Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 32

Chapter 32: Fear Of Death

After dinner, Alissa, Able, Emily, and myself, returned to my room which seemed to be the new hangout. I have to say that this was truly a new experience for me. Having so many around me to talk to was completely different from how my last life was. And so far I was enjoying it. Having many friends was a good thing. But in a way, this new world was a dream of mine, to begin with. Although I always wanted to experience love, I also wished to be sucked into a game world where magic and mystical beings roamed. So I was excited for the time being but I knew eventually I would end up being used to this world as I lived my new life. 

"It is getting late and we need to get up early so, Rei, I will head to my own room now to get ready to sleep. Please have a restful night." Able said with a smile as he got up. 

"Mm, I will. Able you sleep well too." I said, blushing slightly. 

Able nodded and turned to leave but stopped before turning around and coming back over to me. Able leaned his face in which got me all flustered. I wasn't sure what he was about to do. His handsome face was so close I was instantly mesmerized. I gazed into his eyes and he gazed into mine before moving his chin above my eye line. I had no idea what was going on until I felt something soft press against my forehead. When finally I snapped out of my daze, Able was already backing away from me. He smiled at me and said: "Good night, Rei." And then walked off.

I stood there staring at his retreating back and instinctively I touched my forehead. Realizing what had just happened, my face turned bright red. Able had actually kissed me! Me of all people! The plain Jane of the class was actually kissed by such a handsome boy! My inner fangirl was on overdrive. 

"Rei!?" Alissa called out my name.

"Huh?" I turned my head towards Alissa while shaking my head slightly trying to come out of my stupor. 

"Your nose." Alissa pointed at me. I reached up and touched my nose. A warm liquid was felt on my finger. My nose actually bled! How embarrassing!josei

Holding my nose and changing the subject I said: "I'm gonna go take a bath. You can come with me but if you dare even try to touch me I will make you look like Sara. Emily, you can come to if you want."

"I promise I will not touch you! I will just imprint what I see into my mind..." Alissa said while for some reason giving me a salute. Although I heard the first part of what Alissa said I did not hear the last part since she was walking away from me. More than likely it was something I did not want to hear anyway.

"I will protect you Young Miss!" Emily said with a firm nod. I couldn't help but chuckle.


The bathtub was huge and I mean huge. It was enough room for at least six people so with three of us it was nothing. Emily sat next to me while Alissa was banned from coming near us. "Alissa, thank you for staying with me these next few days. I owe you one."

"Rei we are friends. So there is no need for any thanks or returning of favors." Alissa replied. It seemed she was a little bit offended by what I said. There was a flash of anger in her eyes. 

It was not that I was trying to anger her. I was sincere when I said thank you. But how many people who had just met you would go out of their way to do so much for a person on their first meeting. Able was the same. I owed these two so much. It did not matter if they liked me or not, it was just the fact that they were so nice to me made me feel in their debt. I might be going on my past life experiences when it comes to me socializing with people, but normally when someone helps you as much as these two have you would feel indebted to them, right? 

"MMm… Then let me thank you for becoming my friend Alissa." I said with a smile. 

"Rei, it is my pleasure! Now if we could just bec..."

"Nope…. Friends are friends, nothing more." I said as I quickly interrupted Alissa.

After a long hot bath and getting into a long shirt to sleep in, I was overcome with exhaustion. It had been a long day and many things had happened. As I laid down on my bed and my thoughts became jumbled. I kind of wished I knew why I died. I mean I was shot, right? I could only remember the sound of a gun and then things became hazy and a black figure ran past me. Just thinking about my death made me shiver and I realized I would not be able to sleep on my own tonight. I was afraid I would not wake up…

"Emily!" I called out ignoring the fact that Alissa was laying out a mattress next to my bed.

Emily, who had just entered her room, came out rubbing her eyes. It seemed she was just about to fall asleep. "Young Miss you called for me?"

"Mmm, sleep here with me tonight..." As I said my words, Alissa looked at me as if she wanted to say something but in the end, she stayed quiet and finished setting up her bed. Emily only nodded her head without much thought before sleepily walking over and climbing into my bed. It was only with the warmth of a body next to me that I finally closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep. But now I knew more than ever I had a strong fear of death and knew in order to not experience such a thing again I would need to grow stronger.


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