Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Magical Love System

--An: Also check out my other novel: Yue Of The Moonlight--

"Wake up my flat-chested host!" I do not know why but as I regained consciousness I seemed to have heard a very rude remark about my chest. The worst part is, I feel like I am floating in mid-air. "Hey, host open your eyes already. Just because you are flatter than a pancake, so flat that people would mistake your chest for an ironing board, doesn't mean you can keep sleeping."

Okay so I was not hearing things there really is an asshole talking about my chest. So what if my chest is flat!? There are people who like flat chests too, right? Maybe? Errrmmm… Now that I think about it, didn't I just die? Why is it that I am still alive? I slowly opened my eyelids to find myself in a bedroom with an old victorian style to it. I was actually quite confused since The bed I was lying in was bigger than my own bed and the large canopy that encircled the entire bed with its purple drapes hanging from the sides really struck me as odd.

But the thing that struck me as odd the most was the things I was seeing before my eyes. No matter how many times I blinked or rubbed my eyes, the HUD (Heads Up Display) for Magical Love was right before my eyes. "Am I having some kind of hallucination as I die?"

"No, no, my flat-chested host. You are perfectly alive thanks to me, the great system!" And there it was I was hearing that god awful annoying voice in my head again that continued to call me flat-chested. Was it a crime to be flat-chested? Was it!? Not sure if I was going insane or not I decided to just ignore the voice in my head and look around the room.

To be honest I felt everything was very rustic and stylish. The old victorian furniture although not my first choice for furniture still had a certain appeal to it. Not that I had any right to judge since my family was not really well off.

"Ummm, host! Flat chested host! Hello! Don't ignore the system here!" Tuning out the ramblings inside my head, I finally got out of bed and that was when I finally felt something was wrong. My hair for one thing was very long and golden blonde. My hands seemed to be a bit smaller as well and as for my chest well it was its normal size so I guess you could say the strange thing was my hair.

"Hey, Host! Damn flat-chested woman listen to me!" The screech of the voice in my head finally got too much causing me to yell out in anger. "Will you shut up!"

"Good so you do hear me! Damn flat-chested woman why didn't you answer me before?" The angered voice that sounded like a half robotic and half young boy filled my mind.

"Can you stop with the flat-chested woman shit, it is really beginning to piss me off." To be honest, if I knew where this voice was I'd probably go to their location and beat the hell out of them. I mean yes it is true I have no tits so what!? Sue me!

"Than… Miss Little Meat Buns?" And I almost tripped after hearing the voice give me a new name.

"Anyway, who and what are you and why are you talking inside my head." I finally caved and decided to ask. I figured if anything I must be dreaming so talking to the voices inside my head should be no problem right? It's not like I am in the real world where I would get arrested and sent to a padded room someplace because people think I am insane for talking to myself.

"I am the great Magical Love System! Because you died without falling in love you have qualified to live a second life in the wonderful world of Lovetania." The system said in a grandiose fashion which listening to the names made me want to puke.

Who the hell names their planet Lovetania!? But as I thought about it, it was true that I did recognize the name. If I remembered correctly, wasn't the name of the planet that Magical love took place in, Lovetania… Wait… Did this system thing just say Magical Love System!? Am I in the Magical Love universe.

"That is correct you are! " Wait, you can read my mind? "Yes I can, Little Meat Buns!"


Can I punch this system, can I? "Haha I am afraid not. But I will say that you have gotten the chance of a lifetime. Not only do you get to use the Magical Love System but as a bonus in order to make you stand out amongst the rest even with your tiny chest. You see that I made a rhyme! I am such a genius!"

"Get on with it you asshole system." I truly wanted to punch this system.

"Ah, where was I? Oh yes, you will be able to cultivate your magic. A little side bonus to make up for your lack of appeal in a certain area, your current magic power has been boosted in order for you to gain some acknowledgment when you reach the academy in two years' time." The system explained.

"Wait if I recall correctly, You can only enroll into the Academy at the age of fifteen. If you say two years that means I am currently thirteen then. Can I ask why my hair is blonde?" I had a lot of questions but this was the first one that came to mind.

"Because you died and became a wandering soul it was decided that you would take over the body of a low-born noble who had just died. You see the body you are in is the body of Rei Lancaster, the daughter of Baron Lancaster, and the only daughter in the family. I must say you will need to work on getting your family to recognize you a bit more since Baron Lancaster is sons over daughters type of man. Thus while the original owner of the body was sick she was not even given medical treatment. Sadly, the servants of this mansion care not for your well being even if you are the daughter of the Baron.

"You have two older brothers one named Reed Lancaster who is eighteen years of age and the other Kyle Lancaster who is your twin. Your Mother passed away four years ago due to illness. Her name was Klaira Lancaster. As for the rest of the knowledge about your surroundings, you should investigate on your own to get a better understanding. This is your new world after all." The system seemed to be very proud of the information it just gave and to be honest I didn't expect to receive so much information from this shitty system as it was so I was a bit surprised.

"I see. Then what is this system thing and cultivation thing?" If I want to survive in his world I guess it would be best to know how these little cheats work. Because to be honest, I did not see any chance of me falling in love with anyone. Just because this was a new world did not mean my view on life would change. If I can use the power boost and the system here to gain a chance at a new life and survive in this new world that would be ideal for me.

"The Magic Love system is a system that will allow you to raise your stats. Such as Intellect, Charisma, Fitness, Arts, Martial Arts, Magic Power, and Business. Intellect is as you would think of how smart you are. The higher it is the smarter you will become. You can even develop photographic memory if you raise it high enough and other skills as well. I will leave you to figure that out when the time comes. Charisma and Business work closely together. Charisma is your ability to attract the people around you while Business is your ability to make money. With Charisma and Business raised high you can earn a great deal of money.

" Like Charisma and Business, Martial Arts and Fitness also work closely together. As of now because of your knowledge of Martial Arts from your past life, you are already level one in both Fitness and Martial arts. This is why your sickly dead body that you have taken over is strong enough for you to be walking around. But there is a difference between these two stats. And that is that Martial Arts can raise your Fitness since it requires you to work out.

"Next is Arts. Arts are things like music, painting, dancing, and other forms of artistic expression. Then we have Magic Power. Magic Power is what this world relies on the most and is the most important aspect of people's daily lives. The higher the magic power, the more respect you will gain. Right now thanks to this great system you now have above average magic power.

"You will also see a thing called Love Points. Love Points are what makes others see you as a love interest. When you do things like complete missions or do certain acts you may receive Love Points if it is noticed by someone else. You will also get a list of names as a love interest and each name will end up having a meter next to it that will allow you to see how deeply in love they are with you.

"And finally there are system points which you get for clearing tasks. These can be used to upgrade the system or buy items from the store. As for the cultivation thing, it is just a way to raise your magic higher in your spare time with ease. Little Miss Meat Buns." I seriously want to punch this system!

"Can you stop calling me meat buns? I do have a name you know." I was really getting tired of my chest becoming the butt of this system joke for almost ten minutes now.

"Fine… Although you are as flat as a cutting board I will oblige to your request and call you by your name Rei." I couldn't help but frown at that final jab the system took at me. But at least now it will stop calling me little meat buns or flat-chested. "Now then Rei, what do you plan to do first?"

"For now, I just want to take in the fact that I am in my favorite otome game and that I am truly reborn or reincarnated whichever you wish to call it. But I wonder how things went back on Earth after I died… I am sure my mother and father were very sad. " I couldn't help but worry. I felt sad that I would never get to see my family and my best friend again. But there was not much I could do about that. I had died and had come to this world after all...

"This… Unfortunately, Rei, even though I am the most awesome system in creation I can not allow you to see what is going on, on your old world. But if it will give you peace of mind I can say this. They are fine." Hearing the System say this caused tears to roll down my cheek. I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders knowing they were okay.

"System… Thank you..." I said softly. I raised my head as I forced back the rest of my tears. Now that I was to be Rei Lancaster, I needed to make my current situation better. As of now, I am the unwanted daughter of Baron Lancaster. So I need to make it so at least my treatment is a little bit better if I want to survive the next two years before making my way to Magic Academy. "Alright, system, let's do this. I hope the two of us can get along from now on."

"Likewise host and hopefully one day your little meat buns will bloom like a rose during the spring." And once again I felt the sudden urge to smash this damn system in the face.

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