Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 9

Chapter 9: Better Treatment Part One

Early morning birds chirped as the sun gradually made its way over the horizon. I felt the morning breeze fall over my face causing me to wake from my deep sleep. But as I opened my eyes I realized I was in an unfamiliar room. The room was not my dark dingy room with old furniture. But a more luxurious room that was painted in bright hues of blue and expensive-looking rosewood furniture. "You're awake..."

I looked over at where the voice was coming from to see Kyle sitting in a chair next to the bed I was lying in with a book in his hand. I was surprised to see my twin brother sitting there which seemed to show on my face, making him frown slightly. "Why didn't you tell anyone you were being mistreated within the manor? If you said something you would not have had to endure such treatment!"

What was this? He is lecturing me? Does he not realize that this is also his, Eldest Brother, and Baron Lancaster's fault as well. "Hah!" I couldn't help but laugh at his words. Playing the good brother role, was a little too late now. "Kyle, do you really not know how I was being treated all this time? Even if I tried to speak to you, do you think the servants would let me pass through your door? Do you think I could meet with Baron Lancaster himself? This is all laughable in a house that only cares for the men. Even your nanny treats me worse than the servants."

Kyle went quiet. He might not have known that I was being treated poorly to this extent but he knew I was being treated at least inferior to himself. But that is still no excuse for a brother to allow his sister to be treated unfairly in the first place. "Forget it. Nothing will change no matter what I do because I am a woman. I am sure Baron Lancaster is already looking for the most politically beneficial marriage partner for me already. The day I turn eighteen he will force me to marry some old man in order to get some gains and advance his career."

"He dares!?" Kyle suddenly yelled out in anger, which completely caught me by surprise. I could tell that he was not faking his anger. He was truly angered over my words. "Rei, I will not allow you to marry anyone that will treat you badly. I may not have been a good brother these past years after mother passed but I will make sure that you do not get mistreated anymore. If you get any mistreatment whatsoever you just tell me and I will take care of it. As for Nanny... I already let her go after I overheard a comment from her yesterday when you were brought back to the house. You might not remember it because you were still in a daze but she said some harsh words right as I came down the stairs. I dare not repeat them"josei

I tried to recall what was said. I only remember waking up in the hospital with Alissa and Able next to me. After which I was given the okay to go home since there was nothing really wrong with me. But I still felt fatigued and tired from all the running around I did. So when I came home later that night and walked through the front doors. I could only vaguely remember the nanny yelling at me about something or another but I felt dizzy again and passed out. Speaking of which… "Kyle where am I?"

"It's my bedroom. You can rest here for the time being. I have your room being remodeled and also, Emily is fine. She was the one who took care of you all night. She also has your things as well." Kyle gave me a reassuring smile. I had, to be honest, this brother of mine was very handsome. His smile could make any girl swoon over him. Unfortunately, Able was better looking and now these smiles have no effect on me after almost dying from blood loss from seeing Able's smile.

"Kyle can you send Emily in then." Seeing how Kyle said nothing about the kidnappers' case, I knew he knew about it from his words earlier but since he did not mention it I did not bring it up.

"Sure. She seemed very worried about you. I am glad I was able to send her to your side. Also… About your run in yesterday… No never mind. I will let Emily in." Kyle smiled and left, leaving me wondering why he didn't ask his question.

Soon after Kyle left Emily came running into the room her eyes filled with tears as she knelt on to the floor and kowtowed to me. "Young Miss, I am so sorry. I am willing to take any punishment!"

I sighed seeing the little maid cry and kowtow. "Emily, please get up. None of this was your fault. It was mainly mine for not realizing that they could take you so easily with magic. More importantly, Emily are you okay? I know you just went through a horrifying experience."

"Young Miss?" Emily looked up at me, her teary eyes glistening in the sunlight.

"I asked if you are alright. I know you this was a horrifying experience for you." I repeated with a smile.

"Ah, Yes… To be honest Young Miss I do not remember anything after you took my hand. I only came to, when we reached the hospital, last night." Emily explained to me. This at least made me relax a bit. I had thought maybe she had been traumatized at the time. Luckily this was not the case. But thinking about the kidnapping incident made my stomach turn and my face must have gone pale because Emily quickly got up off the floor and rushed over to me.

"Young Miss are you okay!?"

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