Maiden Of The Splitting Moon

Chapter 333 - North Fort

Chapter 333 - North Fort

Ming Yue saw nothing but light though it did not blind her. It was not painful to look. Seconds passed and the light soon dulled and vanished. Her vision returned and she was met with a rush of wind as all around her was dry, cracked land. 

"This is the Demon Continent?" she thought. 

The air was thin and arid and the sky was dim, a grayish color with clouds scattered across the sky. 

Looking down, she examined the teleportation circle, finding it to be the exact same as the one in the Human Continent. 

Hei Yue sniffed the air, the little fox's eye darted about as it gave a low growl. 

As Ming Yue looked around, she noticed a figure standing outside of the platform, waiting for her. 

She turned and walked off of the platform, greeting this person with cupped fists. 

It was a young man dressed in light, leather armor, a scout it would seem an his cultivation was at the early stages of the Earth Realm. His hair was of an auburn color and tied back into a ponytail. His skin was tan and his eyes were energetic and excited. 

"Miss Ming Yue?" 

He looked at her, confirming her identity. 

Ming Yue nodded and showed her badge to him. 

"Ah yes, my name is Liu Wan from the North Fort. I am to take you there and bring you to Commander Du Xiu."

He turned and pointed off into the distance where a massive stone castle stood. Tall and imposing, the castle was surrounded by a stone wall, fortified with steel. There were openings within them, made for archers to shoot out of. Numerous weapons from small boulders to hot oil were built into them. The fort was heavily armed and daunting to look at. There was no decor for it was built to stand through the worst of onslaughts. 

Despite its simple name, It was the most impressive of all the structures Ming Yue had seen. 

"All right then, let's go, miss. We can't keep the commander waiting."

Liu Wan immediately dashed off, leading these newcomers to the fort. As they made their way there, he made a bit of small conversation, asking questions and talking about the Demon Continent.

"I'm sure this is not what you expected to see in the Demon Continent or maybe it is. But not all of the Demon Continent is like this. There is still a bit of forest and a fair bit of life here and there. You wouldn't believe it if I told you it was much worse when we first arrived. It was truly lifeless."

Ming Yue looked around as he spoke, finding small sprouts scattered about. The closer they came, the lusher the land became. The dry ground was replaced by fertile soil as she spotted several soldiers tending to the crops.

"But we brought in some experts and a few treasures to try and revitalize the land. Furthermore, a fair number of us are from villages and farms. Even the Commander himself spends time tending to the crops. It's been hard work but many of us enjoy it, always thinking about the war can weather the mind."

"In any case, it has been a long time since we have had visitors. That is especially so for someone like you. Are you here on some sort of task?"

He turned and looked back at her, his eyes were curious. 

As far as he knew, Ming Yue was a young cultivator accompanied by a dark silver furred fox and a gray feathered owl perched on her shoulder. Despite her age and appearance, he could tell that she was strong and that the equipment she wore was not ordinary. 

What business did someone like her have in the Demon Continent? This he wondered. 

"Yes, I have been given a task."

Ming Yue nodded and confirmed his question but did not speak further as such topics could not be divulged so easily. 

"Is that so? Well then, we're almost there to the North Fort. It's just a few minutes ahead."

He looked forward and gestured for Ming Yue to see. 

Her eyes widened just a tad as she had a much closer look at the North Fort. The walls that enclosed the fort had to be close to be thirty meters in height. The gate was half of that height and wide enough for even the largest of caravans to enter. 

Liu Wan looked towards the gate and shouted out.

"It's me, Scout Liu! I've returned with the newcomer!"

There was a short silence before the gates rumbled. There were numerous clanking sounds as the bolts keeping them closed were shifted and the gates slowly opened. They opened enough for the two to walk in and closed behind their backs. 

Within the fort, Ming Yue took this new place.  josei

"This seems more like a small city than a fort", she thought, "But... it's quite quiet."

It was not as bleak as she believed it to be but at the same time, the streets were empty but there were stores lined up. Walking through, there were few people out and more soldiers patrolling the area. Liu Wan glanced over at her, noticing her gaze at her surroundings. 

"Ah, you must be wondering about what's going on. We've previously allowed only the most trusted of merchants and craftsmen to enter as liaisons to the other kingdoms. Whatever treasures and strange objects we find, we bring to them to appraise and to send back to the Human Continent. At the same time, it is a good way to generate money and help pay for this war."

"However, most of them have left due to the incoming clash. It is too dangerous for them to stay here and those that stayed only do so under the order of their superiors. Where there are battles, there will be corpses and there will be things to take from them."

His face turned slightly grim as he continued to walk towards the center of the fort. 

"You may think that such things are dishonorable or immoral but in war, especially something like this, morality as little value."

Ming Yue looked at his figure, finding it slightly tense as he spoke of this. She did not reply to his words and merely followed him. It was not her place to judge something she knew little about. 

As they moved through the fort and approached the center, it was a bit more livelier but the atmosphere was tense. Liu Wan took her into a large building, which could be considered a fort itself. He led her up to the highest level, the fifth, and stopped at a pair of imposing doors. 

"We are going to meet Commander Du Xiu, a well-respected warrior from the Raging Sun Kingdom and one of the strongest as well. He is a former disciple of the Hundred Asura Pagoda and was personally taught by two of the Ten Fiends, who guard the pagoda. Talented and hardworking, the commander is the reason why the Raging Sun can maintain its position as the largest kingdom. But do not be intimidated by him and when you enter, steel your resolve."

Ming Yue nodded and prepared herself. She turned around and looked at Xiao Yin and Hei Yue. 

"You two should stay here, I'll be out in a bit", she said. 

They had sad eyes and understood, stepping away. 

"Don't worry, I will be outside to watch them. It will just be you and him."

Liu Wan smiled and then took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

"The newcomer is here."

"Bring them in."

A calm voice spoke out, it was low but had dignity and grit to it. 

The doors opened and Ming Yue walked in, seeing Commander Du Xiu upfront. He looked back and their eyes met. There was no smile on his face, only a serious expression.

"I am Commander Du Xiu, welcome to the Demon Continent."

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