Magical Marvel (HP X MCU)

Chapter 319

Chapter 319: Of Bargains Struck

If you want to support me check out my patréon at https://www.patré

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 20 chapters ahead as a bonus.

I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.


13th May 2013, Limbo

(Jasmine Sayre POV)

Dream nodded, "Yes, you are correct. I have watched you and I am willing to help in exchange for a favor in return."

I was very dubious, but still willing to listen to him, "What is it?"

"I am willing to add a person to your side, someone that would be able to balance the scales somewhat, my Avatar, my champion. In exchange, I ask that you simply train him in the art of what his role will entail."

This was interesting but I still wasn't sure about it, "I thought that the Living Tribunal forbade anyone from interfering."

The cosmic entity had a predatory smile on his face, "That would apply if the soul in question hadn't been my Avatar for a very long time, not that they knew of it."

"And who is he supposed to be?" I questioned.

"Why Loki Odinson, of course, the God of Stories and Avatar of Dream."

Well, shit.

This was a big mess that I really didn't need to deal with right now. It was an opportunity, yes, but it came with many strings attached. I just stared blankly at dream before speaking up, "Are you sure that it's him? I have never sensed any cosmic energy from him, only the energies provided by the Odinforce."

It was a sensible question. I had personally trained Loki and to do that, I had to examine his powers very closely. I knew that there was a spark hidden underneath, but I assumed that it was his own potential that he was stifling. I felt he was strong, but he was certainly not even close to being the Avatar of a Cosmic Entity. Jean, even when she was untrained, was far more powerful than any potential I sensed he had.

Dream looked at me like I was an idiot, "Are you insinuating that I somehow do not know who my own Avatar is?"

"No, of course not, I simply hadn't sensed anything from him, so it's somewhat surprising. I trained him myself."

Dream shrugged, "His connection to the Odinforce often stifles the growth of his cosmic potential in every lifetime. Even then, my powers have safeguards in them due to their strength. He cannot use my powers without being at peace with himself, without being clearheaded enough. Even then, I have only awarded Loki with barely more than a fraction of what an Avatar should have."

It makes sense, Dream was a very powerful entity, and Loki could end up doing a lot of harm if he fell into madness with the powers of Dream in his hands. But the nerfing was something I didn't understand; cosmic entities tended to make sure that their Avatars were as powerful as possible to better represent their interests, "And the power down?"

"Eons ago, there was a Loki who Odin failed immensely. He chose to leave Asgard and removed himself from the All-Father's reach by destroying his link to the Odinforce. For the first time, he had access to his powers as an Avatar, and he honed them, as much as he could. He didn't understand it then and thought that his father had been binding him all this time. And so, he called himself the God of Stories and rose above the power of even his father," Dream answered with a solemn tone.

I could understand where this was going. Loki could barely be called stable at the best of times and was naturally a chaotic being. Dream's powers are based on reality and mental manipulation, and I could imagine a bratty Loki destroying universes just to get back at his neglectful father.

Dream continued, ignoring my horror, "He developed the awareness of Dreams and Stories but did not have any control. He became powerful, dangerously so, and deranged when he realized the nature of his existence. He proved to be a danger to the entire universe or even the multiverse. He was untrained, undisciplined, and without the proper understanding of what he was, or his duties to me. He tried to kill the abominations that controlled the cycle of Ragnarök, and knowing what he would do with this power, I removed my blessing, turning the raging bonfire into a spark, allowing them to kill him. And thus ended the tale of Loki, the God of Stories."

It was probably a good thing to have an Avatar of a Cosmic Entity by my side, but this was too good, and I learnt long ago to not trust these beings. They do not often lie, but they were very prone to misleading mortals. Still, something was still bugging me. Loki's ascension was convenient, too convenient, "Why now? Why this Loki?"

Dream shrugged, "I did not make the decision. The spark of my powers is in his soul as it has been when I first chose him. He channeled my powers when he was escaping these 'Shadows' as you call them, in their realm. His ascension has begun, and with it, his madness will flourish anew, stronger, more terrible than ever. I am asking you to save him from himself, from the chaos of dreams and nightmares, of the countless potential ideas and stories that will torment his soul."

"Then retract your blessing," I retorted.

"You don't understand. Loki is my ideal Avatar, the perfect one like you were Death's. I am not willing to let him go just yet."

This was getting more confusing, "Ideal Avatar?"

"In all of time and space, in all that was and will be, in every possible iteration of the universe, there exists only one soul that can be called an ideal match for every entity. There are two different types of Avatars, ones that are blessed by the entities, as they are deemed to be interesting, and beings that are the ideal representations of an entity. Loki is mine, as you were Death's."

"I was Death's ideal Avatar? Then why did she let me go so easily?"

Dream shrugged, "It surprised us all when you were even found. A living being that embodies the concept of Death perfectly is a paradox that I never expected to see. Which is why the fact that you were allowed to leave was such a scandal. Because don't mistake me, you did not leave Death's servitude, she let you go. Why? I do not know."

Well, that was something I needed to process later. I had to deal with the issue of Loki right now, "And Loki is yours?"

"Yes. The Living Tribunal warned me that should he endanger the nature of existence as he has done before, they would destroy his soul entirely."

So that's why he wants my help here. He is trying to entice me with Loki's allegiance, because he's not allowed to interfere and would likely get punished, along with his Avatar, should Loki do something he really shouldn't.

It wasn't a bad deal per se, but there were a lot of things that Dream wanted to leave unsaid. He wants me to save his ass and gave me a strong ally for the future. He really doesn't care about Entropy, about what he wished to do, and that made me sick.

A part of me wanted to just say fuck it and let the multiverse die, taking all the cosmic entities with it. Fate obviously lied during our last meeting. Cosmic Entities can interfere, they are simply not allowed to do so for some reason.

I grimaced; Loki was still my student, and he felt more like an attention starved young man, than the monster the legends portrayed him to be. I just couldn't let him fall any further. I didn't have it in me to be that dismissive over being petty. The logical thing would be to accept the bargain. I didn't really lose anything; I was still going to teach Loki, but I would just have to include control over his cosmic powers in the curriculum. And yet, Dream's involvement made me hesitate slightly in accepting.

Probably seeing my indecision, Dream spoke up, "Trust me, seeing where things are heading, you'll need as much help as you can get. Entropy is currently allied with Thanos, which means that he has the Mad Titan's army at his disposal. Not to mention the true power of the Necrosword, which he will start channeling because of his defeat at your hand."

"Wait, he wasn't using the Necrosword properly?"

"The Necrosword or the All-Black is a weapon created by the Elder God Knull, a being of such power that it eclipsed that of the Celestials. He was even able to learn from multiple iterations of his existence throughout the multiverse. It took a fully realized Avatar of the Phoenix Force and thousands of Celestials to bind him, and even then, they still perished in the battle. They didn't even kill him but bound his consciousness to another realm. Even now, traces of his existence would corrupt the mightiest and noblest of hearts. That sword was his masterpiece, his coup de gras. Did you really think that simply having the ability to destroy beings of energy is the extent of its power?"

I gulped slightly, "So, Entropy could have defeated me easily?"

Dream nodded, "At a price, yes. The Necrosword is as powerful as you give it influence over you. Entropy was careful, to only channel minute amounts of its power, but you've made him desperate. He'll be stronger and less constrained the next time you encounter him, and I'm afraid that you'll need all the help you could get, especially an Avatar with my powers. You will gain as much as you cultivate in him."

Well, I will admit that Dream's warnings have worried me. The alliance with Thanos, I had already guessed. He was a useful pawn that would give everything he needed to Entropy. But the All-Black was worrying. I didn't know much about it, other than the sword being forged by Knull – something that was terrifying enough – and that it had the ability to kill gods, which I translated to energy beings.

The idea that with each passing moment, Entropy was losing what made him a cosmic entity, and thus not being bound by their laws, was unsettling. I was very much scared that I genuinely couldn't deal with him by myself. Sure, I had fought Entropy at even ground, while I still hadn't mastered my cosmic powers, but he was sandbagged as well.

Fuck, I needed a heavy hitter, and Dream was providing me with one. The question was, was I desperate enough to accept whatever strings that came with this offer that I don't know about?

The answer was clear. It's not like the other cosmic entities would do my job, "Yes, Lord Dream. I will train Loki Odinson in the arts of becoming an Avatar of a Cosmic Entity." josei

Finally, the being with Endless power smiled slightly, "I am glad to hear it."

Tension had drained from his shoulders, and he must have seriously been worried about it. I didn't know if it was to cover his ass or if he just liked Loki, but it was better than his impassive face that barely moved during our entire conversation.

He continued, "A bargain is struck. It's time for your dream to end, Morrigan. It's time to wake up."

Before I could process it, the world disappeared into smoke, and I woke up with a gasp.


(Dream POV)

Dream watched as his sister's former Avatar left Limbo and woke up in the living world. He barely reacted as Death appeared behind him, "I did as you asked, sister. You owe me."

Death nodded, "I do."

His sister had asked him to speak to her former Avatar, whom she was still attached to for some reason, and he had no reason to refuse. Death had always supported him when he needed any assistance, "There's something I wished to ask. Why?"

Death simply raised an eyebrow, "Why what?"

"Do not try to be coy with me. I know you. Time would not have allowed Entropy's travel to the same timeline the way he did. You asked him to do so. You knew of Entropy's betrayal, and yet you are not concerned by the implications. So, why are you torturing your former Avatar so?"

"The last outcome of the altercation was not favorable, so I asked Time for a redo."

Dream was confused. It was an odd feeling, "Not favorable? She defeated Entropy."

His sister had a smug smile on her face, "She did. But that was not the optimal outcome."

With these parting words, Death disappeared into smoke, leaving a confused Dream behind.


If you want to support me check out my patréon at https://www.patré

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Thank you guys for your support in these hard times.

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