Maiden Of The Splitting Moon

Chapter 258 - Nothing But Empty Decorations

Chapter 258 - Nothing But Empty Decorations

Ming Yue thought to herself about this. What Xue Yue said was true, in the end, Ming Yue could force her out. Furthermore, Xue Yue has turned over control of her body. She was reluctant about this but in the end, Xue Yue was still a part of her. She probably felt bored and stifled being inside Ming Yue's mind.

"Fine, I will trust you but just this once."

Ming Yue agreed, believing that with her and Xue Yue, there needed to be a trust built between them. Then she allowed Xue Yue to take over, her mind fully slipped and she was now the observer.

"This will be fun."

Now in control, Xue Yue looked around and took a breath of fresh air. She curled her fingers, feeling the sensations. On the outside, there was little change that one saw but everyone felt a slight change, not knowing it came from Ming Yue.

Only Yin Zhu and Wenqing Yan could trace it back to her. There was bloodlust coming from her, emanating form her eyes which now took on a different color, pure white pupils.

They're were about to say something when Elder Xiang appeared.

"Fifth Rotation! Begin!"

The fights began and everyone made their moves.

"Grasp of the Abyssal Ocean!"

"A Hundred Stinging Tendrils!"

"Frozen Ground, Blistering Naraka!"

Wenqin Yan and two others found this chain of techniques to work the best, executing this combination in a few seconds.

The opposing team found their bodies grow several times heavier from the indigo water drenching their clothes. Lightning sparked, coursing through the water and into their bodies, coiling around and numbing them. One or two were even paralyzed. If it wasn't enough, the atmosphere grew cold as the ground seemed to freeze over and creep up their legs. Unless they had the strength, they could not break out of these shackles.

But there were several that managed to avoid these techniques, one of them being Li Baojun.

Xue Yue and Yin Zhu went to work, quickly disposing of the unlucky few.

"Move quickly! We cannot let then continue their attack! Break their momentum."

The remaining opponents quickly retreated and regrouped, preparing for a counterattack. They took to the air, flying about and avoiding the icy ground. The Inheritor made their move.

"Wenqin Yan! Get over here!"

A tan skinned women with long red hair charged at him. In her hands was a bow to which she shot arrows formed from her Quintessence Energy, like the color of her hair they were crimson in color and emitted a gentle warmth.

However, she was far from gentle. Four arrows shot from her bow, piercing the ground as Wenqin Yan ran off.

"Raging Sun, Solar Rain!"

Her next arrow shined as it flew, splitting into a countless number of arrows that covered the arena.josei

"Lin Xin Jian! That's not going to work! Eye of the Immeasurable Typhoon!"

Wenqin Yan spun his spear, creating a massive typhoon that shook the arrows from their course. The typhoon stopped and he brandished his spear, trasforming the indigo waters into four great serpents.

"Dance of the Four Seadragons!"

The serpents followed Lin Xin Jian, circling and surrounding her as they danced around.

"I'll deal with her! Everyone else, focus on eliminating the enemy team! We have the advantage, do not waste it!"

He shouted to his group before leaping up with his spear, following this huntress.

Everyone began to diverge, some worked together while others went alone. Xue Yue was of the latter as there was only one person in her eyes. She found Li Baojun off to the side of the arena, swinging his jade colored saber against one of her comrades. An unlucky person who found herself targeted by Li Baojun.

"Fall for me! Six Point Strike!"

Now an elite disciple of the Saber Hall, his techniques were exquisite, fancy, complex. It seems that he practiced solely on Saber Dao and nothing else. With his saber, he stabbed forward, producing five more copies of his saber. Six brilliant jade sabers flashed in the air as they aimed for his opponent, who could not fend nor avoid this strike. Wielding a three section staff, this ordinary disciple shaped it into a triangle which produced a barrier. Unfortunately, a defensive technique like this would shatter under that attack.

Yet, it did not. These six flashes of jade were countered, shattering when it should've been the barrier.


Li Baojun could not understand what had happened for it was too quick. He looked at this cowering prey of his only to find someone in front of them.

"It's you..."

He recognized Ming Yue in an instant. But how could he forget about her? In that battle for the Diving Dragonfly, he could do nothing but steal the corpse and run. He could never forget the terror he felt from her, the thought that she would kill him without hesitation. It made his heart tremble faintly.

But what of it? He had become an Elite Disciple, dove into the manuals and cultivated for over half a year! The resources he had access to were leagues beyond what he had as some measly disciple. He was an elite! One more step and it would be Inheritor for him! Why should he be afraid of someone he had duped once. What more, he could tell that she was only at the beginning of the Perception Stage unlike him who was at the edge of breaking into the next stage, the fifth stage of Emotion.

The more Li Baojun thought of his own achievements, the more he felt confident, cocky even. WHat was there to fear?

He held his Jade Emperor Saber, pointing it at Xue Yue.

"Hmph, Do you want to have a look? This is what I obtained with the points from the Diving Dragonfly."

As if showing it off, he maneuvered the blade, allowing the sun to shine upon it. The saber itself was excellent, intricate, and well made. The body of the blade was covered in a layer of bright jade whereas the edge was resembling that of steel though there was a green glow to it. The handle was similarly made of jade and steel, a dragon was etched, coiling around the handle and through a third of the jade blade. Furthermore, the dragon's front claws were carved out on both sides of the guard, it created the illusion of the dragon gripping it.

What more, there were five claws on each paw compared to those that had two or three. A five clawed dragon is a symbol of the king. Carved out of jade, it only added to the lavishness.

"I hope you like it because this will be the end for you."

With the saber still pointed at her, Li Baojun attacked immediately.

"The One Saber!"

It was a quick strike and it was perfect, strike of pure skill. It was only the saber and nothing more, a simple strike that some may find impossible to break. Upon this attack, Ming Yue felt his saber release an air of piercing sharpness. It was obvious that he had reached a similar level in master to the saber to hers with the sword but it was only similar.

Her soul energy surged into her sword as she utilized her accumulations of the Sword Sage Path.

If Li Baojun wanted a battle in weapon skills, he will have it.

Xue Yue smiled as she attacked. Drifting Sky cut through the air, strengthened by the sharp aura. It was by no means casual attack as she used her full strength on it.

As the two blades met, Li Baojun's saber flew out of his hands, landing right behind him. Before he realized it, Xue Yue's sword was at his neck.

"That saber? In your hands, it's nothing but an empty decoration."

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