Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 124

Chapter 124: The World's Worst Master

I was very happy with how things had turned out. Right now, Alissa was curled up on the couch, using my lap as a pillow as I watched the magi vision on low in order to not disturb her. I guess she must have gotten up very early this morning to begin her training. A short while later, a soft knock came from the door connecting to Able's room. Not wanting to disturb Alissa, I waved my hand and using wind magic to open the door. 

"Rei!?" Able walked into my room slowly. I guess he was confused as to why the door opened like it did. 

"Shh!" I gave a hushed, shushing sound in order to keep him from being too loud. 

Able walked over and gave me a questioning look. I pointed to Alissa, who was still sound asleep, and he gave me a knowing nod before sitting down next to me gently in order to not disturb her. I had to hand it to Able even though Alissa was a thorn in his side he still was kind. He leaned over and kissed my cheek and asked softly: "It went well, I take it?"

"Mmm, she is like you. She cares for me deeply. Able, in the future, after we get married, do you mind if I hold a small ceremony for Alissa as well? Every girl dreams about their wedding day." I had only just thought of this as I watched Alissa sleeping soundly. She may not say it, but I am sure she would wish for a wedding ceremony. And I, for one, did not want to deny such a thing. However, it was very uncommon for a concubine to receive even a small party of celebration, never mind a ceremony.

"That's fine. I know you want Alissa to have a good life. Otherwise, you would not have gone as far as you have for her." Able held my hand and gently massaged it with his thumb. I smiled and leaned my head against his shoulder. As a girl, I was so lucky to have such a caring and understanding man at my side.

"Able, I love you..." I whispered softly. My cheeks blushed. I felt him kiss the top of my head and squeeze my hand. Then his warm words enter my ears. "I love you too."


At some point, Rei and Able also fell asleep. Ruth, who had just got word that Great Magus Felix was on his way over, went to inform Rei, she knocked a few times, but no one answered, so she opened the door and walked in to see three people peacefully sleeping on the couch. To Ruth, this was a warm, touching scene. She could see how Rei cared for both the people at her side. This spoke a lot for her character. Ruth knew how much Rei had to deal with when it came to making her decision about Alissa. She had set aside her own unease about Alissa being a girl in order to keep from hurting her friend. "Rei is indeed perfect for my son." Ruth whispered softly with a warm smile on her face. She left the room, closing the door softly behind her.


I had no idea how long I slept for, but when I woke up, the other two were still sleeping. I felt bad about waking them up, but my entire body was very stiff and was starting to cramp up. "Alissa, Able, can you two please wake up..."

After shifting a little, I was able to finally shake the two sleepy heads awake. "Mmm… Rei's thighs are so soft and comfortable. Ehehe… Rei's thighs..." And Alissa was saying weird things in her sleep. 

Able, on the other hand, rubbed his eyes and stretched before getting up. "I guess I should go back to trai…." 

Able's words were caught in his throat as his gaze drifted from me to something behind me. I almost jumped out of my skin when I heard a voice suddenly coming from behind me. "Oh ho! My little disciple has her way with both sexes, huh? Angelina, I think you should watch out, or you might just end up being seduced by her as well." 

"Who is seducing who!" I couldn't help but yell out as I jumped up, knocking poor Alissa to the floor. "Ahh, Alissa!"

"Rei, that was mean!" Alissa complained as she rubbed her still tired eyes. I reached down and helped her fix her shirt and then helped her up. 

"Sorry, Alissa, it was Master's fault for saying stupid things." I pushed the whole thing on to Master Felix. 

Angelina looked at Master Felix and let out a sigh. I could tell she was used to this old man's antics. "Master, if you did not push your way into the room and decided to sit here watching her sleep, this would not have happened."

"What!? Angelina, you make it sound like this old man is some kind of pervert. I only wished to surprise my little disciple with my presence when she woke up." Master Felix quickly tried to defend himself. But it seemed Angelina was not done.

"Then why did you announce every time Rei drooled or when she mumbled something about kissing Able or how she liked the feel of Alissa's soft lips And then there was… Muwaph!" I quickly shot forward and covered Angelina's mouth with my hands. I don't think I could take any more. Every one of her words was causing my face to grow redder and redder.

"Please… Angelina, stop!" I asked with pleading eyes. It seemed my pleading made her realize her mistake. But it was too late because when I turned around, I saw both Able and Alissa grinning at me with teasing eyes. I couldn't help but glare at Master Felix and yell, "You're the worst!"


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