he has been sending to collect the cores. Although he has the Sealed Artifact with him and uses it indefinitely, it wasn't without a price. It was also costly to hire mercenaries. Although they have plenty of funds, he felt that they could've used it with other projects. 

"Who was interfering? Is it the police?"

"Hey, don't tell me that they can't even defeat those lousy automatons from the Golden Trident?!"

"No! Of course not. They were just failing because they are targeting the automatons stationed at the house of Slaine's apprentice..."

The Sealed Artifact owner then started to explain what happened in the past operations. Soon, they learned about Wallace's identity and decided to stay away from him for now and gather the cores from other places. 

They have a grand plan for this city as this place held some secrets they desire. 

"Fine... Then we should call Avery as we need another Sealed Artifact wielder. Does everyone agree with that?" 

The other four looked at each other and didn't voice any disagreement. The meeting still continued for an hour as they talk about other problems they're encountering and the success they're getting. 


Wallace attended the school on the next day as he was bombarded by his classmates about the 5th apprentice thing. 

"Hey! Why didn't you tell me about it?!"

"I even laughed about it as you have the same name... Huh!" 

"By the way, have you met Miss Lacus? Do you think you can help me meet her?"

"Aren't you famous now? You should at least treat us!"

"Let's celebrate!"

"Mhm... I can arrange a place."

The last sentence came from Kenneth Cummings. Their background wasn't simple so he suggested a very nice place as a venue. Ericka, Gilbert, and some other classmates agreed about it as they tried to get as many details as they could about the method of apprentice selection. 

Wallace could only helplessly satisfy their curiosity. 

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