Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 87

Chapter 87: The Second Floor Part Two

Able pushed the doors open and a cold wind swept out of the room causing me to jump in fright right on top of Able. I guess my actions were pretty funny since everyone, including Sam, was laughing at me. Well, excuse me for being scared of scary things! And to make matters worse as soon as we passed through the door, the door slammed shut behind us making me scream out in fright. This got me laughed at for a second time! But this laughter ended quickly when we saw where we were.

"Actually, I think I may end up acting like Rei here soon..." Marsil's voice began to quiver. The area we entered was a graveyard and a huge one at that! There was a dense fog in front of us but as far as we would see there was nothing but gravestones and overgrown grass. 

"You don't think we will have to fight zombies or something right?" I asked as I basically reacted to every little noise I heard. I was clinging on to Able so hard I felt like I was about to merge into him. 

"Well… it would not be strange if we ran into undead monsters here, so watch where you step or you may be pulled underground." Able warned. His expression showed he was being dead serious which made my face go pale. 

I remembered the horror movies I used to watch at home. Some of which were zombie movies and to tell you the truth, even those scared the hell out of me. I would have nightmares for days after watching it, making it so I could not sleep. I still do not even know why I watched those movies and remember waking up screaming many times. But I still continued to do so. Now that I think about it, doesn't that make me a masochist? Or does it just make me an idiot? Actually, let's not answer these questions.

I soon found out how right Able can be and cursed myself for jinxing us to the end of time. Able had stopped us from continuing forward when we heard rustling sounds off in the distance. As we watched the dense fog a shadow of a figure slowly made its way into view and this figure was disgusting. Rotting flesh hung from its face and a stench beyond explanation filled our noses. As it walked it made horrifying moans and groans reminding me of all those zombie movies I had watched. I instinctively hid behind Able and buried my face into his back while wrapping my arms around him, not wanting to let go. 

"Relax it can't harm you, Zombies are hard to kill if you do not know how to kill them but they are very slow. Well… this kind is anyway. Zombies come in three categories. Walkers like the one to our front, runners who are hard to fight due to their frightening speed, and then there are the exploding zombies. They are faster than the runners and instead of just slumping to the ground when killed, they will explode instead. These are the hardest zombies to deal with." Able patted my hand and slowly loosened my grip. He then pulled me to his side and held my hand. "Rei, you can do this, trust me."

I looked up at Able, my eyes filled with tears ready to fall, but I still nodded my head and readied my sword. Able chuckled and said: "Good girl."

"Hey! What about me!? I am scared too! Don't just give your wife warm words! Help out your friends too!" Marsil yelled out. This caused both Able and I to turn around to see Marsil hugging Sam who was patting hard at Marsil's arm that was wrapped around his neck. Sam's face was turning red from not being able to breathe. 

"Marsil, you're going to kill him!" I said while running over and breaking Sam away from her grasp. Sam, who was just freed, took in a deep breath of air and looked up at me gratefully as he breathed in the oxygen in the air.

"Ah! I'm sorry Sam, I was just scared!" Marsil said with guilt stricken eyes. But her teeth and knees were like mine and still shaking. So us girls, decided to hang on to each other and let the men handle the nasty zombie. 

Able couldn't hold back his laughter as he shook his head. "Fine, I will deal with it but the next time you girls will need to help out. It is better to get rid of your fear..."

"I will give you a kiss!" I shouted out suddenly.

"Okay let your future husband take care of all the nasty things in the world for you!" Able went right to work and ran over and cut the zombie down. No questions asked. Marsil looked over at me and let out a laugh. Even I couldn't hold back my laughter.

Able walked back over to us after flicking his sword with a big smile on his face. The expectation in his eyes could not be hidden. Now I know I said I would give him a kiss but this was still embarrassing! I walked over with my head lowered and stood in front of Able. My cheeks red as can be as I lifted my head, I spoke in an almost whisper so only Able could hear: " "Pervert!" And then kissed Able on the lips before quickly retreating back to Marsil's side.

Able grinned widely with his stupid smile. But even this side of him I found cute. Marsil who was standing next to me had a cheeky smile on her face as she leaned close to my ear and whispered: "You two make a cute couple."

"Don't tease me!" I gently pushed Marsil away who let out a laugh. 

"Fine, I will let you be!" josei


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