Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 105

Chapter 105: Establishing My Right To Be Here Part Four

Cedric looked at Ruth then at Edwin and let out a sigh. "Edwin you are my brother. But I can't have you here on the Ronstine estate any longer. Your family will need to move to their own residence. You need to learn to care for your own children. If you can not do this then there is no point in you being a father." 

"Cedric! You will throw your own flesh and blood out!? I know my wife and child have done wrong. I understand that and am willing to get rid of them all to make amends. Are you really going to throw your own flesh and blood brother out for the sake of some outsider?" Edwin yelled.

This whole situation did not sit right with me. I felt like I was breaking up their family. So before anyone could answer, I stood up causing everyone to look at me. I bowed my head as I said: "I am sorry for causing such a disturbance. I love Able, but I can not stand the fact that because of me you are all arguing like this. I know the things Sara and Venessa did are very wrong and to be honest Edwins inability to be there to help raise his own daughter and keep his wife on a leash is a big reason why all of this happened. But dad and Edwin are brothers. If this goes on you two will end up with a rift between the two of you because of me. With that said I will leave this house in order to keep this from happening. 

"I thank you all for your love and care during my time here. I will return to my family's home in order to not cause an issue for the rest of you..." I wasn't able to stop my tears. I did not want to leave this house. But I never expected things to turn out like this. Edwin was Cedric's brother and I could see that he did not wish to kick his brother out of the family. I did not want to see this happening and there was no way I would allow it to happen. I would rather leave than have Cedric and Edwin lose all familial relations.

"Huh!? Wait! Rei! I object!" Able stood up and hugged me from behind. His warm embrace felt nice and I wished to always be by his side but I had already made up my mind. josei

"Able let me go. This is for the good of your family. Dad looks hurt having to say the words he just said. I love everyone here. I love dad, I love mom and I love you most of all. I do not wish to leave but I must if it means that dad and Edwin will not have a complete fallout. " Family was important. In my past life, my family was busy but we loved each other dearly. Family members should look out for each other and no one should ever come in between them.

I did my best to try to shake Able off and even though I could if I used all my strength but I was afraid to hurt him so he was able to hold on to me no matter how much I struggled.

"Enough!" Ruth suddenly yelled. "No one is going anywhere! Rei, dear you have passed my final test."

Ruth's words made me look up at her with a confused expression. I did not understand what she meant by test. Ruth walked over to me and pulled me away from Able and gave me a hug. "Rei, I am sorry for making you cry. But I had to know what kind of choice you would make in a situation like this. Did you think that Edwin didn't know that his wife was here? It was him who captured her for me and brought her over after he heard what happened. But I had to know what you would do in a situation when family members would clash because of you when they had not done anything to you directly.

" If you stood by and did nothing while Edwin was kicked out. I would have canceled the engagement right then and there no matter how much I liked you. But you did not do that, you chose to give up everything in order to keep Cedric and Edwin from forming a rift between each other as brothers. I can tell you love us all, Rei, and we love you as well. Please do not hate us for putting you through this." Ruth's hug on me tightened as my tears continued to fall. A wave of relief fell over me knowing I did not need to leave. I did not wish to go back to that house. I wanted to be here with Ruth, Cedric, and Able. I hugged Ruth back not wanting to let go. There is an idiom: 'A mother's embrace is always warm', this idiom couldn't be any more correct. At this moment I have never felt such warmth in my life. 


"Ahh geez, Ruth, I told you we didn't need to do this! We made her cry."Cedric said while scratching his head. He had always found Rei to be bright and caring. Always thinking of others over herself. When Ruth brought up this test to make sure there were no flaws in her character he was extremely opposed to it. The look of hurt and unwillingness he gave earlier was him not wanting to put Rei through the test.

"You know sister in law this little girl does not hold back. Her words hurt because they were too damn true..." Edwin also complained. But mainly because Rei had stabbed him where it hurts. But it was not his fault! Unlike Cedric who was a general and could do as he pleased. He is still a foot soldier who had to go on patrols for months at a time to protect the borders. He more than anyone wished he could spend more time with his daughter. He was also madder than anyone when he found out how deranged his daughter had become because of his crazy wife. He wanted to divorce her a long time ago but he stayed with her for his daughter's sake.

"Can someone tell me what is going on!?" Able finally blew his top. "What the hell are you all thinking!? Testing Rei!? Making her Cry!? Are you people even adults!? I do not care what the test results were. Rei is my future wife and no one can replace her! If she were to be forced out, I would have followed after her even if it means giving up my family name!" 


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