Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 22

Chapter 22: Entering The Ronstine's Household Part One

"One more thing Lass. That sword will return to you if you will it. It is now magically bound to you. If someone else touches it, it will automatically return to your hand. Which is why I had to have you hold it in order to finish the last of the work on it. But let's say you dropped it on the battlefield for some reason or another, you can will it to you and it will automatically return to your hand as well. Go ahead and try it. Put your sword on the table over there." Old ray said as he pointed at the table next to me.

I did as he said and laid the sword down. Without any direction from others, I had the thought of the sword returning to my hand. Instantly the sword on the table turned into a ball of light and shot to my hand and reformed. I was completely amazed. Even though I had cast magic before, this really amazed me. I would never have to worry about losing my sword.

"Not bad! You grasped the idea quickly and on the first try." Old Ray gave me an approving nod before looking at Able. "Lad you better hold on tight to this girl. I can tell she will have many suitors in the future."

Once again my face flushed red. But who could blame me for blushing so much? It was my first time experiencing this kind of teasing in my two lives. And I had just started my new life a few days ago. It made me wonder if my past life was actually all a dream… This of course was just a passing thought. I missed my parents and friends quite a bit, but I have no choice but to move on. This was a new life and I could not dwell on the past. I was lucky to meet such nice and caring people right after being reborn here.

"It will not be a problem of me trying to hold on to her, it will be more if Rei is willing to let me hold on." Once again Able was saying things to make my heart go, thump, thump!

I wondered if he realized that his words were enough to capture a girl's heart as soon as they left his mouth. But I wondered if this was me falling in love or if it was something more like an infatuation. I mean I probably knew Able more than he knew himself. Since I played Magical Love so many times and his route was the route I played the most. But then again the way the characters acted in real life differed from what they did in the game. I mean look at Alissa… She was supposed to be a very compassionate person and someone who would never let injustice slide, but, as of right now she was glaring daggers at Able as if she wished she could make him disappear. Not to mention her bouts of laughter that completely destroyed the image I had of her.

Old Ray let out a laugh and patted Able's shoulder. "That just means you need to work even harder!" After speaking with Old Ray a little longer and saying our goodbyes, we made our way to the Ronstine Estate. This was where I was going to be living from now on.

But as we turned the corner my eyes immediately narrowed as I saw a guard shove, Emily, to the ground. My body moved on its own and I quickly arrived in front of Emily and glared at the guard. "What are you doing!?"

"Huh? Who are you!?" The guard quickly drew out his sword and pointed it at me.

"Young Miss..." Emily had tears in her eyes. Able had sent her on ahead to help get things settled in the estate but who knew that when she arrived this guard would yell at her and push her down.

"Oh, you're this rugrats owner? Quickly take her away. This is the Ronstine estate, not a place for the likes of you to enter." That guard said sarcastically. He even motioned with his head for me and Emily to leave.

"You dare speak to her like that?" Able's angered voice came from the side.

The guard quickly turned his head and looked as if he had seen a ghost. "Youn-Young Master!"

"You dare threaten my fiancee with a sword and even tell her that the house she will be living in is not a place for the likes of her? So does that mean I should not be living here either since she is to be wedded to me as my wife in the future?" Able eyes were cold. It was the first time I have ever seen him like this.

"Young Master I didn..." The guard was trembling. It seemed he never expected Able to be here.

"Shut up! You're fired! Leave your sword and armor and get out of the Ronstien estate in three minutes or I will make sure you can not even walk off it anymore…" Able then turned to me and Emily and bowed his head. "Rei, Miss Emily I am sorry that you had to come across such trouble when you have just arrived. I swear this will be the last time. I will not let anyone bully you in the future."

I could only sigh. I knew Able was only going so far because of what I was going through at my old house and I knew he meant well but this was a little too far. "Able, let him off this one time. For all we know, he was not informed of our arrival. Although I will say this, I do not condone his actions towards a little girl so let's just dock his pay for the next six months."

The guard looked at me with a grateful expression and bowed his head saying: "Young Miss, I thank you for your leniency! I am sorry for my actions. I should not have touched the little girl no matter what."

"If Rei says so, then we will do it her way. Just do not let this happen again. Although..." Able walked up to the guard and whispered softly. "Do not let my cousin swindle you in this way in the future or you will have no job. Do you understand me?"josei

"Yes, Young Master, From this day forward I will never go against the new Young Miss of the house." The guard said seriously.

"Good, Now open the gates!"

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