Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 85

Chapter 85: Loot!

We ended up waiting about a day before continuing. Able refused to continue until I was fully healed. He even checked my back to make sure there was no scar or else he would continue to make us wait until the scar disappeared. I was rather embarrassed when Able suddenly lifted the back of my shirt and pressed his hand on my lower back. I knew he was doing it out of concern but sometimes delicacy should be taken into consideration. But because it was Able I did not get mad. I just pinched his waist to let him know he shouldn't have done that. Which in turn prompted him to apologize to me. Seeing how sorry he was and the concerned look he gave me made me feel bad. I decided I would reward him with a kiss after we get back. 

Things went much more smoothly with me casting aoe attacks and after almost two full days of this routine, of moving blocks and fighting monsters, it was finally time. The last block had finally clicked into place! I couldn't help but yell out: "It's done!" I was so happy that I jumped on to Able and hugged him tightly as I continued to bounce around.josei

The whole puzzle and everything it was attached to including the treasure chest glowed brightly until it disappeared. It was soon replaced by a chest that looked like something royalty would use. A large chest with redwood, gold trim, and jewels embedded into it had spawned in front of us. Each one of us looked at the others with the same expression on her face that read: "Is it safe to open?" 

"I will open it. Everyone back up." Able said while pulling me behind him. I was also worried about his safety but the look he gave me made me obediently hide behind him. I guess there are times when a man wants to be a man. Which I found very appealing. It felt nice to be protected by someone.

We all watched as Able bent down and unlatched the chest. It slowly opened and a pile of gold coins and a few items suddenly shot out of it and landed on the floor perfectly. I was actually very surprised by these game like mechanics and started to wonder if I was actually inside the game of Magical Love or not. Although none of these things were things you would see in the game but still. Wasn't this a little too much like a game? 

"Wow, five hundred gold, a few armor pieces, and a bow!" Marsil shouted out in excitement. She immediately clutched onto the bow. I couldn't help but giggle at her actions. 

"There are two pieces of cloth armor here as well with intellect bonuses on them." Able said picking them up and passing them to Sam. He was our only full blown mage in our team. But something Able said piqued my interest. 

"Able what do you mean it has intellect on it?" I asked. I mean I thought normal people without a system could not see the attributes of items. So Able saying the cloth had intellect was really surprising.

"I just used an analyze spell on it. It is a fairly common spell." Able replied which made me realize I need to study more. I knew nothing about a lot of common knowledge. I blushed as everyone looked at me as if I was weird for asking such a question. I just wanted to yell out 'Excuse me for being from another world okay!' But of course, this would be a very bad idea. I mean wouldn't they think I was some kind of crazy person? I would probably lose my friends and even Able if I started saying such things.

"There are boots of speed and a necklace that has protect cast on it." Able replied. He then walked over to me and placed the necklace around my neck. "You should keep this since you always run in without thinking. Do not make me have a heart attack at such a young age please." 

I could see where he was coming from because I did jump in to protect Marsil while leaving myself open. It was a mistake that if we did not have healing potions and healing magic I could have lost my life. I lowered my head and fiddled with the silver pendant that had a blue gem embedded into it. I had learned a hard lesson this time around. 

Able leaned in and kissed the top of my head before putting on the boots of speed. The thing about these items was that all the items were one size fits all. So even if the boots were too big they would auto fit to the person wearing them. "As for the gold, we will split it even, one hundred and twenty five gold each."

"Sam you can now pay for your sisters' contract when we go back and still have a ton of money to save." I said with a smile. I mean I knew the little guy was really worried about his sisters so this was a good haul for him. 

"I do not think I should accept this, Rei basically did all the work." Sam said. His expression showed he had many misgivings about taking so much money.

"Sam take it. We are a team so we will all get a share of the treasures. If there is money we will split it down the middle. Plus you need to save to allow your sisters to have a good future. What will happen when they come of age and can get married? You will need to supply them with a dowry. " Sam was a good kid that is for sure. Not many would say what he said. But his words seemed to have made Marsil feel guilty for being greedy. But they shouldn't feel that way. As a team, we are to split things fairly. Like, I should no try to claim a bow when I do not use bows. 

"Sam, just listen to Rei. She is right we will split everything."


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