Maiden Of The Splitting Moon

Chapter 240 - The Crescent Cloud Wolf

Chapter 240 - The Crescent Cloud Wolf

Ming Yue brought out her sheathed sword, using the scabbard to block the fangs of the Crescent Cloud Wolf. However, she could not stop the attack as the weight of the wolf pushed them down. They were free falling down the mountain and just as the wolf was about to retreat, Ming Yue grabbed onto its fur as it returned to the mountain face.

The wolf shook his body trying to get rid of them but Ming Yue clung on. Rather than run straight up, the wolf's path began to twist and turn. Slowly, Ming Yue could feel her grip loosening but this was her chance! With her sword at hand, she unsheathed it and stabbed deeply into the back.

Wincing in pain and feeling rage well up, the wolf snapped at her, trying its best to grab her.

It did not want to fight her if possible. With the chaotic state that the mountains were in, the wolf wanted to save its strength against any beast that wanted to challenge it. Victory against this girl was sure to happen but in doing so, the Crescent Cloud Wolf would be open for other beasts to attack. If this were to happen, the wolf would surely lose its life and its standing in these lands.

Unfortunately, it seems that this could not be avoided.

Too focused on Ming Yue, the wolf slipped on a loose stone and began tumbling down. Ming Yue did not give it a chance to recover, attacking it violently as together they descended.

From below, a mountain cliff appeared to which they slammed into and the wolf's large body was turned into a cushion for Ming Yue. The resulting impact had split them from each other, rolling to opposite ends.

The white furred wolf growled, that last impact had fully unleashed its rage. To it, this little creature kept on annoying it, attacking with such arrogance.

Was this girl hunting it?

The wolf thought this and only grew angrier at such an idea. A Crescent Cloud Wolf was a beast that could not be restrained and it was the hunter. The roles were reversed but it did not believe that Ming Yue would succeed.

It stood up, slightly dazed but nothing more than that. The wounds that Ming Yue inflcited were already healing and some were nearly disappearing as well. It was a rank 5 beast after all and though Ming Yue attacked many times, the damage was only minor.

As for Ming Yue, she slowly recovered from the fall but felt danger coming close. Instinctively she jumped away, avoiding the wolf's claws. It shook her awake and her mind quickly began to plan. Both Hei Yue and Xiao Yin followed her but bared their claws at the wolf.

"It's too quick..."

Ming Yue quickly thought of how she would attack this beast as the wolf followed its first strike with another. With where they were, standing atop a cliff, the wind and rain was especially harsh, hitting the stone floor with power.

As she avoided the second attack, her back hit against the wall of the mountain

"This place is too small, I need to lure it somewhere else."

Indeed, the cliff did not provide much space for Ming Yue to move around which made it even more difficult to avoid the wolf's claws. It's eyes began to glow and the crescent-shaped pupils enlarged, beams of light emerged and locked onto Ming Yue's two pets.

The Star Owl and Mistral Fox saw this and immeidately separated, running in different directions. The beams glowed before solidifying into light, chasing after the two as it left a trail of black on the stone floor.

Xiao Yin flew up, bringing the light beam up the mountain as her claws glowed white. The owl turned around, swinging its claws and releasing a moon-shaped wave of light. Hei Yue attacked at the same time, releasing a small puff of black fog as the wolf's beam attack could no longer track the little fox.

Hei Yue emerged from the fog, running towards the wolf with his claws releasing a black glow. He clawed at the Crescent Cloud Wolf, leavng a small wound on its leg. The black glow seemed to transfer from tthe fox to the wound, making it much more difficult to heal. josei

The moon-shaped wave of light clashed into the giant wolf's body, cutting into the skin before losing its strength and dissipating.

MIng Yue took advantage, timing her attack with the other two. The wolf had lost concentration and the eyes no longer glowed. It was pushed back by an inch just as Ming Yue made her move.

She brought out her sword, thrusting her sword at the wolf's shoulder. The blade pierced the fur and straight into the flesh. Brimming with her power, the blade was imbued with both the element of wind and lightning, shredding the flesh it touched and nearly paralyzing the areas she stabbed into.

The wolf howled and shook Ming Yue off before biting down on her.

Ming Yue dodged the attack only to find her body slammed back to the mountain as the wolf pushed her with one of its paws.

"Ugh, damn it", she grunted from the pain before gripping her sword and attack once more.

The cliff was simply too small and allowed nothing other than a frontal attack. She had to push it off. If it could cushion this fall, it could do it again.

The wolf welcomed her to attack, showing its fangs and claws, growling at her.

Ming Yue ran forward, clashing with the wolf who swiped its paws at her. She leaped forward avoid the strike but the wolf's fangs were waiting for her and they chomped down. But she was prepared and stopped the attack, pushing against the fangs with her sword which had been sheathed. She spun around, landing on the wolf's head with the scabbard still stuck between the jaws.

Ming Yue sat right in front of the wolf's eyes, just a few feet from the snout as she grabbed both ends of her weapon and pulled back.

She was too quick and before the wolf knew it, its head was pulled back to the point where the beast stared at the sky.

MIng Yue turned the sword, forcing the wolf to follow where she wished. It staggered walking every which way before getting closer to the edge.

"Just a little bit more..."

She was holding on with every fiber of her being, trying to keep the head under her control. But she was just a bit short as her grip slipped and the wolf's head threw forward, launching her off the cliff. In that moment, Lightning struck and cracked the cliff, sending it and the wolf down with Ming Yue.

Fear and shock ran through her but she kept her mind as clear as she could. She had to act and quickly. Her sword was still within the wolf's jaws and she reached for it. Pulling out Drifting Sky, she stabbed into the wolf once more, catching it from just the tip.

With a flick of her wrist she pulled herself forward and landed on the white fur before clinging close to it as they fell even further down. Both Hei Yue and Xiao Yin chased after. The owl flew towards the falling bodies as the nimble fox leapt onto the falling cliff before making another one and catching onto the Crescent Wolf's fur.

Ming Yue could not help but close her eyes but she felt a shadow cover her.

They fell for more than a few seconds before crashing through a layer of stone and landing on a rock floor. It created a shockwave and dust blew up.. The impact had knocked out the wolf and Ming Yue and within this unknown place, they laid unconscious.

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