Magical Marvel (HP X MCU)

Chapter 236

Chapter 236: Foolish Decisions

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I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.


27th September 2012, New York City

(Jasmine Sayre POV)

Still, I wasn't going to involve myself in this. This was an impactful decision for the human race to make, and not one I should decide for them. Instead, I will continue to plan for the fight with Entropy, and for now, Ego's inevitable visit to Earth.

I took another sip of coffee and felt the door behind me open. I expected to see the waitress, and instead found myself in front of a very angry and smug Nick Fury who was pointing a gun at me, "Jasmine Sayre, you're under arrest."

I raised an eyebrow and took another sip of coffee. Well, things were about to get interesting.

"I beg your pardon?" I asked.

He didn't seem to relent, "I said, you're under arrest, Bitch."

I raised an eyebrow, "On what charges?"

The director of SHIELD seemed to preen at the question, "The murder of Alexander Pierce and Morgan Evanshade."

I raised an eyebrow. The first one could be possible to deduce, even if there wouldn't be any proof of it, but the second one almost made me burst into laughter; he wanted to arrest me for killing myself? What a fucking joke. I knew that he was desperate, but this is just sad.

I gave him an outraged look, "I don't care about Pierce's death, the guy was a scumbag after all, but are you seriously accusing me of killing my own aunt?"

He stayed silent at this, not expecting me to act like a civilian. I doubled down on his silence and continued, "Do you even have any proof? Or a warrant at the very least? Are you even allowed to arrest me?"

Fury didn't seem to take my words well, "I can do whatever the fuck I want without any proof. You killed the Secretary of the World Security Council, that makes this a SHIELD matter, which means that I can hold you for as long as I want, and no one would give a fuck. I guarantee you that you won't see the light of day after this."

I gave him an incredulous look, "So, in short, you don't have any proof, and you just want to arrest me on a whim?"

He replied, accusingly, "You met with Pierce five days before his Death. That's not a coincidence. He wanted to buy your company and you killed him for it, just like you killed your own aunt to inherit her company."

I raised an eyebrow, "You do realize that Morgan never cared about the company. She just wanted to write and draw all day and she would have given the company to me, had I asked. I didn't need to kill anyone if I wanted control over Marvel. And back to Pierce's death, you want me to think, that somehow, I was able to get him to have a heart attack, because I met him five days before. A heart attack that even the coroners found no foul play in. If anything, you should investigate that guy. He came in one day, talking about a deal to buy out the company, and I found no paperwork of any deal of that kind being in progress when I spoke to the lawyers. The guy probably wanted to scam someone that he thought would be a naïve little heiress, and you're blaming me for his, seemingly natural, death?"

Of course, I had erased the memories of every single lawyer Pierce bribed and used a reality spell to remove any traces the bastard could have planted to validate the deal.

Fury, on the other hand, looked like a vein was going to pop. Did he seriously think that I was going to confess or something? Especially when I bypassed his psychic protections and could see him wanting me to admit to my alleged crimes in front of a hidden camera, "that's enough. We both know that you're a mutant and you could have done this and more. You've already done the same with Maximoff."

I gave him a confused look, "You think I'm a mutant? I'm sorry to say, that I do not have superpowers. And what does my daughter have to do with anything?"

Fury raised his pistol and pointed it towards my head. "Don't shit with me. Years ago, I saw you use them when I confronted you for changing official documents to free Wanda."

I shrugged, "I don't know what to tell you. Wanda has always been an orphan. There was no prison involved, especially when you came with snipers and everything accusing me of treason where somehow, I somehow broke into every intelligence agency in the country and changed the records of my adopted daughter and somehow erased the memory of every single person who knew about it too. Tell me, is this more likely, or is the fact that the telepath who told you about this alleged situation and who hated my guts, just put that thought in your head, because you don't go to a school in the middle of the day with snipers and guns with you."

He stayed silent and kept glaring at me, "Keep Xavier out of this, don't insult the dead."

"I don't know why you're so insistent about this, especially when you have no proof whatsoever other that the fact that I'm very loosely connected to the deaths of the people involved. Look, maybe some of Xavier's orders are still in your head and that's why you hate me so much. I would get that checked out if I were you. So, for the final time, I didn't kill my aunt, I don't have powers, and I'm not some assassin that magically gives people heart attacks. I'm a retired teacher who inherited a company she doesn't even want to run. Now, stop being ridiculous and put the gun down."

Before he could say anything, I heard a small yelp from the door of the roof. It was the waitress who was holding the carrot cake that I ordered a few minutes before Fury came here. She looked terrified at the gun pointed at my head. Seemingly uncaring, I gave the girl a grin, "Oh, could you please put the carrot cake on the table. I'm starving."

The woman shakingly nodded, walked towards me and put the cake on the table. She looked at me, terrified, and stuttered out, "A-Anything e-else?"

I gave her a reassuring smile, "No, thank you, dear. Why don't you go downstairs and make sure everyone is safe?"

She nodded and left hurriedly. I, on the other hand, just picked up my cake, took a bite, and moaned, "Oh, this is really good, you have to try this…"

The director of SHIELD looked unamused by my antics, "Don't make any sudden movements. I'm still arresting your ass."

I raised an eyebrow, "So, by your own admittance, you have no proof whatsoever, you have no orders from any other government agency, you could be under the influence of a telepath that hates me, and for some reason, you still want to arrest me, keep me detained indefinitely, just because you want to?"

Fury gritted out, "Yes. It's not like anyone will care about what happens to you. I'll turn over every leaf, I will investigate every avenue and the world will finally see you for what you really are, a murderer."

"You do realize that investigations typically happen before the arrest, right? The justice system doesn't work like that."

"I don't give a flying fuck about the justice system. I will put your ass in prison even if I have to make up the evidence myself."

I gave him an incredulous look, "You're an idiot if you think that I'm just going to let you screw me over like that for no reason."

Fury snarled and went to grab my hand to handcuff me, I just put the other one from my pocket, and conjure a small can of pepper spray that also works as a taser. I just sprayed the pepper spray in his eye, and while he was coughing and yelling, I used the small taser to electrocute him. For good measure, I kneed him in the balls, and punched him in the face to knock him out.

I went through his coat and found a high tech tazer gun in his pockets. I pocketed the gun and prepared myself.

As soon as I did that, I heard a shot come at me, and I pulled the table, and used it as a shield while subtly strengthening the table to hold up against any shots. I knew that showing any supernatural abilities would work in Fury's favor, since he has cameras everywhere in an attempt to prove that I was some dangerous mutant.

As soon as I did that, I felt the impact on the table. It was shot and it was a heavy caliber bullet. As soon as that was done, I heard a growl. I turned and saw the familiar figure of Logan's mortal enemy, Sabretooth, who was running towards me. Knowing that he had some advanced senses, I emptied the entire pepper spray can on his head as soon as he approached me. The man yelled out as his senses were overwhelmed, and he thrashed around until he fell from the roof by himself.

I ran towards the door to avoid the sniper that was targeting me, and as soon as I went through the stairs, I was met with a tall male figure in armor, a weird skull mask and a white hood. It was like some discount Doctor Doom suit except that he was holding a shield and a sword that he was pointing at me. This was Taskmaster, a man who could copy any body movement as long as he sees it once. He had a photographic memory and complete control over his body to mimic the movements immediately. He was one of the SHIELD agents with the highest kill count available.

He spoke in an arrogant tone, "I'm going to ask you to stop, little lady."

Before he could continue, I modified the taser pepper spray device sneakily and released a flashbang, that shouldn't have done anything besides blinding him for half a second since he was probably using a HUD, but that was all I needed, to aim and spray some very modified permanent paint on his fake eyes, blinding him permanently. I sensed that there were a few people outside and I moved the struggling Taskmaster in front of me as I moved through the door, and he was immediately hit with a familiar concussive beam that destroyed Taskmaster's suit and knocked him out.

I watched as a glaring – I'm assuming, considering his tense posture – adult version of Scott Summers, one of my old students, was grabbing his visor in a very threatening manner.

I shrugged, unperturbed and let Taskmaster fall to the ground, "Well, if it isn't Scott Summers. It's been years, my boy, how have you been?" josei

"Jasmine Sayre, you're under arrest. Surrender and there will be no need for violence."

I pretended like I wasn't hearing him, "I didn't know you joined SHIELD, and to think that I had a mutant in my classroom. Is that why you were wearing your dorky glasses? You've certainly grown a lot."

"This is your last warning, Sayre. Surrender now!"

I snorted, "You do realize that you're the one in the wrong in this. You can't just arrest people and put them in cells because you want to. I don't know what you learnt at SHIELD, but taking someone without any official warrant or paperwork, is called kidnapping, even if it's the director of SHIELD that's doing it."

Scott tensed, and I prepared to use the flashbang one more time, but I didn't need to. A web was sent towards Scott's glasses, blinding him, and I was suddenly picked up from the ground and swung towards the roof of the other building.

The figure was in a sort of red and blue spandex, and I could immediately recognize the infamous hero in front of me, "Don't worry, Ma'am, I'll take care of this."

This was Spider-Man.

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