Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 99

Chapter 99: Home Sweet Home Part One

"You dare hit this prince!? And what do you mean your Rei!? She will be this Prince's Princess!" Jeremy yelled which caused Able who was not too far ahead to pause his steps and turn around.


Behind me, I heard Jeremy proclaim I was to become his princess. Which was the first I had ever heard of this. I mean, I only spoke to him once, how was it that he suddenly decided I should become his Princess? The last time I looked at that section of my stats, it did not even show his name. 

Confused I looked at my stats again to see that there was now an additional name added to my People Of Interest column.

People Of Interest: 

Grace Fortlon: Enemy 10

Reed Lancaster: Frightened 10

Kyle Lancaster: Friend 8

Emily: Friend 10

Able Ronstine: Interested 10

Alissa Coborne: Interested 10

Great Magus Felix: Friend 10

Angelina Borksmark: Friend 6

Sara: Frightened 10

Venessa: Frightened 10

Princess Feia: Frightened 10

Marsil: Friend 10

Sam: Friend 5josei

Jeremy Heartman: Interested 9

But this confused me even more because I mean how was it he had suddenly become interested in me to the point that it was almost love? I was starting to think that all the children born from the king of this country were a little off in the head. But he also seemed to be happily chatting away with Alissa, the female lead. I mean they were already starting to show each other skinship. That wonderful love tap to the stomach Alissa just gave him is proof of it, right? I couldn't help but smile warmly at the two while Alissa began kicking Jeremy while he rolled around on the ground. How cute... Wait… "Alissa! Any more and he might die!"

I had to run back and grab Alissa to keep her from trampling the Prince to death. As I did Alissa had a slew of complaints. "This bastard wanted to make you his Princess. You are already engaged with Able and I know the two of you like each other a lot, so I won't stop your two's relationship but I will not allow some bastard to try to ruin your happiness!" 

Alissa's chest was heaving up and down, her face red with anger, even the veins in her head were popping out. The only thing I could think of to do to calm her down was to give her a hug which seemed to work since she quickly put on a smile and hugged me back. Except her hands seemed to wander down towards my butt… "Alissa your hands..."

"Hehe… Sorry I couldn't resist..." Alissa said as we broke our hug. Her words and expression contradict each other as she reached up to scratch her head and stuck her tongue out at me as if she had done nothing wrong. 

By this time, Jeremy had struggled to get up off the ground while holding his stomach. He looked at me with a face filled with hope and asked: "Rei will you marry me instead of Able? I can promise you anything, money, power, whatever you want."

"No! Sorry! Let's go Able, Alissa, Same, Marsil." I immediately rejected him while turning around quickly and walking off. I did not want to continue this conversation. I held Able's hand which was clenched into a fist and whispered to him: "Good job holding it in. Do not worry, I will never be stolen from you." 

This seemed to calm his anger a bit since he intertwined his fingers in mine as we continued our way into the city leaving a shocked Jeremy standing there still trying to figure out what had just happened. I could have sworn I heard something along the lines of: 'I will not give up easily!', coming from behind me, I could only hope it was my imagination. But I did gain some information from his incident. It seemed Alissa did not like Jeremy. Although, this could turn into one of those, hate them so much that you can not help but love them in the end, kind of relationships. Either way, as long as Alissa was happy it would be fine. 

I mean I will not lie, out of all the other male leads, Jeremy is the second cuties of them all. Of course, he is still leagues behind my Able, I will at least give him some praise for his looks, and no, I am not all about looks. I love Able for who he is, not just because he is handsome. Although it does help.

With able holding my right hand and Alissa hugging my left arm, we all walked back to the Ronstine estate. We had decided to hold off reporting our findings to the Adventurers Guild for the next day since we had been gone for so long and just wanted to sit back and relax. When we arrived at the main gate the guard quickly greeted us and let us through. Surprisingly, Grandpa Lutz was on the other side waiting for us with a big smile on his face. "You have finally returned. Master and the Madam have already heard that you were coming home first before anything else. They are waiting for you in the main hall."

Grandpa Lutz's words surprised me a little. I had no idea how word traveled so fast that even Ruth and Cedric had already heard of our arrival so quickly. Well, this world was advanced in some ways more than others. However, I did feel bad that Grandpa Lutz was waiting outside in this heat. I mean he was dripping with sweat so I can only assume he had been here for a long time. "Grandpa Lutz, you did not have to come to meet us all the way at the main gate you know. It's too hot for you to be standing out here like that today" 

"I see that the Young Miss is just as kind as always. But rest assured, although I may be old, this little bit of heat is nothing. Now if you will, a carriage is ready to take you to the main entrance." 


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